Islamic Caliphate

I lost interest when I saw islamofacist, what the hell is an islamofacist?

Aww.. I'm sorry there weren't any bright shiny objects to keep your attention, Frog. An "Islamofascist" is a person who has perverted the Islamic faith, and is using the tactic of fascism to implement their twisted perversion. It is used to denote a distinct difference between who we are fighting, and legitimate Muslim people, who don't subscribe to this warped ideology of hate.

No, I guess there wasn't too much bright in your post...that is why I didn't waste my time

So, they are like the JudeaoChristofacists?
You two are idiots. Really.

Grown men running around crying that the other called them a name....

Grow the fuck up. You really think the rest of this forum wants to see your crying contests all the time? You think that rehashing this shit in every goddamned thread is doing anything for either of you?

Carry on I guess....

Alright Beefy, cyber five!
The Caliphate some of Islam love em, some don't. It was a schism, just like Christianity had a schism.

I would say the schisms in Islamic belief, have come about as a direct result of disputes over who controlled the Caliphate. I've not heard the views of the anti-caliph Muslims, where might I find those?

Islam in some areas is indeed behind the times and radical. Education and not bombs will change this.

WOW... Seems they've had an opportunity to gain an education since the 7th Century, and so far, nothing has changed. I somehow think they might need motivation... like when your step-mom used to pour warm beer on you to get you to wake up and go to school?
The Caliphate some of Islam love em, some don't. It was a schism, just like Christianity had a schism.

I would say the schisms in Islamic belief, have come about as a direct result of disputes over who controlled the Caliphate. I've not heard the views of the anti-caliph Muslims, where might I find those?

Islam in some areas is indeed behind the times and radical. Education and not bombs will change this.

WOW... Seems they've had an opportunity to gain an education since the 7th Century, and so far, nothing has changed. I somehow think they might need motivation... like when your step-mom used to pour warm beer on you to get you to wake up and go to school?

That is the reasons for the different sects. Karen Armstrong wrote an excellent book called the "HIstory of God"

Also, if you were a true student of history, you would also know what has gone on in those countries and why their growth has been stunted.
You two are idiots. Really.

Damn, you are only half right! That's pretty bad for you Beefy, being you're an expert on the subject, and all!

you are right about that DIxie.... as proof...I can say that, unlike you, I have ALWAYS known the difference between an arab and a persian.

and stay away from my son!
You two are idiots. Really.

Damn, you are only half right! That's pretty bad for you Beefy, being you're an expert on the subject, and all!

You know exactly what I'm talking about. A 46 year old man running around whining that a 55 year old cyber-enemy said bad things, and vice-versa....

Yeah, you're both idiots.
That is the reasons for the different sects. Karen Armstrong wrote an excellent book called the "HIstory of God"

Also, if you were a true student of history, you would also know what has gone on in those countries and why their growth has been stunted.

What is the reason for the different sects and stunted growth, the Caliphate? Of course it is! That IS my point! Thanks for understanding!

This is why it is incumbent upon us, to introduce some counter ideology, and see if we can't change the dynamic. History has proven, the Caliphate is nothing but trouble, it has never brought peace or prosperity, and has been the root cause of all the turmoil.
You know exactly what I'm talking about. A 46 year old man running around whining...

Hold on fucker, when did I do that?

From where I am reading, I suggested Maine stop doing exactly this! I've not brought the past up, he did! He continues to do it, he can't help it! I've put it behind me... which was hard to do, considering the predatory things he said regarding my young daughter. But, Maine? He can't put it down... he is about another post away from sharing his sick twisted ideas regarding his own son! I've never mentioned his son in any post. Get Prissy to research it!

Maine is an idiot, I agree with you there, and you are an expert on idiots, which is why I am surprised you were only half right. You generally do better.
You do it all the time. So does Maine. Thus, you're both idiots.

No, I only do it when Maine does, not all the time... again, you are only half right. Not good for your average Beefy!
You do it all the time. So does Maine. Thus, you're both idiots.

No, I only do it when Maine does, not all the time... again, you are only half right. Not good for your average Beefy!

Stop it already. When you cry, I'll call you a crybaby. Nobody's forcing either of you to say anything, you do so on your own accord. Reactivity is not a virtue, its a vice. And a vice that is favored by idiots. Quit pretending you are merely doing what you have to, you don't have to.

Stop being an idiot.
What is the reason for the different sects and stunted growth, the Caliphate? Of course it is! That IS my point! Thanks for understanding!

This is why it is incumbent upon us, to introduce some counter ideology, and see if we can't change the dynamic. History has proven, the Caliphate is nothing but trouble, it has never brought peace or prosperity, and has been the root cause of all the turmoil.

I do understand some of it being the internal affairs of Islam, but a lot of it was also brought on the explotation of the West. The same thing happened and continues to happen in Africa and South America is starting to wake up.
Wait for the "blow-back"
Quit pretending you are merely doing what you have to, you don't have to.

I never claimed I had to. I don't do it because I have to, I am doing it to try and rehabilitate our friend Maine, who can't seem to have a debate without bringing the subject up, in some way. Call it, Tough Love! I figure, sooner or later, he will get the message, it's best to let sleeping dogs lie... and actually UNDERSTAND what that term means. If not, if he wants to continue to revisit the past, we can do that, but it will not be a pleasant visit... it's like breaking the new pet dog... I reinforce Maine's good behavior by actually engaging in debate with his stupid ass, but I have to discipline the bad behavior, when he wants to revert to the pervert.

When you cry, I'll call you a crybaby.

This just occurred to me, but who is going to call you a crybaby when you are crying about me and Maine? Did you assign that to Ornut or Prissy? ooo---ooo.... BLACKFLAG!!! I bet THAT's who is going to come in now and call you a crybaby AND a Drama Queen! LOL!
I do understand some of it being the internal affairs of Islam, but a lot of it was also brought on the explotation of the West.

Not really, it depends on your viewpoint. The past exploitation of the west, is an excuse they use to justify their position and viewpoint, it is not an established fact, there was indeed, exploitation.

The same thing happened and continues to happen in Africa and South America is starting to wake up.
Wait for the "blow-back"

The United States, and "the West" is involved in South America and Africa, as well as every other continent on this planet. We have always promoted and encouraged freedom, liberty, and democracy for all. We have become the world's greatest super-power of all-time, because of that.

The radical Islamic idea of re-establishing the Caliphate, is something we can't allow. You don't see this, because you are failing to comprehend the spiritual and cultural Islamic aspects you do not understand. They do not wish to coexist in the same world with us, negotiate and trade with us, deal with us in good faith. They will never wish to do this with Infidels, to do so, is the worst of sins to them. A ruling Caliphate will be the catalyst to bring about the Apocalyptic event, which will reveal the last Imam, and open the passage way for the return of their Savior. This is not a bargaining chip for them, this is their interpretations of their Scripture, and their belief within their very souls. This is what makes radical Islam so dangerous, and such a threat! We can not negotiate with people who want to bring about Apocalypse, so God can return! It seems a die-hard liberal pinhead would understand that, but you seem to have a mental block when it comes to religious fanatics outside of Christianity.
asshat... all dixie ever has is half baked warmed over bullshit. Like was previously said, after a while, you can judge the content of the post by knowing the content of the "character".

If you had been here long enough, you would know that Dixie has been woefully ignorant about the caliphate and the true aims of wahabbism vis a vis the establishment thereof for several years now... so when he comes up with yet another of his flatulent. self congratulatory gadfly rants and it's actually about something he previously has shown zero knowledge of, it makes one remember that he doesn't even know the difference between an arab and a persian... so it goes without saying that his pontifications about the more esoteric aspects of Islam are not worth the time it takes to read them. Now, if you want to call that "petty sniping", have at it...this is the asshole who called me a pedophile on numerous occasions, so you'll forgive me if I don't JUMP to give his latest piece of "scholarly analysis" the benefit of the doubt.

Ok. It's petty sniping, ya pedophile. Seems to me dixie is concerned about the right things and you're in denial.
Dixie says:

"Following the invasion of Afghanistan, the radical Islamofascists revived their calls for a new Caliphate, and have fostered great support among fellow Muslims, who would benefit from a powerful governmental entity, such as the Caliphate."

That is a false statement. Wahabbism has very few followers throughout the Islamic world. We can minimize the attractiveness of that philosophy going forward - not by invading and conquering oil rich arab countries - but by working with arab and muslim nations to constructively solve the palestinian problem and by working to address the socioeconomic inequities that continue to plague the region.

A small group of muslims wants to harm us. We only make their numbers grow when we cause harm to innocent muslims - and our war in Iraq has done precisely that.

As I have said many times before, if we want to get muslims to STOP wanting to kill us, we need to find a better path than killing muslims unless we are prepared to kill ALL of them.