Isn't a Coronavirus Stimulus check a form of Socialism?

Hello Dutch Uncle,

A majority of Americans made Trump President. If you seek to have California and New York dictate who becomes President, have you considered changing the Constitution?

How do you get a 'majority' out of 3 million fewer voters? DT lost the popular vote.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Trump won the election as have all Presidents won the election. Are you claiming he did not?

Again, instead of whining about technicalities, try running more honest, less deplorable candidates. ;)

He got helped by Russia.

He also got impeached. He should have been convicted. The evidence was quite clear. He only escaped conviction and removal in the sham trial because he holds the power of tweet-shaming-over a suck-up Republican Senate who could hardly climb over one another fast enough to ignore evidence and prevent witnesses.
it does represent the country as we know it today.

nobody won any states in which they didn't win the popular vote.

the system is fine. you're a moron.

Now see, I tried to have a decent conversation and you once again resort to insults. Since you are obviously immersed in trump style stupidity, I wont make that mistake again. That said, the system does not reflect today's world in many respects. A proportional system would make EVERY vote count. Now, maybe tRump can actually win this election by popular vote this time....) Not!!!!!!.......lmao
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Yep. Do you think that when they get sick and have to be seen, that they request conservative doctors and nurses only? Good luck with *that*. lol

These are the same folks that scream "anti-abortion", then sneak their teenage daughters to the nearest abortion clinic in another county.
Have you noticed that the trumpanzees have resorted to altering quotes and other stunts to get attention to their posts? Could it be that tRump abysmal handling of CV is taking its toll on them?
Hello Dutch Uncle,

He got helped by Russia.

He also got impeached. He should have been convicted. The evidence was quite clear. He only escaped conviction and removal in the sham trial because he holds the power of tweet-shaming-over a suck-up Republican Senate who could hardly climb over one another fast enough to ignore evidence and prevent witnesses.

The hilariousness of the tRump supporters claiming victory in the Senate trial tickles me. When you suppress evidence and prevent certain testimony, the outcome can pretty much be determined. And yes, it was a Moscow Mitch sham show.
A majority of Americans made Trump President.

If you seek to have California and New York dictate who becomes President, have you considered changing the Constitution?

More Americans voted for HRC than DT.

The GOP has only won the popular vote one single time since the 1980s.

Surely, the framers of the constitution did not intend to create a system where one Party kept routinely losing the popular vote but nonetheless kept being awarded control of the Executive Branch
More Americans voted for HRC than DT.

The GOP has only won the popular vote one single time since the 1980s.

Surely, the framers of the constitution did not intend to create a system where one Party kept routinely losing the popular vote but nonetheless kept being awarded control of the Executive Branch

So fix it. What's stopping you?
These are the same folks that scream "anti-abortion", then sneak their teenage daughters to the nearest abortion clinic in another county.

Agreed. OTOH, RW nutjobs did not invent nor do they have a monopoly on hypocrisy. That's why Pelosi and Feinstein want to disarm Americans but retain their armed body guards.
Hello Dutch Uncle,
He got helped by Russia.

He also got impeached. He should have been convicted. The evidence was quite clear. He only escaped conviction and removal in the sham trial because he holds the power of tweet-shaming-over a suck-up Republican Senate who could hardly climb over one another fast enough to ignore evidence and prevent witnesses.

I have no doubt as the multiple reports conclude. What is in doubt is how many votes were altered by Russian interference.

Agreed on impeached and I think he should have been convicted, but it was stupid to impeach a sitting president in an election year. Pelosi was smart enough to realize that problem but she was overrun by a mass number of newbies in the House.

Here's a tip. Let's not elect anymore lying draft-dodging cowards and serial adulterers. All that happens is they fuck up government and get impeached. Such a waste of time and money.

More Americans voted for HRC than DT.

The GOP has only won the popular vote one single time since the 1980s.

Surely, the framers of the constitution did not intend to create a system where one Party kept routinely losing the popular vote but nonetheless kept being awarded control of the Executive Branch

the framers didn't want parties controlling the government, first off. secondly, they didn't want high population centers controlling the government
These are the same folks that scream "anti-abortion", then sneak their teenage daughters to the nearest abortion clinic in another county.

Yes, you're right, of course. There is literally no limit to the RW hypocrisy, is there? What do you want to bet that the "it's not any worse than a cold" crowd are practicing thorough handwashing, social distancing, and stockpiling of TP? lol
the framers didn't want parties controlling the government, first off. secondly, they didn't want high population centers controlling the government

Agreed, hence all of the safe guards placed in the Constitution. Our government only works when everyone cooperates. That's why it's dysfunctional now: too many extremists who are unwilling to cooperate. Fine. Better to have nothing done than something more fucked up than a football bat be imposed upon the American people.

As you pointed out, one of the safe guards was the Electoral College so that no single or small group of high population states would dictate every move of the nation. Good job, Founders!

Hello Dogdicklicker,

I plan on voting. I plan on voting for whoever wins the (D) nomination, whether it's Bernie, Biden, Santa Claus, or the Tooth Fairy. It is impossible to find any candidate worse than the slime currently occupying our WH.

Best wishes for your recovery,


Biden is going to be the Democrrtic Party's nominee - there's no doubt about that now.

That means you'll be voting for Biden to be President of the US.

Given he is a slimy, Democrat establishment swamp monster, with appalling a political record of warmongering, corruption etc. More importantly and disturbingly is conspicuously afflicted with incipient dementia and: (1) doesn't know where he is half the time; (2) has a tendency to ramble off bizarre, irrational nonsensical stories; (3) is often confused, unfocused and disorientated like a proverbial stunned mullet; (4) manages to mistake his wife for his sister; (5) thought Margaret Thatcher was still in powe; (6); makes up fantastic lies about his heroic adventures in places like South Africa and Afghanistan and his participation in the Civil Rights movement; (7) forgets basic facts and so on.He Is known as "creepy Joe as he has a penchant for inappropriate touching of the opposite sex, a former habit of parading naked in front of female employees in the White House when he was Obama's VP, frotteurism, sniffing the hair of young girls and other sexually deviant behaviours.

Given this,I think that anyone who would vote for Biden to be POTUS in Nov 2008 would have to be just as crazy and stupid as he is. They would have to have about the same level of cognitive functioning as a giant DILDO (and I'm sure you would have a pretty good idea of what that level is, Fowlwoman).

Do you realise just how dumb you are, voting for Biden ? Do you think its a good idea to vote for a man whose brain is turning to jello, to be POTUS ? Do you think putting Biden in control of the world's largest nuclear arsenal is very prudent, given he probably can't even wipe his own ass ?

Stupid Woman !!


Biden is going to be the Democrrtic Party's nominee - there's no doubt about that now.

That means you'll be voting for Biden to be President of the US.

Given he is a slimy, Democrat establishment swamp monster, with appalling a political record of warmongering, corruption etc. More importantly and disturbingly is conspicuously afflicted with incipient dementia and: (1) doesn't know where he is half the time; (2) has a tendency to ramble off bizarre, irrational nonsensical stories; (3) is often confused, unfocused and disorientated like a proverbial stunned mullet; (4) manages to mistake his wife for his sister; (5) thought Margaret Thatcher was still in powe; (6); makes up fantastic lies about his heroic adventures in places like South Africa and Afghanistan and his participation in the Civil Rights movement; (7) forgets basic facts and so on.He Is known as "creepy Joe as he has a penchant for inappropriate touching of the opposite sex, a former habit of parading naked in front of female employees in the White House when he was Obama's VP, frotteurism, sniffing the hair of young girls and other sexually deviant behaviours.

Given this,I think that anyone who would vote for Biden to be POTUS in Nov 2008 would have to be just as crazy and stupid as he is. They would have to have about the same level of cognitive functioning as a giant DILDO (and I'm sure you would have a pretty good idea of what that level is, Fowlwoman).

Do you realise just how dumb you are, voting for Biden ? Do you think its a good idea to vote for a man whose brain is turning to jello, to be POTUS ? Do you think putting Biden in control of the world's largest nuclear arsenal is very prudent, given he probably can't even wipe his own ass ?

Stupid Woman !!


You figured out a Democrat is going to vote for the Democratic nominee? You are doing the Lord’s work sir.
Once the checks have been sent out, wait for the Reichtards to start screeching about how they didn't get theirs yet. I wonder why now, anyways? With businesses shuttered, the only spending ops are online or grocery stores.

TRE45ON will do anything to buy votes. If he sets himself on fire on Fifth Avenue, he'll get mine. :laugh:

yep, exactly what it is all about...

Only a fool would think an abuser like this monster would give a shit about anyone but himself & his own spawn...
yep, exactly what it is all about...

Only a fool would think an abuser like this monster would give a shit about anyone but himself & his own spawn...

There are many of those still around, but fewer and fewer as time goes by -- and not enough to re-elect the bumbling asshole of a TV game show host.