Biden is going to be the Democrrtic Party's nominee - there's no doubt about that now.
That means you'll be voting for Biden to be President of the US.
Given he is a slimy, Democrat establishment swamp monster, with appalling a political record of warmongering, corruption etc. More importantly and disturbingly is conspicuously afflicted with incipient dementia and: (1) doesn't know where he is half the time; (2) has a tendency to ramble off bizarre, irrational nonsensical stories; (3) is often confused, unfocused and disorientated like a proverbial stunned mullet; (4) manages to mistake his wife for his sister; (5) thought Margaret Thatcher was still in powe; (6); makes up fantastic lies about his heroic adventures in places like South Africa and Afghanistan and his participation in the Civil Rights movement; (7) forgets basic facts and so on.He Is known as "creepy Joe as he has a penchant for inappropriate touching of the opposite sex, a former habit of parading naked in front of female employees in the White House when he was Obama's VP, frotteurism, sniffing the hair of young girls and other sexually deviant behaviours.
Given this,I think that anyone who would vote for Biden to be POTUS in Nov 2008 would have to be just as crazy and stupid as he is. They would have to have about the same level of cognitive functioning as a giant DILDO (and I'm sure you would have a pretty good idea of what that level is, Fowlwoman).
Do you realise just how dumb you are, voting for Biden ? Do you think its a good idea to vote for a man whose brain is turning to jello, to be POTUS ? Do you think putting Biden in control of the world's largest nuclear arsenal is very prudent, given he probably can't even wipe his own ass ?
Stupid Woman !!