It's hilarious watching these libs panic

So you do admit you lied when you claimed I had multiple accounts. That's evidence of you having shit for brains.

I admit nothing. I was playing your retarded game about sock pupplets.

Now you understand why you look like a retarded faggot.
One account, boy. It's all I need to make a goddamn moron like you look like a fool.

Once a liar, always a liar. Anyone who reads a dozen of your posts can see it for themselves. You've lied several times so why should you be trusted to tell the truth about your accounts?
OK Boomer.

Most Republican voters are Boomers.

I work basically all the time. My engineering work, my hobby business, maintaining my cars, taking care of the lawns and gardens, fixing stuff, cleaning the houses. It's easily 80 hours/ week. When I do retire not much will change except the engineering will be dramatically lower, I'll probably write a book, maybe do some teaching...

All while posting here 23 hours a day