It's hilarious watching these libs panic

Lab rats do hundreds of simple tests over a certain year, so over 20 years it's reasonable that 1000 of the test results would end up in some obscure court documents. But what Dumber is trying to make us believe was that he sat in the witness chair and was drilled by a defense attorney, and did this at 1000 trials; an obvious lie.

I've been called as an expert witness by plaintiffs maybe four times in the last ten years and only one of those cases made it to court. The last time I was deposed (part of the pre-trial process) I devastated the defendant's case so badly that they begged for a settlement.

Wow! A whole four? Holy shit!

This is great fun at your expensive, cumstain. And you keep coming back for more. Such low hanging fruit.


Here we go with your usual M. O. Once you've been completely destroyed, call your opponent silly names. When that doesn't work he's "obsessed".

This goes to prove what I wrote earlier, that you've never sat in a witness chair for cross-examination by a smart attorney. He would have sliced and diced you, just like I do every time we "debate". You were just a lab rat that produced routine reports lol.
Here we go with your usual M. O. Once you've been completely destroyed, call your opponent silly names. When that doesn't work he's "obsessed".

This goes to prove what I wrote earlier, that you've never sat in a witness chair for cross-examination by a smart attorney. He would have sliced and diced you, just like I do every time we "debate". You were just a lab rat that produced routine reports lol.

One of my favorites was a federal RICO trial in Reno. Waited every day for 10 days for the call to testify. One can buy a lot of booze on federal per diem just to hang out at the swimming pool.
