It's hilarious watching these libs panic

Neither one of my real estate properties are over 1/2 acre, and both driveways are as short as possible so obviously I'n not driving cars around on them. ...

So you were lying by deception....a truly dark soul indeed:
... I'm driving my classics around when I have spare time because I'm staying "in my property". ...
...or do you think people understood you were just sitting in your driveway going "VROOOM-VROOOM!"?

For the third time, I ax you to use the same metric for yourself as you did for me earlier when you accused me of lying.
I always do. If you see a post you consider to be a lie; please cite it and we can discuss it.
So you were lying by deception....a truly dark soul indeed:...or do you think people understood you were just sitting in your driveway going "VROOOM-VROOOM!"?

I always do. If you see a post you consider to be a lie; please cite it and we can discuss it.

Apparently you are having reading comprehension issues. Notice that I wrote "in" my property, which clearly denotes that I was "in" a vehicle. If I was claiming to be within the limits of a vast estate I would have written that I was "on" my property. Also the context of my obvious creative interpretation of the government order should have made that clear to you.
Another example of pure evil from the far Right. Sad. Your master Satan must be very proud of your work.


Nothing evil about people getting what they deserve.
He never claimed to be rich either. Are you having trouble with reading comprehension for real or are you just making shit up as you troll along?

Again, like you, he's just weaseling around the idea. Do you honestly believe he wasn't bragging about his wealth? Are you denying you were doing the same? Attack all you like, but I expect most people can see both of you did so regardless how many insults you sling my way.
This is hilarious in that it fully exposed you are a lib, all while you claim to be "militantly moderate".

Says the "Dark Soul" who spreads lies and hate against others. The fact you lie so easily must be a great disappointment to your loved ones...if you have any.

Again, like you, he's just weaseling around the idea. Do you honestly believe he wasn't bragging about his wealth? Are you denying you were doing the same? Attack all you like, but I expect most people can see both of you did so regardless how many insults you sling my way.

Now you're playing the victim. Yet all the while you've been lying about me.
Says the "Dark Soul" who spreads lies and hate against others. The fact you lie so easily must be a great disappointment to your loved ones...if you have any.



Now you want me to compare my family and friendships against yours, I suppose.

Yet you deflect, because I have stripped away your facade to reveal the truth.
Now you're playing the victim. Yet all the while you've been lying about me.

How am I playing the victim? You the one who is lying about others while disclaiming you aren't and then whining about it by playing victim.

Now you want me to compare my family and friendships against yours, I suppose.

Yet you deflect, because I have stripped away your facade to reveal the truth.

No, but you are free to lie and twist my posts however you like. After all, you've been doing it ever since I joined this forum.

Your claims of victory ring hollow. Why didn't you use your usual "I destroyed your position" claim? Bring it up to an even 50. LOL
Never said it was my decision. However, that doesn't affect my ability to acknowledge when something is happening.
Weasel all you like. You've proved yourself to be a lying bigot and antisemitic several times, but you have Dark Soul's support as he just proved by thanking another of your posts.
How am I playing the victim? You the one who is lying about others while disclaiming you aren't and then whining about it by playing victim.

No, but you are free to lie and twist my posts however you like. After all, you've been doing it ever since I joined this forum.

Your claims of victory ring hollow. Why didn't you use your usual "I destroyed your position" claim? Bring it up to an even 50. LOLWeasel all you like. You've proved yourself to be a lying bigot and antisemitic several times, but you have Dark Soul's support as he just proved by thanking another of your posts.

Just telling the truth about a low life, %^ like you've chosen to be, BOY.