It's hilarious watching these libs panic

Owning property and a few old cars is considered "rich"? Dude, I have neighbors who make more in a month than I do in a year and I don't consider them rich.

It's time for you to delve into some self-reflection, and use the same metric for yourself as you did for me earlier, when you claimed several times that I was lying.


Ahh, so now it's no longer driving around your "classics" but just "a few old cars". LOL Dude, you are lying. You have lied and you are lying still. You've told deliberate falsehoods, you've lied about others and, as with the "classics" which you are now backpedaling, you've lied by deception and/or with the intent to deceive others.

Here's a hint: Follow the First Law of Holes.

Ahh, so now it's no longer driving around your "classics" but just "a few old cars". LOL Dude, you are lying. You have lied and you are lying still. You've told deliberate falsehoods, you've lied about others and, as with the "classics" which you are now backpedaling, you've lied by deception and/or with the intent to deceive others.

Dude, I own a '64 TBird, a '74 Fiat Spider, and an '81 Corvette. All old cars, all "antique" per NC statue. What am I supposedly lying about now?

Again I ax you to use the same metric for yourself as you did for me earlier.



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Dude, I own a '64 TBird, a '74 Fiat Spider, and an '81 Corvette. All old cars, all "antique" per NC statue. What am I supposedly lying about now?

Again I ax you to use the same metric for yourself as you did for me earlier.


Thanks for confirming your bragging in the OP.
I had an acquaintance from my HS days, my college years and after, he was always bragging about his job in "management".

No brag here, bitch. Nice little job after a long technical career that has resulted in a nice, lifelong pension.

What are you working these days, bitch? 50, 60 hours a week? More. Now THAT is something to be proud of. That you have to do so. I don’t. :rofl2:
Show me the panic, fuckface. I really want to see it. ;)

You see it every day in Trump: all pesty and testy. Granule, your second sentence shows your panic. On the other hand, the center and left call out the right daily, and those right wing silly goofs can't handle the assertions. They all get like you.
Typical Trumpanzee -- it's all about you. YOUR life is "perfect" so everyone else should STFU.

Let's hope that when you catch COVID, and you will, that 1) it's a mild case, and 2) you don't infect someone else for whom it's a death sentence.

Let's hope that you and your family catch it and 1) it's not a mild case, and 2) you are a day late and dollar short when it comes to getting help.
No brag here, bitch. Nice little job after a long technical career that has resulted in a nice, lifelong pension.

What are you working these days, bitch? 50, 60 hours a week? More. Now THAT is something to be proud of. That you have to do so. I don’t. :rofl2:

I work basically all the time. My engineering work, my hobby business, maintaining my cars, taking care of the lawns and gardens, fixing stuff, cleaning the houses. It's easily 80 hours/ week. When I do retire not much will change except the engineering will be dramatically lower, I'll probably write a book, maybe do some teaching...
But but but I thought you said that your were in "management".
Did I say I was the store manager, illiterate bitch?

Fucking moron.

Yep. Retirement job. In management, cunt. And, double dipping. The $$ are rolling in, bitch.

A pension for life. A couple of 401k accounts. This nice little second income. Then, SS in a few years. I’ll be bringing in more bucks than I ever did.


This mornings text from my elderly yellow dog Democrat neighbor:

"100k-250k dead, even stupid governor of Florida does still not believe it, what do you say now "Fake News" Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh, and Trump fake news."

My response:

"January 31 Trump suspended travel from China and mandated a quarantine. Democrats accuse him of racism. March 11 Judy Chu (D-CA) introduced the "no ban act", attempting to strip Trump's authority to enact travel bans, co-sponsored by 219 House Democrats..."

His response:

"Heil Trump." [Trump = Hitler.]

That's not bragging; it's disputing your silly allegation.

I'm content to let others decide if your OP was bragging or not since the subject initially about Libs panicking then you bragged about your cars and property large enough for you to drive around upon. Speaking of which, did you see Vice President Pence confirm that, in a best case scenario with hand washing, social distancing, etc, the US can expect 100,000-240,000 dead? Do you think he's panicking? He went on to say that without those things, we can expect over 1M dead Americans.

My elderly neighbor, a Democrat, reflects exactly what JPP libs are thinking. They are watching CNN, MSNBC, etc. and being fed lies continuously and sucking it all in like a pig would gravy. They have no concept of reality right now. 'We're all going to die!'

Meanwhile I'm working, my business has been deemed essential and is thriving. There are less dumbasses on the road and the cops don't want to pull anyone over for minor violations so I can drive even faster than I normally do. I'm driving my classics around when I have spare time because I'm staying "in my property". All the stores that I normally frequent are not just open but busy: hardware, home improvement, auto parts. The only thing affecting me at all is that Amazon is slow.

Trump's popularity has risen and that's causing the 'rats to panic. They were hoping to tank the economy to tank his re-election but instead turned him into a war time president, which guarantees another four great years.

#Trump 2020
I'm content to let others decide if your OP was bragging or not since the subject initially about Libs panicking then you bragged about your cars and property large enough for you to drive around upon.

Neither one of my real estate properties are over 1/2 acre, and both driveways are as short as possible so obviously I'n not driving cars around on them.

For the third time, I ax you to use the same metric for yourself as you did for me earlier when you accused me of lying.
Let's hope that you and your family catch it and 1) it's not a mild case, and 2) you are a day late and dollar short when it comes to getting help.

Another example of pure evil from the far Right. Sad. Your master Satan must be very proud of your work.
