It's hilarious watching these libs panic

That wasn't the question dumbass; how has Trump been irresponsible?

He fired the dept that would have dealt with this much sooner and did nothing when briefed back in January it was coming. Of course he has been grossly irresponsible. I'd say 75% of the deaths are directly his fault.
My elderly neighbor, a Democrat, reflects exactly what JPP libs are thinking. They are watching CNN, MSNBC, etc. and being fed lies continuously and sucking it all in like a pig would gravy. They have no concept of reality right now. 'We're all going to die!'

Meanwhile I'm working, my business has been deemed essential and is thriving. There are less dumbasses on the road and the cops don't want to pull anyone over for minor violations so I can drive even faster than I normally do. I'm driving my classics around when I have spare time because I'm staying "in my property". All the stores that I normally frequent are not just open but busy: hardware, home improvement, auto parts. The only thing affecting me at all is that Amazon is slow.

Trump's popularity has risen and that's causing the 'rats to panic. They were hoping to tank the economy to tank his re-election but instead turned him into a war time president, which guarantees another four great years.

#Trump 2020

Which JPP Libs are screaming "We're all going to die!"? Did your neighbor really say that or are you just bullshitting everyone again? If this is a fake virus, why did Trump shut down the country? Why won't he let everyone go back to work?

Hah! Another Trumpeteer who claims he has an "essential" job and is rich. So why are you hanging out on JPP again?

Typical Trumpanzee -- it's all about you. YOUR life is "perfect" so everyone else should STFU.

Let's hope that when you catch COVID, and you will, that 1) it's a mild case, and 2) you don't infect someone else for whom it's a death sentence.

This is just the latest in a long line of his "look at wonderful me" threads.
Which JPP Libs are screaming "We're all going to die!"? Did your neighbor really say that or are you just bullshitting everyone again? If this is a fake virus, why did Trump shut down the country? Why won't he let everyone go back to work?

Hah! Another Trumpeteer who claims he has an "essential" job and is rich. So why are you hanging out on JPP again?

The Democrat governor of my state put out a list of essential businesses. It includes contractors who keep buildings safe and comfortable along with the professionals who design the repairs or improvements. I am of the later.

Why hang out at JPP? Relaxation and humor. Mostly humor lately, for the reasons already stated.

Yes, I'm paraphrasing my neighbor. For two weeks now he's been filling my inbox up with dire predictions and accusations of Trump 'doing nothing while Rome burns". He's filled his head with nonsense by watching the liberal media spin.
The Democrat governor of my state put out a list of essential businesses. It includes contractors who keep buildings safe and comfortable along with the professionals who design the repairs or improvements. I am of the later.

Why hang out at JPP? Relaxation and humor. Mostly humor lately, for the reasons already stated.

Yes, I'm paraphrasing my neighbor. For two weeks now he's been filling my inbox up with dire predictions and accusations of Trump 'doing nothing while Rome burns". He's filled his head with nonsense by watching the liberal media spin.

So? Mormon and JWs keep coming over and supplying me with booklets and DVDs. Some end of the world stuff. I guess people on the right are terrified too.
...Yes, I'm paraphrasing my neighbor. For two weeks now he's been filling my inbox up with dire predictions and accusations of Trump 'doing nothing while Rome burns". He's filled his head with nonsense by watching the liberal media spin.
Thanks for confessing you lied.

Move or elect another governor. That's not my problem. However, Trump is the President of the entire country so why hasn't he put everyone to work? Why is he letting this happen?
Thanks for confessing you lied.

Move or elect another governor. That's not my problem. However, Trump is the President of the entire country so why hasn't he put everyone to work? Why is he letting this happen?

Ah, I see... That's the same technique you libs use to construct an 18,000 item documenting Trump's "lies". A paraphrase is a lie, saying the sky is blue is a lie because there's a cloud over there....

It's a good way not to have to defend your weak position; just call your opponent a liar.
So? Mormon and JWs keep coming over and supplying me with booklets and DVDs. Some end of the world stuff. I guess people on the right are terrified too.

Just paste a sign on your door saying you got the virus. That will keep them from bothering you.
Ah, I see... That's the same technique you libs use to construct an 18,000 item documenting Trump's "lies". A paraphrase is a lie, saying the sky is blue is a lie because there's a cloud over there....

It's a good way not to have to defend your weak position; just call your opponent a liar.
Thanks for yet another lie from you. You started this thread with a lie and you just keep lying about anyone who disagrees with you.

Once a liar, always a liar which is why no one should trust a liar like you. Sad
Just paste a sign on your door saying you got the virus. That will keep them from bothering you.

LOL. I've thought about that. But that could be dangerous like that guy who was forced into his home and had the door blocked by three armed people.