It's hilarious watching these libs panic

My elderly neighbor, a Democrat, reflects exactly what JPP libs are thinking. They are watching CNN, MSNBC, etc. and being fed lies continuously and sucking it all in like a pig would gravy. They have no concept of reality right now. 'We're all going to die!'

Meanwhile I'm working, my business has been deemed essential and is thriving. There are less dumbasses on the road and the cops don't want to pull anyone over for minor violations so I can drive even faster than I normally do. I'm driving my classics around when I have spare time because I'm staying "in my property". All the stores that I normally frequent are not just open but busy: hardware, home improvement, auto parts. The only thing affecting me at all is that Amazon is slow.

Trump's popularity has risen and that's causing the 'rats to panic. They were hoping to tank the economy to tank his re-election but instead turned him into a war time president, which guarantees another four great years.

#Trump 2020

Your elderly neighbor doesn't want to die!
It's not all about you fuckstick
If 'it's all about me' then why am I predicting a Trump win lol?

Currently it is the bet, Trump is at -105 to -110, which is understandable being an incumbent

I'd bet it also, Trump is going to use ever avaliable tool the Federal Gov't can provide, legal and illegal, to get himself reelected, not known for his ethics and he has Billy Barr to back him up

In addition, all the foreign autocrats Trump has been buttering up the last three years are going to do what they can to get him reelected, why wouldn't they, Russia paid no consequences, and now they all know an entire media network and political party not only will say nothing but in some cases defend them

Trump is easily the odds on favorite, there is no damger at this point not predicting he will win
The only elderly I know in an assisted living facility is my Dad and he's doing well. His campus in Florida is surrounded by a tall fence and only essential employees are allowed in. The only thing that is closed is the formal dining room; the casual dining is open as usual and that's where he prefers to eat and socialize anyway. I was planning a river cruise in Spain and Portugal in April but that was cancelled; I'm getting all my money back and may use a portion of that to buy a couple of E-bikes for the wife and I.

So you then agree with the need to shelter in place which would make your intial post very confusing
As usual, you are full of shit. Trump's RCP average is currently at 47.3, the highest it's ever been. Even Bullshitico has consistently had him at 45 for the longest time, and they were always the outlier keeping him at 38 to 39 screwing up the average. Another way you are wrong is, when the outbreak first started Trump's numbers took a big hit because of the left-wing assault. That is what is turning around now.

Polls? :palm:
Currently it is the bet, Trump is at -105 to -110, which is understandable being an incumbent I'd bet it also, Trump is going to use ever avaliable tool the Federal Gov't can provide, legal and illegal, to get himself reelected, not known for his ethics and he has Billy Barr to back him up In addition, all the foreign autocrats Trump has been buttering up the last three years are going to do what they can to get him reelected, why wouldn't they, Russia paid no consequences, and now they all know an entire media network and political party not only will say nothing but in some cases defend them Trump is easily the odds on favorite, there is no damger at this point not predicting he will win

Is that why you won't take TD's bet?
The only elderly I know in an assisted living facility is my Dad and he's doing well. His campus in Florida is surrounded by a tall fence and only essential employees are allowed in. The only thing that is closed is the formal dining room; the casual dining is open as usual and that's where he prefers to eat and socialize anyway. I was planning a river cruise in Spain and Portugal in April but that was cancelled; I'm getting all my money back and may use a portion of that to buy a couple of E-bikes for the wife and I.

You haven't gotten a refund yet?
Trump basically got a bump from letting it rain.


But yeah, even I can't deny cheering his administration a bit for snubbing McConnell to get things moving.

I think that you just hit the nail right on the head, but when reality sets in, it will be interesting to see where Trump's poll numbers go.
Is that why you won't take TD's bet?

No, his offer is pointless, everyone knows that if Donny bit the dust come Election Day "anything but the Truth" would be history, of course another "new" poster will appear, who also coincidently specializes in useless insults and corny copy and pastes. It would be like laying a wager with a comic book
No, his offer is pointless, everyone knows that if Donny bit the dust come Election Day "anything but the Truth" would be history, of course another "new" poster will appear, who also coincidently specializes in useless insults and corny copy and pastes. It would be like laying a wager with a comic book

So you then agree with the need to shelter in place which would make your intial post very confusing

Except for my essential business duties that require me to travel I do shelter in my property. My property includes my city home, my mountain cabin, and several mobile properties called "cars".
Currently it is the bet, Trump is at -105 to -110, which is understandable being an incumbent

I'd bet it also, Trump is going to use ever avaliable tool the Federal Gov't can provide, legal and illegal, to get himself reelected, not known for his ethics and he has Billy Barr to back him up

In addition, all the foreign autocrats Trump has been buttering up the last three years are going to do what they can to get him reelected, why wouldn't they, Russia paid no consequences, and now they all know an entire media network and political party not only will say nothing but in some cases defend them

Trump is easily the odds on favorite, there is no damger at this point not predicting he will win

"Blah, blah blah, blah-blah blah, blah."
My elderly neighbor, a Democrat, reflects exactly what JPP libs are thinking. They are watching CNN, MSNBC, etc. and being fed lies continuously and sucking it all in like a pig would gravy. They have no concept of reality right now. 'We're all going to die!'

Meanwhile I'm working, my business has been deemed essential and is thriving. There are less dumbasses on the road and the cops don't want to pull anyone over for minor violations so I can drive even faster than I normally do. I'm driving my classics around when I have spare time because I'm staying "in my property". All the stores that I normally frequent are not just open but busy: hardware, home improvement, auto parts. The only thing affecting me at all is that Amazon is slow.

Trump's popularity has risen and that's causing the 'rats to panic. They were hoping to tank the economy to tank his re-election but instead turned him into a war time president, which guarantees another four great years.

#Trump 2020

I’m working my ass off 40+ hours a week. Haven’t been this busy in recent memory. Working with the public every day, bitch. The rest of my life hasn’t changed one fucking bit.

So, once again, you’re a lying sonofabitch.
I’m working my ass off 40+ hours a week. Haven’t been this busy in recent memory. Working with the public every day, bitch. The rest of my life hasn’t changed one fucking bit.

So, once again, you’re a lying sonofabitch.

What essential service do you preform?