It's hilarious watching these libs panic

I’m working my ass off 40+ hours a week. Haven’t been this busy in recent memory. Working with the public every day, bitch. The rest of my life hasn’t changed one fucking bit.

So, once again, you’re a lying sonofabitch.

Only 40? You pussy...

Yep. Retirement job. In management, cunt. And, double dipping. The $$ are rolling in, bitch.

A pension for life. A couple of 401k accounts. This nice little second income. Then, SS in a few years. I’ll be bringing in more bucks than I ever did.

Not that kind of pole.


This kind?

My elderly neighbor, a Democrat, reflects exactly what JPP libs are thinking. They are watching CNN, MSNBC, etc. and being fed lies continuously and sucking it all in like a pig would gravy. They have no concept of reality right now. 'We're all going to die!'

Meanwhile I'm working, my business has been deemed essential and is thriving. There are less dumbasses on the road and the cops don't want to pull anyone over for minor violations so I can drive even faster than I normally do. I'm driving my classics around when I have spare time because I'm staying "in my property". All the stores that I normally frequent are not just open but busy: hardware, home improvement, auto parts. The only thing affecting me at all is that Amazon is slow.

Trump's popularity has risen and that's causing the 'rats to panic. They were hoping to tank the economy to tank his re-election but instead turned him into a war time president, which guarantees another four great years.

#Trump 2020

Yep. Retirement job. In management, cunt. And, double dipping. The $$ are rolling in, bitch.

A pension for life. A couple of 401k accounts. This nice little second income. Then, SS in a few years. I’ll be bringing in more bucks than I ever did.


I had an acquaintance from my HS days, my college years and after, he was always bragging about his job in "management".
My elderly neighbor, a Democrat, reflects exactly what JPP libs are thinking. They are watching CNN, MSNBC, etc. and being fed lies continuously and sucking it all in like a pig would gravy. They have no concept of reality right now. 'We're all going to die!'

Meanwhile I'm working, my business has been deemed essential and is thriving. There are less dumbasses on the road and the cops don't want to pull anyone over for minor violations so I can drive even faster than I normally do. I'm driving my classics around when I have spare time because I'm staying "in my property". All the stores that I normally frequent are not just open but busy: hardware, home improvement, auto parts. The only thing affecting me at all is that Amazon is slow.

Trump's popularity has risen and that's causing the 'rats to panic. They were hoping to tank the economy to tank his re-election but instead turned him into a war time president, which guarantees another four great years.

#Trump 2020

:thumbsup: Isn't it sad how an ideology is so pathetic and repugnant, it has to wish death on people in order to be relevant?
First off, Trump did get a slight bump, every President does when America faces a real crisis, think of Bush with the megaphone in NYC after 9/11, but that fades, is already beginning to fade, and his overall numbers are still in the mid forties even with the bump ( In addition, not that it is important, Biden still beats him in the election polls. Trump's popularity is not rising

The reality is a new virus with no vaccine, no immunities, no preventive measures, rapidly moving thru the population relatively unchecked with seemingly no ways to halt it and people are understandably anxious. I wouldn't call the dire circumstances you see of conditions in ERs or the narratives from medical workers on the scene as unrealistic.

Now we're not going to comment on you personally enjoying the crisis, but by not being aware that you could actaully be spreading the virus unknowingly is a selfish act and not helping your neighbor, just the opposite

I'd bet given the opportunity you wouldn't personally visit a relative or someone you know in a nursing home right now which says innately you know there is more to it than you will admit

How is this virus unchecked? Aren't we destroying our economy right now to ensure it is checked? This is why no one takes lie filled partisan hacks like you seriously Arsecheese.

People are anxious due to the massive megaphone the PHONY media is putting on this. Once again, when it doesn't turn out as bad as the morons on the left are predicting, more credibility will be lost but the media, the Party of the Jackass and the left.
As usual, you are full of shit. Trump's RCP average is currently at 47.3, the highest it's ever been. Even Bullshitico has consistently had him at 45 for the longest time, and they were always the outlier keeping him at 38 to 39 screwing up the average. Another way you are wrong is, when the outbreak first started Trump's numbers took a big hit because of the left-wing assault. That is what is turning around now.

Typical Trumpanzee -- it's all about you. YOUR life is "perfect" so everyone else should STFU.

Let's hope that when you catch COVID, and you will, that 1) it's a mild case, and 2) you don't infect someone else for whom it's a death sentence.

STFU you despicable dumbass. Good lord, you don't have to be a mentally retarded asshole every fucking day. :rolleyes: