It's time to move to the popular vote deciding elections

Californians who move to Florida will still vote for the same party, so the point is not really valid. No? As you point out, Iowans who vote Dem. would have much more power than they now have.
Let me start off by saying that I do not expect things to change. The minority loves being in control.

BUT...California now has 54 Electoral College votes...and Wyoming has 3. California has a population of

Let me start by saying I think this will not change. The minority love being in control...and in our country, the minority is in control.

BUT...California now has 54 EC votes...and Wyoming has 3.

California has a population of 39,000,000...meaning it has one EC vote for every 722,222 citizens...while Wyoming as a population of 590,000...meaning it has one EC vote for every 196,000 citizens.

That simply is not fair.

California's 39,000,000 people are represented in the Senate by 2 senators; Wyoming's 590,000 are represented in the Senate by 2 senators.

That also is not fair.

Nothing going to be done about it...but we ought all to acknowledge that it is not fair.
You're such a moron. The EC is dictated by a states representation. Every state has the same formula. Right now it is one per 761,169 regardless of state.

There's a sane reason every state gets two senators. But you would have needed a grade school education to comprehend that.

There is a total of 538 electors, or equivalently, 538 electoral votes — that’s the sum of 435 voting members of the House, 100 senators, and three electors assigned to Washington, DC.

MORONS. God you leftists are fucking dense.
They do not have the intellect to understand the genius of our constitution.

Or the consequences of changing it.

Like a child in a toy isle they just want their childish way.
So true. It's frightening to think morons like those vote. But how else does a dummy like Biden or Kamala get into power.
I disagree strongly. We would have never survived as a species if we were "adults who are pure Id." Cooperation, civility, community, stable social structure are all survival methods our species has had since our beginning. Having males who just grabbed whatever female was closest to force sex upon would destabilize the clan. Males of many species, including ours, want to know that the children they are helping to feed are THEIRS. That being said, there are some more primitive cultures who offer women to guests and/or share each other's mates. They are uncommon compared to the monogamous cultures that most humans had and still have today.
MORON ALERT!!! To think that this moron votes. Scary.
California puts more money into the federal government than it gets out, which Texas cannot say.
in other words, tech is fleeing tax heavy california for tax easy texas.

The computer industry actually started in Texas to begin with. Silly Con Valley is a Federal govt. creation; military research spending drove the industry and still does, the parts that aren't sucker bait stock swindles.
California puts more money into the federal government than it gets out, which Texas cannot say.

More dissembling rubbish. California is a pass through state for goods manufactured in corporate slave colonies overseas. It relies on interstate highways, same as all western states, and its growth was entirely Federally subsidized.
The computer industry actually started in Texas to begin with. Silly Con Valley is a Federal govt. creation; military research spending drove the industry and still does, the parts that aren't sucker bait stock swindles.
The computer industry started in Philadelphia.
More dissembling rubbish. California is a pass through state for goods manufactured in corporate slave colonies overseas. It relies on interstate highways, same as all western states, and its growth was entirely Federally subsidized.
California, and many Northeastern states paid large portions of their interstate highways.

Pass through shipping is not counted as GDP.