It's time to move to the popular vote deciding elections

it was an easy conclusion, given that you sarcastically commented about poisoning someones 'blood'.

I'm guessing you don't quite understand the point. Let me help you.

Donald Trump is using language straight out of 1930's Nazi Germany when he explicitly states that illegal immigrants are poisoning our blood.

If you want to vote for Donald it will be helpful for you to know this.

If you don't know this, then you can learn some history! There many books about this topic. You can read, correct?
I'm guessing you don't quite understand the point. Let me help you.

Donald Trump is using language straight out of 1930's Nazi Germany when he explicitly states that illegal immigrants are poisoning our blood.

If you want to vote for Donald it will be helpful for you to know this.

If you don't know this, then you can learn some history! There many books about this topic. You can read, correct?
you're more like Hitler the way you villainize Trumpers.

Trumpers are the new Jews, and Kamala is the new Hitler.

I'm guessing you don't quite understand the point. Let me help you.

Donald Trump is using language straight out of 1930's Nazi Germany when he explicitly states that illegal immigrants are poisoning our blood.

If you want to vote for Donald it will be helpful for you to know this.

If you don't know this, then you can learn some history! There many books about this topic. You can read, correct?
so, on top of your racism, you also have trump derangement syndrome.

I, personally, don't give a fuck what trump says because he's as big of a moron as joe biden is.
the tech in TX and the tech coming to TX, along with the manufacturing, distribution, and service industries, TX has the 8th largest economy in the world.
California has the fifth largest economy in the world, if it was an independent economy. Texas points out that they have the eighth largest, but they are highly dependent on California for that. The "tech" coming to Texas is mostly from California.
Trumpers are the new Jews, and Kamala is the new Hitler.
Anyone else notice that Neo-Nazis are always trying to claim to be the "new Jews", and complaining how tough it is to live in the USA.

People will hate you if you wear a swastika, but that is different than what happened to the Jews. The Jews were persecuted as Jews even if they had converted to Christianity. They were persecuted as Jews no matter who they supported politically. And their persecution was far worse than people saying that they do not like them.
Most Americans support this, and there is really no justification for elections being decided by the electoral college.

Why should some votes count more than others? People always talk about how candidates will ignore some states without the electoral - but do they understand the irony of that? Candidates literally spend all of their time in a minority of "swing" states right now.

Outside of our country, people do not understand how more people can vote for someone, but they still lose the election. This archaic system was a concession to the slave states, and it's time to move on from it.

Already have too many village idiots voting. No thanks.
California has the fifth largest economy in the world, if it was an independent economy. Texas points out that they have the eighth largest, but they are highly dependent on California for that. The "tech" coming to Texas is mostly from California.

If it were an 'independent economy', the shipping would merely be diverted to other ports and it would decline; it already is in decline now, and will continue to do so. It has to rely on illegal aliens to keep at least 12 of its Congressional seats, and it can't support them without Federal largesse, same with Silly Con Valley.
If it were an 'independent economy', the shipping would merely be diverted to other ports and it would decline; it already is in decline now, and will continue to do so. It has to rely on illegal aliens to keep at least 12 of its Congressional seats, and it can't support them without Federal largesse, same with Silly Con Valley.
California is not the fifth largest economy, and Texas is not the eighth largest economy, because they are part of the US economy, which is either the largest, or second largest depending how you look at it.

California puts more money into the federal government than it gets out, which Texas cannot say.

Back in the real world, the major benefit in being part of America is we are all connected to New York City, the financial capital of the world. If Texas lost that, they would start looking more like Mexico. California at least has Silicon Valley, and Hollywood.

Here is a thought experiment: if California was a foreign country, would NYC still invest in Apple? Of course they would. If Texas was a foreign country, would NYC still own all the oil production? If you say yes, that means The Republic of Texas would not benefit as much from oil as NYC. If you say no, why would NYC want to invest in oil production in Texas?

Remember fracking absolutely gorges on investment.
California has the fifth largest economy in the world, if it was an independent economy. Texas points out that they have the eighth largest, but they are highly dependent on California for that. The "tech" coming to Texas is mostly from California.
in other words, tech is fleeing tax heavy california for tax easy texas.
in other words, tech is fleeing tax heavy california for tax easy texas.
It is possible to still exist in Texas, because California is forced to allow free trade with part of this country. If Texas was not part of this country, then California would have no more requirements to allow free trade with them than with Venezuela.
Anyone else notice that Neo-Nazis are always trying to claim to be the "new Jews", and complaining how tough it is to live in the USA.

People will hate you if you wear a swastika, but that is different than what happened to the Jews. The Jews were persecuted as Jews even if they had converted to Christianity. They were persecuted as Jews no matter who they supported politically. And their persecution was far worse than people saying that they do not like them.
the mindless persectution is against Trumpers now.

and Kamala is the new Hitler.

jews are persecuted even when they switch religions because they're still very racist no matter what.