It's time to move to the popular vote deciding elections

California is not the fifth largest economy, and Texas is not the eighth largest economy, because they are part of the US economy, which is either the largest, or second largest depending how you look at it.

California puts more money into the federal government than it gets out, which Texas cannot say.

Back in the real world, the major benefit in being part of America is we are all connected to New York City, the financial capital of the world. If Texas lost that, they would start looking more like Mexico. California at least has Silicon Valley, and Hollywood.

Here is a thought experiment: if California was a foreign country, would NYC still invest in Apple? Of course they would. If Texas was a foreign country, would NYC still own all the oil production? If you say yes, that means The Republic of Texas would not benefit as much from oil as NYC. If you say no, why would NYC want to invest in oil production in Texas?

Remember fracking absolutely gorges on investment.
california sucks ass.
It is possible to still exist in Texas, because California is forced to allow free trade with part of this country. If Texas was not part of this country, then California would have no more requirements to allow free trade with them than with Venezuela.
ok, maybe you misunderstood me when I said that tech was leaving california for texas. Tech companies are leaving california for texas, meaning texas is acquiring more GDP output and commerce/export
ok, maybe you misunderstood me when I said that tech was leaving california for texas. Tech companies are leaving california for texas, meaning texas is acquiring more GDP output and commerce/export
The only two reasons they can leave California is because first they are created in California, and second Texas is part of the same economy as California. If you take away those two reasons, Texas loses out.
The only two reasons they can leave California is because first they are created in California, and second Texas is part of the same economy as California. If you take away those two reasons, Texas loses out.
so now you're saying that states do not have separate economies? except you previously stated that california and new york have the biggest what semantic argument are you now trying to use to negate what I said about Texas and their economy?
so now you're saying that states do not have separate economies?
I have always said that. And everyone else has always said that. The Constitution requires free trade between the states, so that means we all have the same economy.

Why is this a surprise to you?

except you previously stated that california and new york have the biggest economies
I was actually quite clear on this. We are comparing parts of our economy to the world economies, and so the correct way to state it is "would have the fifth biggest economy, if it were an independent economy."

Even that is somewhat misleading. A large amount of the economy is there because California and Texas are parts of bigger economies.

Let's say Texas were to become independent. They could either have almost all their economy owned out of NYC(in a foreign country), or seize the property, and not get any further investment from NYC. Workers would no longer be able to freely move between California and Texas. Texas exports would no longer have the heft of the US economy blocking tariffs. I could go on and on.
Most Americans support this, and there is really no justification for elections being decided by the electoral college.

Why should some votes count more than others? People always talk about how candidates will ignore some states without the electoral - but do they understand the irony of that? Candidates literally spend all of their time in a minority of "swing" states right now.

Outside of our country, people do not understand how more people can vote for someone, but they still lose the election. This archaic system was a concession to the slave states, and it's time to move on from it.
Another uneducated, dumb, ignorant leftist who doesn't comprehend what this Republic is or our constitution.

Yes, you brain dead hacks want to popular vote so that the coastal elites can rule over the flyover country rubes. One problem; it would take a Constitutional amendment which will NEVER happen.

When uneducated brain dead twits bloviate nonsense like this, they would be the first one's whining of Republicans had the majority.

I don't think you can be educated. You IQ is well below room temperature.
California's votes wouldn't count more. Everyone's vote would be counted equally.
Everyone's vote would be counted equally......

The definition of stupid.

I know that a lot of you in the Red States didn't quite make it all the way through geography back in elementary school but this is simply not a workable solution.

We in the Blue states know you have it tough. That's why we in the Blue states often pay more into the federal government than we get back out so that YOUR state can take more out than it puts in. The poverty and lack of education in your area coupled with the elimination of manufacturing jobs because of CEO greed has got to hit you hard. Don't worry, though, we'll be there for you to help you. Maybe one day your state will provide a net value to the country and you can pay it forward!

In the meantime could you possibly see your way to not eliminating basic human rights from people you don't like? Like women?
Another moronic tome lacking in intelligence, common sense and basic facts. :palm: