Jade's Recipe Exchange.

I like spicy, but OMG.

It's probably going to get worse, as I've made my own extract of capsaicin. I have about 17,000,000 scovilles worth ground up for it.

My 3 Alarm Chili couldn't compete.

Maybe you'd need 127 alarms? lol

I don't get why super spicy stuff is so popular. It is literally agonizing to me to even taste it. For instance, we drove down to STL over the Christmas holidays to visit the youngest ones. She had gotten a new crock pot from the in-laws and was excited to fix us something in it. Every suggested recipe she showed me was spicy so I was NOPE NOPE NOPE. One was a buffalo chicken recipe which everyone but me was in favor of. She said "Oh c'mon, Mom, the sauce isn't spicy at all. See, it comes in a bottle and says 'mild' on it." So I agreed to taste it. Just a bit on my fingertip. Even after 3 glasses of milk and a tablespoon of sour cream, my tongue was still on fire. It was still hurting at bed time.

BTW, we had NOT SPICY sloppy joes which were amazing.
Maybe you'd need 127 alarms? lol

I don't get why super spicy stuff is so popular. It is literally agonizing to me to even taste it. For instance, we drove down to STL over the Christmas holidays to visit the youngest ones. She had gotten a new crock pot from the in-laws and was excited to fix us something in it. Every suggested recipe she showed me was spicy so I was NOPE NOPE NOPE. One was a buffalo chicken recipe which everyone but me was in favor of. She said "Oh c'mon, Mom, the sauce isn't spicy at all. See, it comes in a bottle and says 'mild' on it." So I agreed to taste it. Just a bit on my fingertip. Even after 3 glasses of milk and a tablespoon of sour cream, my tongue was still on fire. It was still hurting at bed time.

BTW, we had NOT SPICY sloppy joes which were amazing.

You're right up there with my Mom, that can't even handle any chili's unless they are deseeded, and cleaned of membrane. They also have to be light weight chili's, and they need to be in something to dissipate the heat. She will eat corn bread that way, and like to eat the crispy crackling off my strip roast. I coat it with Ancho chili powder, rosemary, and salt. Fat cleanses capsaicin so it works for her that way. That's why you drink milk after, but it can't be skim. Of course ancho is lightweight stuff. Here's a scale. It even has the Dragon Breath pepper, that is saved for pepper spray rather than human consumption. I assume because they are really tiny.

You're right up there with my Mom, that can't even handle any chili's unless they are deseeded, and cleaned of membrane.

I've always been fascinated by my observation that males seem to tolerate and even desire super spicy tastes, and females not so much. There has to be something genetic and in our shared evolution about this. I think it goes along with my other observation that males prefer a much firmer touch on their bodies when getting massaged or um, well, er, you know, other stuff.... but women prefer a lighter hand. (Anyone who's ever watched a porn flick has seen this in action.) Guys also seem to be able to endure the pain of injuries better than (in general) we women. My theory is that evolution made this so, so that males could withstand injuries sustained in the hunt for meat and/or mates, and survive. Because in most human cultures women did not hunt, we didn't have the need to work through the severe pain of a hunting injury. Maybe this also explains why guys seem to prefer meals heavy on meat and not so much on veggies/fruits/grains?

As a foodie this is an interesting topic to me. What do you guys think?
I've always been fascinated by my observation that males seem to tolerate and even desire super spicy tastes, and females not so much. There has to be something genetic and in our shared evolution about this. I think it goes along with my other observation that males prefer a much firmer touch on their bodies when getting massaged or um, well, er, you know, other stuff.... but women prefer a lighter hand. (Anyone who's ever watched a porn flick has seen this in action.) Guys also seem to be able to endure the pain of injuries better than (in general) we women. My theory is that evolution made this so, so that males could withstand injuries sustained in the hunt for meat and/or mates, and survive. Because in most human cultures women did not hunt, we didn't have the need to work through the severe pain of a hunting injury. Maybe this also explains why guys seem to prefer meals heavy on meat and not so much on veggies/fruits/grains?

As a foodie this is an interesting topic to me. What do you guys think?

I think you're on to something.
I've always been fascinated by my observation that males seem to tolerate and even desire super spicy tastes, and females not so much. There has to be something genetic and in our shared evolution about this. I think it goes along with my other observation that males prefer a much firmer touch on their bodies when getting massaged or um, well, er, you know, other stuff.... but women prefer a lighter hand. (Anyone who's ever watched a porn flick has seen this in action.) Guys also seem to be able to endure the pain of injuries better than (in general) we women. My theory is that evolution made this so, so that males could withstand injuries sustained in the hunt for meat and/or mates, and survive. Because in most human cultures women did not hunt, we didn't have the need to work through the severe pain of a hunting injury. Maybe this also explains why guys seem to prefer meals heavy on meat and not so much on veggies/fruits/grains?

As a foodie this is an interesting topic to me. What do you guys think?

You'd be surprised at how many woman are into it just the same. In Thai, Indian, Peruvian, Jamaican cuisines it's a major staple. England, Finland, Germany, Croatia all have massive chili pepper followings. Probably more so than here. I've never seen a gender gap in it.
Oh wow.... yes yes yes! Our neighbors go down to Traverse City in the summer to visit family there. They bring us back sacks of cherries, and black cherry soda pop, the kind made with real sugar. This would make a great thankful gift, wouldn't it?

We live closer to Elk Rapids, and live in the midst of all these orchards. We're also getting a bunch of hop farms. We even have one up the hill. I'm actually a bit happy we will be leaving through July, because since the #1 summer destination classification, the area is cray during July. On another note, I'm sure you know what Kirsch is, right?
We live closer to Elk Rapids, and live in the midst of all these orchards. We're also getting a bunch of hop farms. We even have one up the hill. I'm actually a bit happy we will be leaving through July, because since the #1 summer destination classification, the area is cray during July. On another note, I'm sure you know what Kirsch is, right?

Yes, a cherry flavored liqueur. Heh, that's funny that cherry land is such a tourist destination. We're pretty cray here too from June through Sept. You know it's tourist season when the Sunday morning Walmart parking lot is lined bumper to bumper around the edges with RVs. Cheaper and easier parking than in the parks.
I've always been fascinated by my observation that males seem to tolerate and even desire super spicy tastes, and females not so much. There has to be something genetic and in our shared evolution about this. I think it goes along with my other observation that males prefer a much firmer touch on their bodies when getting massaged or um, well, er, you know, other stuff.... but women prefer a lighter hand. (Anyone who's ever watched a porn flick has seen this in action.) Guys also seem to be able to endure the pain of injuries better than (in general) we women. My theory is that evolution made this so, so that males could withstand injuries sustained in the hunt for meat and/or mates, and survive. Because in most human cultures women did not hunt, we didn't have the need to work through the severe pain of a hunting injury. Maybe this also explains why guys seem to prefer meals heavy on meat and not so much on veggies/fruits/grains?

As a foodie this is an interesting topic to me. What do you guys think?

I love spicy food. straight up thai spicy, vindaloo, barker x-hot nm green chile, oh yeah!