Jade's Recipe Exchange.

That's a great price.

I love them baked, smoked, slow-cooked. The smoked ones are the best though. After removing the meat, I simmer the skin and bones in the stock pot for a few hours. Strain the broth into pint canning jars and store in the big freezer. Makes for wonderful soups, and as the liquid in rice, potatoes, noodles.

This isn't a joke,but chicken feet are suppose to make the best broth.

I actually like sunrises more than sunsets. I am sure I must be in the tiny minority.
There is something about the clarity and quality of light at sunrise that really appeals to me. And I am just a morning person, anyway!

I’m not so much a morning person, but I agree with you.

I don’t know how well this will show, but just befire sunrise on the Summer Solstice a couple of years ago.C9F4C5AC-5160-42E8-9CED-A4AC0467B503.jpg
I’m not so much a morning person, but I agree with you.

I don’t know how well this will show, but just befire sunrise on the Summer Solstice a couple of years ago.View attachment 6028

Very beautiful! Took this one about 20 minutes ago. It's approaching aurora season again here in the frozen north. You can see a faint hint of a minor geomag storm here, washed out by the nearly-full moon back to the SW behind me. Still lovely.

I'm canceling my one extract. The descriptions of the flavor didn't mention it had a bitter taste. It does have a great tartness so maybe if I mix it with another fruit, it would be great. The fruit is supposed to be one of the highest concentrations of Vitamin c on the planet, so it's good for that at least.
I'm canceling my one extract. The descriptions of the flavor didn't mention it had a bitter taste. It does have a great tartness so maybe if I mix it with another fruit, it would be great. The fruit is supposed to be one of the highest concentrations of Vitamin c on the planet, so it's good for that at least.

Which extract was it?
Jade, hope you don't mind if I post this here. I had mentioned my new retirement goal of attending a bachelors at NMU here a couple of weeks ago. My sad and pitiful devotees, Angry Bird and Toxic TOP, seem to think it's a hoax or something. The bitterness and envy have been leaking all over the last couple of days here. lol So here's the award letter, which came as a surprise. I didn't apply for the scholarship nor did I have to "write essays" or be in "football" or any of the other silliness they claim. As I mentioned before, ppl over age 62 attend for free in many colleges and universities in Michigan. Nice perk of citizenship! If I use the scholarship, it will be for textbooks or on-line courses which are not included in the senior citizen thing.


PS -- Toxic, nice job looking up an Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) greeting for Christiefan. Unfortunately it is both misspelled and misused. I'm sure she will be pleased, however, to know that you addressed her as one would an honored person like a real teacher, a respected elder, a veteran. If you need any more language tips just let me know. We don't want you looking unworthy in front of your betters. lol
Jade, hope you don't mind if I post this here. I had mentioned my new retirement goal of attending a bachelors at NMU here a couple of weeks ago. My sad and pitiful devotees, Angry Bird and Toxic TOP, seem to think it's a hoax or something. The bitterness and envy have been leaking all over the last couple of days here. lol So here's the award letter, which came as a surprise. I didn't apply for the scholarship nor did I have to "write essays" or be in "football" or any of the other silliness they claim. As I mentioned before, ppl over age 62 attend for free in many colleges and universities in Michigan. Nice perk of citizenship! If I use the scholarship, it will be for textbooks or on-line courses which are not included in the senior citizen thing.


PS -- Toxic, nice job looking up an Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) greeting for Christiefan. Unfortunately it is both misspelled and misused. I'm sure she will be pleased, however, to know that you addressed her as one would an honored person like a real teacher, a respected elder, a veteran. If you need any more language tips just let me know. We don't want you looking unworthy in front of your betters. lol

No problem.
Haven't heard of that one. Yeah, bitter isn't a popular taste treat. Where do you get these interesting things?

You just need to know about them. It's one of those superfoods because it has staggering amounts of vitamin c, etc. They can be found on many online retailers, and health stores in powder form. I've also been known by a few people as really good at internet research. Probably because I spend enough time doing stuff online.


You just need to know about them. It's one of those superfoods because it has staggering amounts of vitamin c, etc. They can be found on many online retailers, and health stores in powder form. I've also been known by a few people as really good at internet research. Probably because I spend enough time doing stuff online.


Ah! The ascorbic acid (Vit C) is what gives it that taste then. Maybe you could neutralize the acid by combining it with a base?
Not for the squeamish!


  • 8 lemons

  • 1 pound superfine sugar
  • 750-milliliter bottle bourbon or rye
  • 750-milliliter bottle Cognac
  • 750-milliliter bottle dark Jamaican rum

  • 3 bottles Champagne or other sparkling wine
  • Nutmeg


  • Squeeze and strain the lemons to make 16 ounces of juice. Peel the lemons and muddle the peels with the sugar. Let the peels and sugar sit for an hour, then muddle again.
  • Add the lemon juice and stir until sugar has dissolved. Strain out the peels.
  • Fill a 2- to 3-gallon bucket or bowl with crushed ice or ice cubes. Add the lemon-sugar mixture and the bourbon, Cognac and rum. Stir and add the Champagne. Taste and adjust for sweetness. Grate nutmeg over the top and serve.

Holy crap. Just one of those would put me under the host!
Ah! The ascorbic acid (Vit C) is what gives it that taste then. Maybe you could neutralize the acid by combining it with a base?

I should have researched it more before buying. It sounded really good, but it didn't mention the bitterness. It has a wonderful tartness to it, but it's more bitter than stevia. I ordered dried strawberries, and thought I could make a mix of the two.
I know, right? Feel a hangover coming on just reading the ingredient list. lol

I think my punch recipe is on page 27, and it's just for maybe a gallon container. To make 2, or 3, oh boy. No wonder the neighbors can only handle two glasses. All I can say is make sure to eat enough, or that much unbound alcohol can, be worse than my inferno chili.
I should have researched it more before buying. It sounded really good, but it didn't mention the bitterness. It has a wonderful tartness to it, but it's more bitter than stevia. I ordered dried strawberries, and thought I could make a mix of the two.

It's pretty hard to overcome that much acid. I'd be afraid to eat much of it, that it would cause those canker sore things in the mouth. Not sure why that's a "super food." Your body can only utilize so much Vit. C; the rest gets filtered out by the kidneys and dumped. Certainly if you have kidney issues you would want to stay away from that.
It's pretty hard to overcome that much acid. I'd be afraid to eat much of it, that it would cause those canker sore things in the mouth. Not sure why that's a "super food." Your body can only utilize so much Vit. C; the rest gets filtered out by the kidneys and dumped. Certainly if you have kidney issues you would want to stay away from that.

It helps you keep from getting sick if you take high doses of Vitamin C. They actually sell this:


I plan on using it on our trip since we got sick in Arizona last time, and had to race home.