Jade's Recipe Exchange.

I'm not inclined toward the culinary arts. The best I can recommend is that if you visit any fine establishments and are in the company of a woman, they tend to enjoy the Washington Red Apple shot and drink.

:laugh: I don't think my Mom would qualify under that. I'll be staying in a few different locales out there, on excursions. Mt.Vernon, Olympia, Port Angeles, Packwood, and White Salmon. Will be exploring all the parks, but staying in these places. Maybe you could answer this. If I had those big Washington apples in a cooler, how long would they last? It would be a cooler that plugs into the cigarette lighter.
:laugh: I don't think my Mom would qualify under that. I'll be staying in a few different locales out there, on excursions. Mt.Vernon, Olympia, Port Angeles, Packwood, and White Salmon. Will be exploring all the parks, but staying in these places. Maybe you could answer this. If I had those big Washington apples in a cooler, how long would they last? It would be a cooler that plugs into the cigarette lighter.

I think it would be silly to travel around with a cooler full of apples. If you want to indulge in them, just purchase a few and eat them during the course of that day. Your trip is going to take you all over the place!
I think it would be silly to travel around with a cooler full of apples. If you want to indulge in them, just purchase a few and eat them during the course of that day. Your trip is going to take you all over the place!

I was more thinking of bringing some back home for neighbors.
I found something I'm definitely going to make when I start feeling better. I used to love making bread by hand, and this looks like something worth making.


I never had the patience to do it by hand. I did make a very nice Parmesan Peppercorn French Bread today in the bread machine. Makes wonderful toast.

Friday seems to be cooking day. I also did the pulled pork in the slow cooker with a "Sweet and Heat" sauce and am just finishing chicken noodle soup. I have the dubious distinction of being "the best chicken picker" in the family. Kinda like the Tom Sawyer and whitewashing the fence thing. I was going to make a batch of jerky, but ran out of steam.

A lot of the pulled pork and noodle soup will end up at the kids' house in the next couple of days, so it never lasts as long as I would like.
Thanks to whoever posted the braised BBQ pork recipe.... got it in the crockpot right now. I know it said oven but cook's prerogative. lol

Here's a nice thank you postcard, from dawn this morning after some fresh snow during the night.


PS -- Notice the gazing globe, almost buried. It's on a 2-1/2 foot pedestal.
Thanks to whoever posted the braised BBQ pork recipe.... got it in the crockpot right now. I know it said oven but cook's prerogative. lol

Here's a nice thank you postcard, from dawn this morning after some fresh snow during the night.


PS -- Notice the gazing globe, almost buried. It's on a 2-1/2 foot pedestal.


I actually like sunrises more than sunsets. I am sure I must be in the tiny minority.
There is something about the clarity and quality of light at sunrise that really appeals to me. And I am just a morning person, anyway!
I actually like sunrises more than sunsets. I am sure I must be in the tiny minority.
There is something about the clarity and quality of light at sunrise that really appeals to me. And I am just a morning person, anyway!

Same here. There is something amazing about watching the world brighten, knowing that you have an entire day stretching before you, waiting to be filled with whatever you choose to fill it with.

We went out mucking around for a while; got this shot of the beach to our north. Not bikini time but beautiful, nevertheless.

Mom wanted a treat for for last Sunday in lent, but I was feeling lazy. I just made up a white cake mix, and added a good amount of my homemade Jasmine extract. Yum, what a perfect flavor for cake.
Here’s my favorite Brussel Sprouts recipe. Brussel Sprouts can be tricky and nothing is nastier than mushy Brussel Sprouts. This may not be the best recipe but it’s easy and is delicious.

Split Brussel Sprouts in half and place cut side down on a cookie sheet covered with olive oil. Roast at 400deg f for 20 minutes or until cut side starts to carmalize. Pull cookie sheet and sprinkle Parm over them. Not the Kraft crap (though that will work in a pinch) but real Parm. Then pop back in the oven for 5 minutes than serve. You should not need to season them as there is plenty of salt in the Parm.

I cook them in the pan with whatever meat,I'm cooking.
Sweet. That's one of the few things I don't like about our long winters -- having the grill and the smoker in dry dock. We are supposed to have sort of a warm up though soon (30s to low 40s), so am going to get a whole chicken to smoke next week. If they're not lying, that is. lol

Every time,I try to smoke a chicken,it fucks up the rolling papers:(
Kroger has Chickens 69 cents a lb.this week starting Weds.

That's a great price.

I love them baked, smoked, slow-cooked. The smoked ones are the best though. After removing the meat, I simmer the skin and bones in the stock pot for a few hours. Strain the broth into pint canning jars and store in the big freezer. Makes for wonderful soups, and as the liquid in rice, potatoes, noodles.