Jade's Recipe Exchange.

Where are you located (general area only)? We're in the UP; I have not seen that in stores myself.

Well all you really need is blanched almonds. Just pulse them in a food processor, and make your own. It works with nuts of all kinds. I've even purchased banana flour, made of banana chips I assume.
Stop with the amazing cookies already, you Satan!

So... is your winter just about as long-lasting and cold as ours? This time last year the snows were gone and the bulbs were blooming. This year they're still buried under a foot of snow, the trees aren't even trying to make some buds, and we're forecasted to get a major winter storm event next weekend. My STL daughter sent me a pic this evening showing snow on their deck! So did my Missouri beekeeper friends! We retaliated today by going to the RV/Boat show at the Yooper Dome.
Where are you located (general area only)? We're in the UP; I have not seen that in stores myself.

I can get it, but it requires me driving out of my way to do so and they may or may not have it depending on whatever mood they are in. More common in fall to Christmas than rest of year. There is this little way over-priced country store/deli in a town across the state line that everybody calls the Amish Store because it calls itself the Amish store even though it is not owned by Amish people but sells Amish goods that has a lot of baking oddities and spices. I go a couple times a year, usually early fall and then just before Christmas. Their prices are OK on spices but pretty high on everything else, especially assorted things like flour
Stop with the amazing cookies already, you Satan!

So... is your winter just about as long-lasting and cold as ours? This time last year the snows were gone and the bulbs were blooming. This year they're still buried under a foot of snow, the trees aren't even trying to make some buds, and we're forecasted to get a major winter storm event next weekend. My STL daughter sent me a pic this evening showing snow on their deck! So did my Missouri beekeeper friends! We retaliated today by going to the RV/Boat show at the Yooper Dome.

Technically they are pastries, and a whipped cake dessert, but still delicious. Since you don't bake would you prefer meat, soup, and other non-baked stuff? Snow should end soon, and that's good, because I need to get more fit for summer vacation. My weight came back a bit over winter, but not too bad.
I have always wanted to find a school cafeteria replication recipe for peanut butter cookies but all the ones I can find are for like hundreds of cookies. I want like a dozen LOL.

Technically they are pastries, and a whipped cake dessert, but still delicious. Since you don't bake would you prefer meat, soup, and other non-baked stuff? Snow should end soon, and that's good, because I need to get more fit for summer vacation. My weight came back a bit over winter, but not too bad.

Oh, I LOVE eating bakery delights.... especially so since I am not gifted in the baking department. One of our neighbors makes amazing breads. She doesn't use store flour; she mills her own, has a milling thing (sorry, forget the correct name of it) in their basement. The cookies you sent us were extraordinary! Any time you got unwanted cookies needing a good home around my hips, you got our addy. :~)
Oh, I LOVE eating bakery delights.... especially so since I am not gifted in the baking department. One of our neighbors makes amazing breads. She doesn't use store flour; she mills her own, has a milling thing (sorry, forget the correct name of it) in their basement. The cookies you sent us were extraordinary! Any time you got unwanted cookies needing a good home around my hips, you got our addy. :~)

I don't really do it on whim very often. When's your birthday?
Oh, I LOVE eating bakery delights.... especially so since I am not gifted in the baking department. One of our neighbors makes amazing breads. She doesn't use store flour; she mills her own, has a milling thing (sorry, forget the correct name of it) in their basement. The cookies you sent us were extraordinary! Any time you got unwanted cookies needing a good home around my hips, you got our addy. :~)

Since you like cookies, but don't bake you might enjoy some lazy baker recipes.



Mom's birthday is the 16th. I'm making a butter gold poke cake, with brandy caramel, and whipped topping. If it works out I'll leave a recipe.
Advice for anyone searing fatty meat, like short ribs, for a braise. Don't use a smaller pan. It's worth finding or washing the bigger one. The fat collects in the bottom, and with the tiny bit you add in the beginning it gets a bit much. I had turned the short rib to sear the side, and it didn't move gently like I would have liked. It splattered maybe a 1/2 teaspoon, or more of scorching oil onto my hand. I think I was lucky though since I had just put new stuff in the pan lowering the temp. Thank God I just got a annoying blister since I got to the sink right away.
Advice for anyone searing fatty meat, like short ribs, for a braise. Don't use a smaller pan. It's worth finding or washing the bigger one. The fat collects in the bottom, and with the tiny bit you add in the beginning it gets a bit much. I had turned the short rib to sear the side, and it didn't move gently like I would have liked. It splattered maybe a 1/2 teaspoon, or more of scorching oil onto my hand. I think I was lucky though since I had just put new stuff in the pan lowering the temp. Thank God I just got a annoying blister since I got to the sink right away.

Child my stove looks like the Exxon Valdez collided with it there is so much oil everywhere :awesome: