January 6th. We Need To Talk About It.

The right wants to bury it. Revisionist history is being implemented. It is a case of massive denial.

We need to be honest about what really happened.

January 6th can never be allowed to happen again.

The right wing extremists are out of control.

All that is required for bad people to prevail is for good people to do nothing.

It is time for the good people of America to speak up and get involved.

Get informed. Be engaged with your country. Ignore it at the peril of your future, your children's future, everything you hope for.

America is on the line.

Do U Care?

I do.

The January 6th commission is nothing more than a hyper partisan which hunt built upon a lie filled narrative that somehow, there was a coup going on. It's absurd, it's divisive and it serves ZERO purpose other than giving hate filled leftist morons something to cling to in an election year that will see a red Tsunami.

After an entire year wasted on this bullshit, the committee can find NOTHING with which to charge Trump on which was the sole purpose of this charade.
Whatever it was, nothing like it ever happened before. It wouldn't have happened without Trump. That's his legacy to the nation. And he's a great patriot?

Far worse has happened in our past. After the RED tsunami coming in November, this will finally be flushed down the toilet of history as another shill, wasteful, stupid effort by the Democratic Party of the Jackass to further erode confidence in our institutions and divide us along party lines. :palm:
:) Uh, yeah. Every time someone loses an Election, it's cool the losing side storms the Building and throws out the Winner. (Can you say 'Third World Country'?)

The building wasn't stormed. Many were let in by the Capitol Police. No one was thrown out. The protestors were unarmed. The only people killed that day were the unarmed protestors.

Try to be less stupid.
wrong, it would not have happened if there was not obvious vote fraud in several key states.

This is the part the PHONY media and leftist hacks don't comprehend. The ONLY reason people protested and were angry was because there was no integrity in a few states election process. Republican monitors were kept away from counting tables. Counting continued on after monitors were told to go home and no more counting would be done.

Activist jurists circumvented legislatures by allowing mail in voting and continual counting. The number of fraudulent efforts by the Party of the Jackass are too numerous to recount. Yet, from these partisan dumbasses, we are told to shut up and give it up without an honest investigation into everything that went wrong.
Yes. Well. We're all hoping for the economic collapse. Buying Companies at a Discount Rate is always great for your Cost Average.
Who is going to buy all the zombie cinemas and empty office buildings?
The orange clown/buffoon and want to be despot, ......blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

^Stuck on moron. :rolleyes:
My position used to be that anyone continuing to support Trump is a traitor to America.

That's because you're a partisan hack moron on steroids. :palm:

I've revised that. It now is: Anyone not condemning Trump is a traitor to America.

Now you're doubling down on hyper partisan moron. :palm:

Trump is the most disgusting blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

Cry harder you brain dead dumbass. :palm:

Trump should be tried, convicted of fomenting that insurrection, and thrown in jail for the rest of his life. I would even accept that he be placed under strict house arrest...providing the "house" be a modest apartment or bungalow somewhere outside the confines of a golf course.

Sorry dumb fuck, we don't live in a Fascistic third world shit hole yet. But give the Party of the Jackass enough time it would be. We have a thing called laws, courts, and a thing called evidence douchebag. None of which Democrats have or believe in. Go fuck yourself in your ass. :palm:

Trump is scum...and so are the people still supporting him.


Trump lost...and lost big.

Get over it.

Stop crying. The other kids in your sandbox are going to start you a baby,

Irony from the same stupid morons who claimed Hillary won and Trump was not their President. You have the brains and memory of a lemming FrankTard.
Would that be the state where Trump asked them to "find" enough votes for him to win? And despite being Republicans, the Governor and Secretary of State wouldn't do it?

If they wouldn't perjure themselves for Dear Leader, they must have been RINOs, eh?

Only mental midgets think this wasn't a close election and one that was fraught with fraud.

Republicans came, at most, 43,000 votes from winning each of the three levers of power.
I think it's an effort to show the Public what a Political Coup looks like.

So now the mental midget on the left are moving from "insurrection", a moronic claim, to "a coup", which is even more asinine. :palm:


\ ˈkü \

a) military coup
a) coup attempt
2: an impressive victory or achievement that usually is difficult or unexpected
Lockdowns have served their purpose, martial law is next. Bankruptcies and foreclosures have already started with another economic collapse right around the corner. The police state will crack the heads of any attempt at Occupy 2.0.


I saw a poll this morning that showed 56% of Republicans think the election was stolen. It wasn't.

Because you say so? Another willful idiot who believes in the Biden miracle. :palm:

This is an existential threat to our democracy.

Because you say so? Because MSNBC says so? Another asinine and divisive phony narrative by the Fascists on the left.

It is the most important issue facing us, and people are rearranging deck chair on the Titanic. We have to get going on this.

There is nothing important about a hyper partisan phony narrative being disguised as a commission. I wish you could be less stupid and dishonest. Really I do. :palm: