The right wants to bury it. Revisionist history is being implemented. It is a case of massive denial.
We need to be honest about what really happened.
January 6th can never be allowed to happen again.
The right wing extremists are out of control.
All that is required for bad people to prevail is for good people to do nothing.
It is time for the good people of America to speak up and get involved.
Get informed. Be engaged with your country. Ignore it at the peril of your future, your children's future, everything you hope for.
America is on the line.
Do U Care?
I do.
The January 6th commission is nothing more than a hyper partisan which hunt built upon a lie filled narrative that somehow, there was a coup going on. It's absurd, it's divisive and it serves ZERO purpose other than giving hate filled leftist morons something to cling to in an election year that will see a red Tsunami.
After an entire year wasted on this bullshit, the committee can find NOTHING with which to charge Trump on which was the sole purpose of this charade.