January 6th. We Need To Talk About It.

There is not going to be a shooting war to decide the future of America.

Anybody who gets involved in shooting is likely to end up dead or in prison.

Most Americans are wise enough to stay out of that.

Pretty much only one side wants a shooting war.

The left is smart enough to avoid taking that bait.

People just want to live a peaceful life, enjoy freedom and the pursuit of happiness.

People want to enjoy family life and all they have worked for.

They don't want to throw their lives away for the sake of propaganda.

Plenty of extremists have already destroyed their own lives over the Big Lie. One died for it, for nothing.

Trigger happy people in America get dealt with by law enforcement.

Wise people do their best to stay out of shootings.

It is time to de-radicalize America.
Hello Dutch,

For most Americans, nobody is going to come to their door and start shooting. The only people involved in any shooting are the gun people who want to go out in a blaze of glory for some perceived cause, possibly the big lie, and whomever they decide to shoot. Most Americans will only hear about it on the news, and should not seek to get involved in any hot shooting war over politics.

Any extremist who wants 'the shooting to start' and acts on that urge will end up dead or in prison.

Cooler heads will prevail and not become a part of that.

So you believe it's impossible to overthrow the government?

Agreed on the nutjobs. Let the cops take them down. My post addressed the contingency of a government overthrow.
the ones you lack the capacity to deal with?......

You're a coward, a liar and a hypocrite. You dish it out then whine like a child bit by a dog he was harassing when the same is given to you.

You claim to be a Christian, but I've never seen you act like one. OTOH, I've seen you act like a Satanist hundreds of times.

The orange clown/buffoon and want to be despot, said the insurrection took place on November 3rd and the protest took place on January 6th?!! The definition of an insurrection is: a violent uprising against an authority or government. I don't recall this happening on November the 3rd, but on January 6th?!! As Kellyanne Conway once said, what we have is alternative facts?!! I want to see the leaders and planners of this Trump inspired insurrection brought to justice too?!! The insurrection did happen, we all watched it live on television as Trump hooligans storm the capitol?!! All this happen because of one man-child's fragile ego and his unwillingness to accept his election defeat?!! January 6th will also be a day that will live in infamy too?!!

insert coup for insurrection in the first sentence and you have the truth
There is not going to be a shooting war to decide the future of America.

Anybody who gets involved in shooting is likely to end up dead or in prison.

Most Americans are wise enough to stay out of that.

Pretty much only one side wants a shooting war.

The left is smart enough to avoid taking that bait.

People just want to live a peaceful life, enjoy freedom and the pursuit of happiness.

People want to enjoy family life and all they have worked for.

They don't want to throw their lives away for the sake of propaganda.

Plenty of extremists have already destroyed their own lives over the Big Lie. One died for it, for nothing.

Trigger happy people in America get dealt with by law enforcement.

Wise people do their best to stay out of shootings.

It is time to de-radicalize America.

The founders of this country engaged in a shooting war for the freedom of this country. It could very easily happen again. I hope not, but all people eventually reach the limit that they will tolerate from a corrupt government.
The founders of this country engaged in a shooting war for the freedom of this country. It could very easily happen again. I hope not, but all people eventually reach the limit that they will tolerate from a corrupt government.

You're the enemy of the United States.
You're the enemy of the United States.

Anyone who supports overthrowing the US government and attacking our Constitution is, indeed, an enemy of the United States. It's in the oath of every federal elected official and every member of the US military to defend the Constitution against such enemies.

This is the oath I took in 1975 and to which I still abide: https://www.marines.com/become-a-marine/process-to-join/become-an-officer.html

“I, [name], do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So, help me God.”
You're the enemy of the United States.

NO, that would be you. I am a constitutional patriot much like the founders of this great nation.
while you are willing to sit back and let the communists and socialists from China and Russia take over our country. You and your kind are an embarrassment to the USA.
Anyone who supports overthrowing the US government and attacking our Constitution is, indeed, an enemy of the United States. It's in the oath of every federal elected official and every member of the US military to defend the Constitution against such enemies.

This is the oath I took in 1975 and to which I still abide: https://www.marines.com/become-a-marine/process-to-join/become-an-officer.html

“I, [name], do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So, help me God.”

The current regime is ignoring the constitution that you and I swore to protect. It is therefore our duty to remove them from power by any means necessary.
NO, that would be you. I am a constitutional patriot much like the founders of this great nation.
while you are willing to sit back and let the communists and socialists from China and Russia take over our country. You and your kind are an embarrassment to the USA.

You're an insane psychopath. You are an enemy of the United States.
You're an insane psychopath. You are an enemy of the United States.

BTW, Biden did not get 80 million votes in 2020. He got maybe 60 million and Trump got 74 million. Biden was inserted, not elected. the dems, media, and Chinese pulled off a successful coup and you fools are too blind to see it.
Hello Dutch,

So you believe it's impossible to overthrow the government?

Agreed on the nutjobs. Let the cops take them down. My post addressed the contingency of a government overthrow.

I don't know if that is possible or not. But I do know that most Americans are not trained killers and have no business pretending to be. Watching movies and fantasizing does not make someone a trained killer. Even talking a big game and running out and buying a gun doesn't do it. When it comes down to the moment to pull the trigger and actually kill someone, hesitation is not a good thing. Only rigorous and up to date training makes an efficient soldier.

Most Americans do not or did not serve in the military or on police forces or train in militias. Even if they own a gun, they probably do not train regularly and would be a bundle of nerves in a firefight, and quickly taken down by an opponent who is proficient.

Most Americans should and will leave the gunfighting to the military.

If anarchist groups try to take over the USA by force, I would hope that our leaders would have the presence of mind to properly direct our American forces to defend the nation from all enemies be they foreign or domestic.

Even if someone had such training years ago and thinks he is up to the task, unless he has been training regularly and is up to date on such training, he should probably stay out of any action.

The best advice is to leave the killing to the trained killers.
Hello Dutch,

I don't know if that is possible or not. But I do know that most Americans are not trained killers and have no business pretending to be. Most Americans do not or did not serve in the military or on police forces or train in militias. Even if they own a gun, they probably do not train regularly and would be a bundle of nerves in a firefight, and quickly taken down by an opponent who is proficient.

Most Americans should and will leave the gunfighting to the military.

If anarchist groups try to take over the USA by force, I would hope that our leaders would have the presence of mind to properly direct our American forces to defend the nation from all enemies be they foreign or domestic.

Even if someone had such training years ago and thinks he is up to the task, unless he has been training regularly and is up to date on such training, he should probably stay out of any action.

The best advice is to leave the killing to the trained killers.

of course its possible, it was done in November 2020, the dems, media, and chinese pulled off an election coup. It happened.
Hello Dutch,

I don't know if that is possible or not. But I do know that most Americans are not trained killers and have no business pretending to be. Most Americans do not or did not serve in the military or on police forces or train in militias. Even if they own a gun, they probably do not train regularly and would be a bundle of nerves in a firefight, and quickly taken down by an opponent who is proficient.

Most Americans should and will leave the gunfighting to the military.

If anarchist groups try to take over the USA by force, I would hope that our leaders would have the presence of mind to properly direct our American forces to defend the nation from all enemies be they foreign or domestic.

Even if someone had such training years ago and thinks he is up to the task, unless he has been training regularly and is up to date on such training, he should probably stay out of any action.

The best advice is to leave the killing to the trained killers.

Dude, killing is easy. Doing it well is hard. ;)

Again, I'm talking about the overthrow of our Constitution. Once that happens, it's a little late to learn how to defend your country.