Jews, we need to speak out against DeSantis’ efforts to erase Black history

Nothing wrong with the confederte flag. The south had the right to secede just like the 13 colonies seceded from england. THINK

Yeah, but at the end of the day the Stars'n'bars is the flag of LOSERS. They stood up for a bad ideal and they lost.

There is no "pride" in any of it. Unless one wishes to take pride in being on the losing side of history.
In Germany, schools are mandated to teach about the Holocaust. Perhaps it’s time we took a page from their book.

It should also deeply bother and spur into action every Jew who has ever said “Never Again” and meant it.

As a community, we know firsthand the importance of learning from the horrors of the past — and ensuring that the wider public is educated about them.

This should be a ‘Jewish issue’ too
Yet this latest bill strikes at the very core of Judaism’s commandment to learn from history. It’s not just about the Holocaust. Every year during Passover, we contemplate what it means to have been slaves and are literally commanded to experience the holiday as if we are in Egypt ourselves — and then learn from it how to treat others.

This isn’t just about sympathizing with another group. Within the Jewish community, we have members who are Black and multiracial. Teaching about African American history and culture involves teaching about the history of African American Jews, and for that reason alone, we should see it as a Jewish issue.

DeSantis’ strategy isn’t new. Throughout history, those bent on inflaming racial and ethnic tensions, or those who simply wanted to use an easy scapegoat, have tried to limit how we talk about the past.

“DeSantis is using an age-old trick used to persecute groups like members of the African and Jewish diasporas; he is striking aim at memory and practice of tradition and culture,” says Michael Twitty, a writer whose works examine his Black and Jewish identity and whose book Koshersoul recently won the National Jewish Book Award.

When I reached out to hear his reaction to the news, Twitty cited examples such as Christian leaders in Europe calling for the burning of Jewish texts and American white slaveholders forbidding enslaved people from sharing their culture. “It’s clear that his war with cultural and historical literacy is pointed and intentionally devastating,” he adds.

So here's the deal- I don't think DeSatan actually is racist. DeSantis is highly educated. But DeSatan knows is voters are hateful pigs. So, he's just pandering to his hateful base - like twump did. I doubt twump gives a shit about abortion for example - but to get the support of the wacky religious right he knew he had to act like he does.

Nevertheless, you are correct - the Jew-hate and minority hate is a worldwide problem now and only getting worse. Politicians know that in order to win voter support they have to act like one of the shit-bags.

We need to try to change that paradigm.
I am just going to say what we are all thinking. When DeSantis is done with the Blacks, he would probably come after the Jews next.

If he knows he has to be antisemitic to win voter support, you're damn right he will. The current GOP has zero backbone. It's all about grabbing power and they're willing to do or say whatever they have to do get it.
So here's the deal- I don't think DeSatan actually is racist, but he knows is voters are. So he's just pandering to his hateful base - like twump did. I doubt twump gives a shit about abortion for example - but to get the support of the wacky religious right he knew he had to act like he does.

Nevertheless, you are correct - the Jew-hate and minority hate is a worldwide problem now and only getting worse. Politicians know that in order to win voter support they have to act like one of the shit-bags.

We need to try to change that paradigm.

So if he gins up his voters , that makes him a racist
crt is not just teaching about slavery. we teach about slavery.

crt is teaching to hate white people and pretend nothing has improved since slavery.

so stfu, divisive jew bag.


You are the type of voter people like twump pander to. And you swallow the shit and ask for more. How much money did you give to twump and Bannon's "save the election" fund you ignorant bag of shit?
Yet you wake up every day and preach the destruction of people you disagree with. I would point out to you how hypocritical that is but you're either too disinterested to care or too stupid to understand it. I think it's clearly the latter.

No. guno doesn't do that and neither do I. We'd love it if you'd grab a clue and stop being such an ignorant spewer of hate - but we don't wish to "destroy" anyone.
I love how simple minded you people are. It makes the world an easier place to navigate for you doesn't it? Thinking gives you a head ache, am I right? Oh sorry that requires thinking, let me help, yes I'm right.

Classic case of projection.
Yet you wake up every day and preach the destruction of people you disagree with. I would point out to you how hypocritical that is but you're either too disinterested to care or too stupid to understand it. I think it's clearly the latter.

Posting data on the demographic changes are now hate ? :laugh:

Why are the racists always telling us how complex they are? And then proving to us how simple they are?

Bingo. If they tried to grab a complex concept their heads would explode. It's all got to be "black or white" to them. "Dems bad, MAGAs good". There can be no middle ground.
As always the democrats lie about what DeSantis is doing. DeSantis is stopping the racist CRT agenda from being taught in the schools. DeSantis wants the real history taught not the democrtats revisionist racist teachings

DeSatan attacked Disney just for speaking out against his policies. He might not be a fascist in his heart but he knows his voters eat it up when he acts that way.
So if he gins up his voters , that makes him a racist

Well, I can't claim to know what's in that shit-bag's heart - I just doubt he believes what he preaches, due to his background. Don't get me wrong - I think he's a total pile of shit for doing what he does around race and sexual preference.
crt is not just teaching about slavery. we teach about slavery.

crt is teaching to hate white people and pretend nothing has improved since slavery.


You and the members who posted likes for your bilge are living examples of why CRT remains socially relevant, not just historically relevant.
the fascism is disney running a small fiefdom.


Which no one gave a shit about until DeSatan's don't say gay law passed. Now residents of 2 counties are going to have to start paying taxes for power, water, roads, and fire and emergency protection, costs previously borne by Disney. DeSatan if fucking his own constituents over a policy fight.

Disney brings in a shitload of tourism into Florida and has money to contribute against DeSatan's political enemies.

DeSatan's going to lose this one.
Which no one gave a shit about until DeSatan's don't say gay law passed. Now residents of 2 counties are going to have to start paying taxes for power, water, roads, and fire and emergency protection, costs previously borne by Disney. DeSatan if fucking his own constituents over a policy fight.

Disney brings in a shitload of tourism into Florida and has money to contribute against DeSatan's political enemies.

DeSatan's going to lose this one.

i believe in property tax to some degree. for basic services of civilization.
i believe in property tax to some degree. for basic services of civilization.

I don't think the residents of those two counties care much about your beliefs. I think they'd much rather continue to let Disney pony up those services.

DeSatan's going to lose this one.