Jill Biden's cat quest: My recommendations


Will work for Scooby snacks
Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden Set to Bring a Cat to the White House Along with Their Dogs

The former second lady, 69, teased in September that the soon-to-be first family would welcome a cat into their home after the former vice president, 78, is inaugurated next year.

"Well, I'd love to get a cat. I love having animals around the house," she told Fox 5's Angie Goff.

He's got millions of pussies to choose from, any male that self-identifies as a Democrat. .

Is this a latent, subconscious INCEL resentment bubbling to the surface?

Women do not throw themselves at Democratic men. You still have to have a decent personality, look presentable, and not be a jerk.
Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden Set to Bring a Cat to the White House Along with Their Dogs

The former second lady, 69, teased in September that the soon-to-be first family would welcome a cat into their home after the former vice president, 78, is inaugurated next year.

"Well, I'd love to get a cat. I love having animals around the house," she told Fox 5's Angie Goff.


It's a big house. He should take all three of those you pictured, and throw in a calico, too. :smile:


One of our three cats is a Maine Coon Cat. I did a lot of research on 'em myself when we got Nappy...Napoleon.

They are not like other cats in that although they crave attention and lots of petting, they almost never will sit in their human's lap...and seldom even sit touching their human.

Nappy has been with us for over three years...and just two weeks ago decided to sit close to me. (He gives Nancy some attention, but I am his favorite.)

Not sure what happened two weeks ago that resulted in the change, but it did happen. Nancy quickly grabbed the camera to record the momentous event.'


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One of our three cats is a Maine Coon Cat. I did a lot of research on 'em myself when we got Nappy...Napoleon.

They are not like other cats in that although they crave attention and lots of petting, they almost never will sit in their human's lap...and seldom even sit touching their human.

Nappy has been with us for over three years...and just two weeks ago decided to sit close to me. (He gives Nancy some attention, but I am his favorite.)

Not sure what happened two weeks ago that resulted in the change, but it did happen. Nancy quickly grabbed the camera to record the momentous event.'

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That is a great cat. I always had an impression Maine Coons are almost semi-feral and unlikely to become lap cats.
That is a great cat. I always had an impression Maine Coons are almost semi-feral and unlikely to become lap cats.

Only experienced this one...but you could not get him to sit in your lap if you threatened him with death.

I was told they do NOT like to nest in a lap. Both our other cats are lap cats. We consider it a mini miracle that he has decided to sit next to me with his body actually touching my leg. Hasn't happened in over three years...until just a week ago.

My brother has two Maine coons. Absolutely beautiful! And they don't jump up on their kitchen counters! They don't have to. They can stand on their back legs and snag anything they like. :laugh:

My brother is 6'1" so you can see how big their little furball really is.

One of our three cats is a Maine Coon Cat. I did a lot of research on 'em myself when we got Nappy...Napoleon.

They are not like other cats in that although they crave attention and lots of petting, they almost never will sit in their human's lap...and seldom even sit touching their human.

Nappy has been with us for over three years...and just two weeks ago decided to sit close to me. (He gives Nancy some attention, but I am his favorite.)

Not sure what happened two weeks ago that resulted in the change, but it did happen. Nancy quickly grabbed the camera to record the momentous event.'

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He is gorgeous, Frank!
My brother has two Maine coons. Absolutely beautiful! And they don't jump up on their kitchen counters! They don't have to. They can stand on their back legs and snag anything they like. :laugh:

My brother is 6'1" so you can see how big their little furball really is.


Ginormous kitty cat!
Is this a latent, subconscious INCEL resentment bubbling to the surface?

Women do not throw themselves at Democratic men. You still have to have a decent personality, look presentable, and not be a jerk.

Real women steer clear of Democrats.
One of our three cats is a Maine Coon Cat. I did a lot of research on 'em myself when we got Nappy...Napoleon.

They are not like other cats in that although they crave attention and lots of petting, they almost never will sit in their human's lap...and seldom even sit touching their human.

Nappy has been with us for over three years...and just two weeks ago decided to sit close to me. (He gives Nancy some attention, but I am his favorite.)

Not sure what happened two weeks ago that resulted in the change, but it did happen. Nancy quickly grabbed the camera to record the momentous event.'

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Good LORD he's a BIG BOY!
My brother has two Maine coons. Absolutely beautiful! And they don't jump up on their kitchen counters! They don't have to. They can stand on their back legs and snag anything they like. :laugh:

My brother is 6'1" so you can see how big their little furball really is.

He’s giant! I had a Tabby that was 23 lbs, PT, he was so mean when I took him, but he’d had 4 other homes. I told him he wasn’t getting rid of me, he ended up being a sweetheart of a kitty.
Real women steer clear of Democrats.

Nope, I have seen way too many conservative dunces on this forum openly admit they lie about being a liberal to single females, to buy your INCEL myth that women are generally mostly attracted to Rambo wannabe conservatives