Jill Biden's cat quest: My recommendations

Hello Phantasmal,

Reminds me of a strange time. I was doing a day-long drive with my old dad. He liked to have sandwiches for a drive like that and find a rest area to enjoy them. And he always wanted a beer with his sandwich. So I drove after lunch. And not long after lunch he developed a problem. His lips began to swell like crazy. We weren't sure what had happened but my theory is it must have been something on the can exterior. Maybe they had been stored in the garage and perhaps some bug spray used? We never found out. We were pretty scared at first, not knowing what to do. I said we should find an ER. He said no. (He hated hospitals and medical people.) I said OK, but if his condition worsened, that's where we were going. After a while it was apparent the swollen lips were the only problem. So we drove on.

But he had difficulty talking in that condition. And it was hard for me to understand what he was trying to say. We drove on in silence.

Then I had an idea I thought might take the edge off the tension.

I asked him if he would do me a favor.

He said what.

I said: "Will you please say 'You wascowy wabbit?'"

He didn't find any humor in it (at all) and refused.

Oh well. I tried.

Or should I say ...

I should add that from that day on I will not drink a beer from a can unless the top has been wiped clean.
Hello Phantasmal,

Reminds me of a strange time. I was doing a day-long drive with my old dad. He liked to have sandwiches for a drive like that and find a rest area to enjoy them. And he always wanted a beer with his sandwich. So I drove after lunch. And not long after lunch he developed a problem. His lips began to swell like crazy. We weren't sure what had happened but my theory is it must have been something on the can exterior. Maybe they had been stored in the garage and perhaps some bug spray used? We never found out. We were pretty scared at first, not knowing what to do. I said we should find an ER. He said no. (He hated hospitals and medical people.) I said OK, but if his condition worsened, that's where we were going. After a while it was apparent the swollen lips were the only problem. So we drove on.

But he had difficulty talking in that condition. And it was hard for me to understand what he was trying to say. We drove on in silence.

Then I had an idea I thought might take the edge off the tension.

I asked him if he would do me a favor.

He said what.

I said: "Will you please say 'You wascowy wabbit?'"

He didn't find any humor in it (at all) and refused.

Oh well. I tried.

Or should I say ...

Great story, thanks, glad the reaction wasn’t more serious!
Savannah is a great looking cat, Althea. Yeah...cats kinda like me, too.

I was a cat hater at one time. I was never cruel to them, but I thought anyone who had a cat was a jerk. Then, during my construction worker days, a kitten decided he wanted to be my pal. Just kept coming over to me...stuck around. The owner of the house we were repairing noticed it...and after we finished the job he called me. He owned a big German shepherd that was being harassed by the kitten. (He was a very feisty kitten who did not like dogs.) Asked me to take him before the kitten scratched the dog's eyes out...which I decided to do. Fell in love with him. His name was Cat...although he sometimes signed notes as Kat! Cat managed to get his picture published in the New York Times...front page of the second section above the fold!
Wow...a celebrity cat!

Everyone dislikes cats, until they get one. It takes a very cold person to be able to ignore a purring kitten.

I think what everyone miscalculates about cats, is how they seem to think that you exist to serve them. Most people find that amusing.

Acceptable, but amusing.
Hello Althea,

Wow...a celebrity cat!

Everyone dislikes cats, until they get one. It takes a very cold person to be able to ignore a purring kitten.

I think what everyone miscalculates about cats, is how they seem to think that you exist to serve them. Most people find that amusing.

Acceptable, but amusing.

Yeah, good story. I think there's a part of being macho that includes thinking anybody with a cat is weak.

I've had both cats and dogs, fish, birds. I love animals. Our current cat is great. And wow what a labor of love it was to crack his fear. We don't know what happened to him as a young guy before we got him as a rescue. All we were told was that when he was found he was a kitten who was way to small to have a flea collar on but somebody had put one on him anyway and he had grown around it so that it was not even visible around his neck. It had to be cut off by a vet. He had a misshapen neck for a long time. Eventually his neck filled on more normally but it's a good thing he is a total inside cat and never has to wear a collar again. He doesn't like to have things around his neck, even if playing with a string.

Maybe he got away or got lost when he was really young. Or maybe he was abandoned like that. Whatever it was, no little kitten should have to go through what he did. When he runs and hides under a bed we try to never force him out of there, let him have his space. He comes out when he's hungry. But if there are strangers in the house, no way. He would stay there for days. So long that we get concerned for his nourishment.

But if there are house guests he sneaks out at night when he thinks it's safe.
Hello Althea,

Yeah, good story. I think there's a part of being macho that includes thinking anybody with a cat is weak.

I've had both cats and dogs, fish, birds. I love animals. Our current cat is great. And wow what a labor of love it was to crack his fear. We don't know what happened to him as a young guy before we got him as a rescue. All we were told was that when he was found he was a kitten who was way to small to have a flea collar on but somebody had put one on him anyway and he had grown around it so that it was not even visible around his neck. It had to be cut off by a vet. He had a misshapen neck for a long time. Eventually his neck filled on more normally but it's a good thing he is a total inside cat and never has to wear a collar again. He doesn't like to have things around his neck, even if playing with a string.

Maybe he got away or got lost when he was really young. Or maybe he was abandoned like that. Whatever it was, no little kitten should have to go through what he did. When he runs and hides under a bed we try to never force him out of there, let him have his space. He comes out when he's hungry. But if there are strangers in the house, no way. He would stay there for days. So long that we get concerned for his nourishment.

But if there are house guests he sneaks out at night when he thinks it's safe.

I'm so glad you rescued him in time. The kitten trauma gave him PTSD and some animals never get over their early experiences. The up side is, he found you and you understand him.
Wow...a celebrity cat!

Everyone dislikes cats, until they get one. It takes a very cold person to be able to ignore a purring kitten.

I think what everyone miscalculates about cats, is how they seem to think that you exist to serve them. Most people find that amusing.

Acceptable, but amusing.

I have loved cats since I was a little boy. But I was crazy about all animals from the start. From 6 years old on, I could not get enough of Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, and I begged my father to take me to all the petting zoos between Montreal and Wash DC.

I personally think it speaks well of a person if cats are comfortable around them. Anyone who consistently terrifies cats tends to raise my spidey senses.
I have loved cats since I was a little boy. But I was crazy about all animals from the start. From 6 years old on, I could not get enough of Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, and I begged my father to take me to all the petting zoos bewtween Montreal and Wash DC.

I personally think it speaks well of a person if cats are comfortable around them. Anyone who consistently terrifies cats tends to raise my spidey senses
I loved that show! That’s my kind of reality TV, not the crap that is on now.
I seem to recall Marlin had a lot of close calls....or was it Jim?

Maybe both! Marlin got bit by venomous snakes more than once although not on camera. Once in a while we would see him driving around the zoo in STL in a golf cart, when we were kids. Nice guy. His love for animals was so big. I believe he also founded the wolf sanctuary near St. Louis. What a wonderful place that is! It isn't open to the public because they are running a breeding program for endangered wolves. But once a year supporters get to have a tour and meet some of the non-parent wolves. Such beautiful creatures. Cool memory: One morning we were hiking on the trail that runs behind the sanctuary. It parallels Hwy 44 with the sanctuary being between the trail and the hwy. An emergency vehicle came down the hwy with its siren on. And all the wolves raised their voices in the song of their people in response. We just stopped, transfixed with the wonder of it, covered with goosebumps. One of the most beautiful things we've ever experienced.

Thanks, Mr. Perkins.
Maybe both! Marlin got bit by venomous snakes more than once although not on camera. Once in a while we would see him driving around the zoo in STL in a golf cart, when we were kids. Nice guy. His love for animals was so big. I believe he also founded the wolf sanctuary near St. Louis. What a wonderful place that is! It isn't open to the public because they are running a breeding program for endangered wolves. But once a year supporters get to have a tour and meet some of the non-parent wolves. Such beautiful creatures. Cool memory: One morning we were hiking on the trail that runs behind the sanctuary. It parallels Hwy 44 with the sanctuary being between the trail and the hwy. An emergency vehicle came down the hwy with its siren on. And all the wolves raised their voices in the song of their people in response. We just stopped, transfixed with the wonder of it, covered with goosebumps. One of the most beautiful things we've ever experienced.

Thanks, Mr. Perkins.
great stuff

I do not necessarily have heroes, but for me Marlin Perkins and Jacques Cousteau deserve to be held in the highest esteem. Sunday nights growing up with Marlin and Jacques was not a bad way to go.
great stuff

I do not necessarily have heroes, but for me Marlin Perkins and Jacques Cousteau deserve to be held in the highest esteem. Sunday nights growing up with Marlin and Jacques was not a bad way to go.
My niece and nephew dive with Cousteau’s grandson. They are big into ocean conservation.