Leftist Vermin
We all have our dreams. lol
They are foolish enough to defend him and say he is doing a good job
but you will end up supporting him. because you're a hawk.
When a completely ignorant and wrong post is required, you will supply it.
you support john bolton on ukraine.
so stfu.
We all have our dreams. lol
He is doing an excellent job. He also brought back respect for the office. He does not bitch at anyone who asks him a question and call them 3rd raters working for a failing company. He is not swearing and insulting the appointees either. It is good to have an adult in the office.
No one else is worth voting for so far
Does not matter simce DeSantis will be president
You show no matter what corrupt liars the democrats are you will defend them and lie for them
DeSantis will not run against Trump. He is too chicken. He will let Trump have his last shot at it, stay Governor and then run in the next cycle.
Trump is not running. He will be tired up in court and Is sure to lose a couple in the next year.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Sad to say, the Dems would be fools to run Biden again...they continually snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
To beat DeSantis, one need only look at his actions regarding immigrants and what laws he's enacted upon his re-election in Florida. Despicable!
They are foolish enough to defend him and say he is doing a good job
Somehow I suspect that if Jesus ran as a (D), He still wouldn't get your vote. lol
DeSantis will not run against Trump. He is too chicken. He will let Trump have his last shot at it, stay Governor and then run in the next cycle.
OK, show some proof. You cannot just make claims like that. Let's see this corruption proof.
Trump will be tied up in court but he will run anyway. He is increasingly fearful of the courts and the potential of jail, and sees the POTUS as his best defense against that. I think he might not have run this time, if it was not for the Court threats.
As would the GOP to continue to carry on as if he's responsible for all evil and problems in the country.