John Bolton stuns a British audience with announcement he WILL run for POTUS in 2024

John Bolton looks like the hanging judge in a third rate 1950s Western movie.

I can see republican idiots supporting something like that.

They supported Trump. They currently support Ironside Abbott and Rhonda Santis.
There is absolutely nobody too ridiculous for republicans to support.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Bolton, like every other sleazy two faced Republican, publicly backed and kissed the Orange Oaf's butt in his first year in office. But like rats leaving a sinking ship, he got when the getting was good. Now all these creeps are trying to wash their hands of their past deeds...but lip service comes cheap. While I won't forgive Liz Cheney for her MAGA machinations, at least her public denouncement comes with due diligence.

Well now, that depends on what "got" means.

:rolleyes: left the premises, vacated the vicinity.....sorry if my euphemism seems dated, but I thought the whole "rats leaving a sinking ship" would have clued you in. Oh well, carry on.
Nope. But good luck with that. lol

Do the MAGA minions actually think that no one will remind the American public that DeSantis and Abbott used desperate migrant families seeking asylum like chess pieces during inclement weather? That's almost absurd as Bolton running for a Presidential nomination.
Originally Posted by Walt View Post
No, I am not. I am for giving people access to birth control, and allowing them to decide for themselves. Why do you oppose allowing reproductive freedom?

you are also for freezing and starving people as a form of population reduction.

You didn't answer his question. Making another unfounded question is not an answer. Stop living up to your screen name and debate like an adult....or be resigned to being a paid MAGA troll.