Althea told me...
Yes. He qualified his vaccine comment with 'If you want to. Nobody should be forced to get vaccinated'Trump is a populist. He does whatever he thinks will make and keep him popular. He miscalculated with the vaccines. Have you ever watched an entire rally of him speaking? He's very adept at reading a crowd and feeding them what they want and dropping to move on when he says something they don't like.
'Moving on'='going off script'. Typically, staff cringes.
On a related note, I was listening to an interview with Woodward re. his book release. When he asked trump his plan for the virus which was ravaging the nation, he said (not sure of the exact number) 'I'll have an answer in 103 days'.
That was election day. It was obvious from day one that he tried to use Covid as a campaign issue. Which is why he fumed over the delay in vaccine release.
It worked. It was a campaign issue.