John Bolton stuns a British audience with announcement he WILL run for POTUS in 2024

Bolton, like every other sleazy two faced Republican, publicly backed and kissed the Orange Oaf's butt in his first year in office. But like rats leaving a sinking ship, he got when the getting was good. Now all these creeps are trying to wash their hands of their past deeds...but lip service comes cheap. While I won't forgive Liz Cheney for her MAGA machinations, at least her public denouncement comes with due diligence.
Bolton, like every other sleazy two faced Republican, publicly backed and kissed the Orange Oaf's butt in his first year in office. But like rats leaving a sinking ship, he got when the getting was good. Now all these creeps are trying to wash their hands of their past deeds...but lip service comes cheap. While I won't forgive Liz Cheney for her MAGA machinations, at least her public denouncement comes with due diligence.

Bolton, like every other sleazy two faced Republican, publicly backed and kissed the Orange Oaf's butt in his first year in office. But like rats leaving a sinking ship, he got when the getting was good. Now all these creeps are trying to wash their hands of their past deeds...but lip service comes cheap. While I won't forgive Liz Cheney for her MAGA machinations, at least her public denouncement comes with due diligence.

Well now, that depends on what "got" means.