you actually beleive in human depopulation and eugenics.
i do not.
you're a nazi.
I am not.
AssHat continues to make shit up, because he lost the debate.
you actually beleive in human depopulation and eugenics.
i do not.
you're a nazi.
I am not.
Do the MAGA minions actually think that no one will remind the American public that DeSantis and Abbott used desperate migrant families seeking asylum like chess pieces during inclement weather? That's almost absurd as Bolton running for a Presidential nomination.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Confession on your part? Love your selfie....recent or a few years dated?
you're so jealous.\
Umm, if that helps you sleep at night....being a MAGA asshat and all....go for it.
Meanwhile, the rest of us laugh at the mere thought of Bolton running for public office.
DeSantis will kick Trump's ass. Trump is only running because of his multiple criminal, civil and financial problems. Remember his trading card con? LOL
DeSantis would never be Trump's #2 because Trump would never want a #2 who is smarter and more popular than he is.
Ptif, you call everyone who isn't an Alt-Right White Supremacist a traitor.
Oh that WOULD be a spectacle! It would be interesting to see if the GOP stalwarts learned their lesson with the Orange Oaf. But if they didn't, America would indeed be up shitz creek with Bolton anywhere near the White House (again).
Nope. But good luck with that. lol
No just democrats like Obama and Biden that hate this country
The President and Vice President can not live in the same state
Yes he will there is no one that will beat him. It will be fun if foot in mouth Biden runs again
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Oh that WOULD be a spectacle! It would be interesting to see if the GOP stalwarts learned their lesson with the Orange Oaf. But if they didn't, America would indeed be up shitz creek with Bolton anywhere near the White House (again).
Bolton is irrelevant he will never win
Yes he will there is no one that will beat him. It will be fun if foot in mouth Biden runs again
Sad to say, the Dems would be fools to run Biden again...they continually snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
To beat DeSantis, one need only look at his actions regarding immigrants and what laws he's enacted upon his re-election in Florida. Despicable!
left the premises, vacated the vicinity.....sorry if my euphemism seems dated, but I thought the whole "rats leaving a sinking ship" would have clued you in. Oh well, carry on.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
left the premises, vacated the vicinity.....sorry if my euphemism seems dated, but I thought the whole "rats leaving a sinking ship" would have clued you in. Oh well, carry on.
I got clued in years ago, you're one of the rats...and you have been for years.
Do you have any is how stupid a thing that was to type? I hope you know better.
Trump will never be President so it’s not a problem
Sad to say, the Dems would be fools to run Biden again...they continually snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
To beat DeSantis, one need only look at his actions regarding immigrants and what laws he's enacted upon his re-election in Florida. Despicable!