As the article in the OP is virtually evidence-free, I checked out the author,
George Neumayr, for clues as to where he's coming from.
George Neumayr's Journalism Fund
I am a freelance journalist, who writes for, among other publications, The American Spectator and Investor's Business Daily. I am also the co-author of No Higher Power: Obama's War on Religious Freedom.
The glut of free articles on the Internet has made it difficult for free-lancers to make money off writing. I receive very small fees for my articles. I also write about controversial subjects that offend powerful politicians and Church figures, which sometimes results in editors giving me the cold shoulder and refusing to carry my work.
To overcome these problems and continue what I would like to think is important independent journalism, I have turned to this fund. My hope is that folks who derive some benefit from my journalism will donate money, no matter how small, to the fund. (Donations can be given anonymously, should open donation pose any problem.)
I would be grateful for anything, even a buck or two. I assure you that the donations would enable me to continue writing articles and pursue book projects, including a book on how the Leftist infiltration of the Church culminated in, and now explains, the disastrous pontificate of Jorge Bergoglio.
So if you agree that Obama waged war on religious freedom, and Pope Francis is the disastrous result of leftist infiltration - buddy, can you spare a dime?