JPP Cup Debate Championship Field Is Set

Not yet. I have to upload some stuff and run a script. Tell me when you want it and I'll make it a priority...
This is moralistic nonsense. Your brain isn't perfect.
Well who the hell is? You think you're going to fix that with a silver bullet? Look you're a big boy here. No one is telling you what to do. Where just advising you that the decision to take these drugs is not one to be taken lightly and that you have a responsibility to your self to not only make an informed decision but to make this decision for the right reasons. Taking a powerful drug to improve your grades at school, by it self, doesn't strike me as being rational at all.
Living with myself is not the problem. Being able to stay focused in an ever changing world with more and more distractions is a very serious problem.

I am an intelligent person. But all the intellect in the world won't help if you cannot focus and control it. When I was a child I was told it was my fault and I could do so much if I would just apply myself. I can remember thinking "But I AM applying myself". I remember wondering how everyone else did it so easily.

Imagine having a sports car with a powerful, turbo charged engine. Without steering or with a slipping transmission, you don't get anywhere.

For some of us, the ADD meds make the difference between a successful career with a full life, and struggling to make ends meet or balance a checkbook.

There are plenty of examples of ADD and ADHD meds being overprescribed. There is plenty of evidence that sugar is a major culprit in the problems some people have. But there is a solid body of evidence that ADD and ADHD is a very real disorder that, in some people, responds well to medication.

And to whomever made the suggestion earlier, that you would suggest someone throw out their meds, based solely on the limited knowledge you have of the malady and an even more limited knowledge of the patient, is grossly irresponsible.

There are people out there who could be seriously helped by these mnedications. And there are people who refuse to take them because of the irresponsible rumors that have been circulating for years. From Tom Cruise to Rush Limbaugh, celebrities have maligned these medications. While there are certainly circumstances in which they are not appropriate, to dismiss them based on such hype is a huge disservice to the people who need them.
And there are some people who don't take them because the information indicates that the risk out weigh the benefits and that there are alternative methods of treating ADD/ADHD that are just as affective or more so with less risk. In my case changes in diet combined a structured exercise program turned out to be quite affective and there is a very strong body of information that indicates that this approach is more affective for most kids with ADD/ADHD then prescribing medications. Though it is true that for some kids medication may be the best alternative, I would argue that they are probably the minority. Though I readily admit to having a bias in that I believe the holistic health care philosophy is superior to the allopathic health care philosophy.

Having said that, it's not my point to preclude such medications for treatment of ADD/ADHD. I'm not an expert in this field. It's my point that you need to be aware of what the risks and benefits of those meds are and to evaluate if the risks out weigh the benefits and to evaluate if there are better, more affective alternatives to managing these problems then medications and to discuss that with your health care professional.
I think with most people ADD like symptoms are caused by lack of sleep and exercise. I have been pursuing such routes for more than a year, and while it has helped, I still have problems. ADD drugs really only have bad side effects if they're abused, and the main reason Vyvanze came onto the market is that it's designed to be practically impossible to be abused (taking lots of it doesn't produce a large effect, it just makes it last longer, and the only method of administration that produces an effect is orally. Otherwise its pretty much the same thing as adderall.) Otherwise the primary side effects are things like dry mouth. I can deal with that.

Wait, what did you say? I lost focus... :(

I know all Damo.

And I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions.

No, you can't! :pke:
I'm withdrawing as a judge.....I am currently ignoring Grind for being a selfish little twit, so I won't be able to communicate with him about picks or topics.....