JPP is doing just fine

No, facts that are not absorbed have no impact, no power.

And your delivery has the OPPOSITE affect. You have no credibilty also have no ability to absorb information that does not conform to your beliefs.

You may be the first liberal that I've seen online that behaves just like the fundie hyper-conservative religious nutters.

She doesn't get the fact that no one is ignoring what she keeps complaining about; but instead are ignoring her.

see how very shallow their love of freedom is
Folks, even Vinny's Ha Ha is typed in yelling mode, Vinny is a genuine Loony Toone, but I have him under control, butt, I may have to pay taxes on him, declare him as personaL property.....TOUCHE', MFer....Ha Ha He He Ho Ho....I WIN AGAIN
Isnt it amazing how I can make a whole slew of right wing idiots become selectively BLIND

man do they give me power

I did notice a laundry list of banned people for many of his threads. If he's afraid of dissenting opinions and facts over there, he must have a schwang the size of a macaroni.

We have been over this. I have given you reasons for each person I ban. They are but a mere fraction of the liberal posters here so don't give me the "afraid of dissenting opinions" ruse.

I will explain again why I thread ban each one

1) Dantes - Troll of monumental proportions sent here by a banned member to stir things up to try to get me banned
2) Yoda - See #1
3) Threedee - a prick
4) Zappasguitar - the next post he makes concerning anything other than whining about other users or Mod decisions will be his first. I thread ban him because all he does is whine, which isn't against APP rules
5) Tekkychick - Vacuous and lacking in any original thought
6) Steelplate - See #5 and he violated HIPPA laws by coming on here disclosing the medical information of a mentally challenged individual trying to garner personal sympathy. I find that reprehensible.

Now here is what is funny. The thread ban feature was put into place by the Mods for the libs to control me. Yeah, how about that. And here it is they refuse to use it and I use it on them. Isn't that ironical?
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Classic; it is when everyone else does typically Liberal of you. But this too is a lie in threads you have engaged me unsolicited.

There you go again; making shit up. I don't call everyone who disagrees with me a dimwit; I could care less if someone disagrees with me. As a matter of fact, I prefer that in order to have a debate.

I call brain dead morons who bombard the forum with incredibly stupid comments, mindlessly parrot DNC talking points like trained circus monkeys, lie and fabricate their own versions of reality dimwits. Debating them never proves productive and only ends up in a never ending circle of stupidity; much like you are doing now; much like any attempt to engage morons like Zappas, Evince, Jarod or Anti-Thinker.

So not only are you clueless, but delusional as well. You couldn't take candy from a trained circus monkey.

Carry on.

P.S. Classic Liberal and I do not agree on everything, but he makes more sense than all the lefttards combined on JPP and I thank him a lot.


You just parroted your same old speil all over that post. I love it! just cut and paste it, right?

Ahhh, good times.

See my signature, the one in green. Yeah, I dont have too much to worry about.
We have been over this. I have given you reasons for each person I ban. They are but a mere fraction of the liberal posters here so don't give me the "afraid of dissenting opinions" ruse.

I will explain again why I thread ban each one

1) Dantes - Troll of monumental proportions sent here by a banned member to stir things up to try to get me banned
2) Yoda - See #1
3) Threedee - a prick
4) Zappasguitar - the next post he makes concerning anything other than whining about other users or Mod decisions will be his first. I thread ban him because all he does is whine, which isn't against APP rules
5) Tekkychick - Vacuous and lacking in any original thought
6) Steelplate - See #5 and he violated HIPPA laws by coming on here disclosing the medical information of a mentally challenged individual trying to garner personal sympathy. I find that reprehensible.

Now here is what is funny. The thread ban feature was put into place by the Mods for the libs to control me. Yeah, how about that. And here it is they refuse to use it and I use it on them. Isn't that ironical?

Translation: whaaaaaaa, I dont like what they write!

OMG, talk about irony.

Hey, have at it. We all know it's easier to 'win' on the Internet when there's no opposition.
Evince is a woman.
There is no way that you can possibly know that unless you have seen "her" at a Lib cabalista talking points meeting or she has emailed you photos with something like a thumb to verify their veracity. When I post a Pic, I will include my thumb in the photo, in that way, everyone knows that they are real. I routinely did that on the old Board, with My Quarter Horse's big ass, Califa lottery tickets, and Wind Turbins. Sounds nutty, but it worked, since they all thought that I lived back ease and nothing I said convinced them that I have always lived in Califa, but I did visit Long Island, NY 3 times, so I had to get radical to retrain them.

In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Unseals Document

She said in the memorandum that the program had been approved by Gregory Graves, deputy political director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.The document, called Exhibit 13, was unsealed by U.S. District Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise when lawyers for the Democratic National Committee said it was needed to question Wolfe

Right from the VERY top of the party

Look at them go selectively blind all over again
Translation: whaaaaaaa, I dont like what they write!

OMG, talk about irony.

Hey, have at it. We all know it's easier to 'win' on the Internet when there's no opposition.

That is kind of the whole point of this board. It is called self moderation. People use it for a variety of reasons. I have been open and honest about mine. You asked for a reason. You didn't ask for a reason you approved of.

BTW who said anything about winning on the Internets? I sure didn't. That isn't why I come here.

I chuckle about all thus desire for reasonable debate and yet there sits APP. Now apparently you are offended by thread bans (odd for a supposed noob not knowing the history)

Lots of topics on APP for you to dabble in. If your aversion to threadbans scares you off, I can't help you.
Note not a word on the court documented facts that prove the republican party has cheated in elections for decades?
and the right here pretends it doesn't exist so they can continue to pretend they are NOT cheating people out of their votes right now.

ID laws are a right wing scam
That is kind of the whole point of this board. It is called self moderation. People use it for a variety of reasons. I have been open and honest about mine. You asked for a reason. You didn't ask for a reason you approved of.


I can respect that.
Maybe this place is dying...I dont know I've only been here a few weeks but it's very incestuous....most have been here a long time and know each other well. Makes for rather boring treadmill bitching at each other instead of discussion.

And I'm noticing more 'banning' from threads....and it's mostly the righties blocking the lefties....what are you afraid of? That's just plain cowardice because no one seems to ban BM or Evince and they are 2 of the biggest offendes that drag threads into the toilet. Both do little besides cock-block and sidetrack. Evince uses alot of insults.

Maybe it's not 'more,' maybe I just havent noticed it before. It's still cowardly (And generally seems to be a list of people of the opposite side, lol. Of course a discussion goes smoother when you ban the people that disagree with you. lol)

Things are pretty quiet over in APP....I'm not sure many people on this forum can conduct a civil discussion.

For awhile APP seemed to be nothing but global warming threads and I never post on those.