JPP is doing just fine

Now this has been the pattern for decades now.

Yet the MSM doesn't report on it much and the right wing posters avoid it like the plague.


and you just fucking lie and PRETEND your party doesn't cheat.

the right wing ideas can not win under any fucking name without cheating.

face that your ideas will NEVER be implemented ANYWHERE because they are based of fucking lies
See how this bonafied Leftist turns it all right around to influence the young people with mush for brains. Everyone with any political background knows that the Leftists are the connivers/liars, because they have been brainwashed all through school by Leftist Teachers. Vinny is not tryting to influence anyone on here other than the guest estupidos who read his sheet, so if Vinny say says it long enough and loud enough, they might believe his proven BS. I still own Vinny.......LOL
blather blather repeat.

so you REFUSE to assimilate those facts you DONT like into your world view.

That means you make your decisions on a half real world view.

that means you fail to employ all the facts into your decision making.

that means your stupid
See how this bonafied Leftist turns it all right around to influence the young people with mush for brains. Everyone with any political background knows that the Leftists are the connivers/liars, because they have been brainwashed all through school by Leftist Teachers. Vinny is not tryting to influence annyone on here other than the guest estupidos who reads his sheet, so if Vinny say says it long enough and loud enough, they might believe his proven BS. I own Vinny.......LOL

THIS is who gives you righties any power you have in this country.


without them your ideas would already be on the trash heap of history.

Somehow you people think we should not talk to these guys or bring them facts.

gee I wonder why you would Want to do that?
They are where the rights POWER comes from.

I go right at ( how sad is this) their very strength and the bivolators on the right who simply try to pretend the right thinks like they do and are NOT ....these dancers are the distraction not the trolls here
Your opinions are wrong; a LOT of thread banning occurs from the leftists on the forum. I have been banned from a few myself as well as Big Money. But when you thread ban vulgar asshat trolls like Evince; that is not censure, that is plain common sense to avoid having the thread derailed into vulgar asshattery.

You're new here and think you know it all; this too will change with time. Or perhaps you will just fade away as so many have who like to avoid debate and conflict?

Maybe this place is dying...I dont know I've only been here a few weeks but it's very incestuous....most have been here a long time and know each other well. Makes for rather boring treadmill bitching at each other instead of discussion.

Maybe it's not 'more,' maybe I just havent noticed it before. It's still cowardly (And generally seems to be a list of people of the opposite side, lol. Of course a discussion goes smoother when you ban the people that disagree with you. lol)

Things are pretty quiet over in APP....I'm not sure many people on this forum can conduct a civil discussion.

You are as delusional as Evince if you think I do not engage in discussion or debate...right up until OTHER people take the thread off track with their childishness. No avoiding, I came here hoping to find discussion, not someone who called every person who disagrees with him a 'dimwit.'...Yes, the very height of discourse.

Heh, speaking of childishness, that was like taking candy from a baby.
Gee Lorca; have you not been to APP lately? He's started most of the threads there. Notice the lack of participation? That's because leftist dimwitted trolls prefer a place they feel more comfortable in trolling without fear of being banned.

I did notice a laundry list of banned people for many of his threads. If he's afraid of dissenting opinions and facts over there, he must have a schwang the size of a macaroni.
hey dear friend will you discuss with me the FACTS I just gave you which you are avoiding for some reason?

Im asking really nicely


I didnt even read it. Like I said....your delivery sucks! And this is not a thread about...well, anything. LMAO
No, facts that are not absorbed have no impact, no power.

And your delivery has the OPPOSITE affect. You have no credibilty also have no ability to absorb information that does not conform to your beliefs.

You may be the first liberal that I've seen online that behaves just like the fundie hyper-conservative religious nutters.

Ok ready and willing.

Get me one of these so called facts of yours and lets go?
then you can maybe actually discuss the facts that prove the right in this country has to cheat to win elections?
I think all political boards (at least the one's I've visited) tend to get very incestuous over time unless there are new posters who bring in fresh blood.

It made me laugh when you mentioned people not banning Big Money and Evince because those are the only two people I ban on threads I start. Big Money has posted on this board under multiple names. Sometimes he's a liberal, sometimes he's a conservative. He is the true definition of an internet troll. Evince is clearly delusional. You picked up on it right away. I've seen her on other boards and she gets the exact same response there that she gets here. Of course she thinks something's wrong with everyone else and not her but that's really what being delusional is all about.

We get a lot of "new" posters here but they usually end up being regulars under a different name. So far it seems like you are legit. I hope you stick around.

I dont click on every thread and I dont click on ones I have no interest I guess I dont see when other people get banned.

I see Tekkychick banned alot and I like her. She's not a particularly offensive poster (by this forum's standards) so I can only infer that the thread starter is afraid of her input.

I didnt even read it. Like I said....your delivery sucks! And this is not a thread about...well, anything. LMAO

a liar just like the rest of them.

yeah my style huh.

the style of NOT putting up with your bullshit lies.
You are as delusional as Evince if you think I do not engage in discussion or debate...right up until OTHER people take the thread off track with their childishness.

Classic; it is when everyone else does typically Liberal of you. But this too is a lie in threads you have engaged me unsolicited.

No avoiding, I came here hoping to find discussion, not someone who called every person who disagrees with him a 'dimwit.'...Yes, the very height of discourse.

There you go again; making shit up. I don't call everyone who disagrees with me a dimwit; I could care less if someone disagrees with me. As a matter of fact, I prefer that in order to have a debate.

I call brain dead morons who bombard the forum with incredibly stupid comments, mindlessly parrot DNC talking points like trained circus monkeys, lie and fabricate their own versions of reality dimwits. Debating them never proves productive and only ends up in a never ending circle of stupidity; much like you are doing now; much like any attempt to engage morons like Zappas, Evince, Jarod or Anti-Thinker.

Heh, speaking of childishness, that was like taking candy from a baby.

So not only are you clueless, but delusional as well. You couldn't take candy from a trained circus monkey.

Carry on.

P.S. Classic Liberal and I do not agree on everything, but he makes more sense than all the lefttards combined on JPP and I thank him a lot.
Maybe this place is dying...I dont know I've only been here a few weeks but it's very incestuous....most have been here a long time and know each other well. Makes for rather boring treadmill bitching at each other instead of discussion.

And I'm noticing more 'banning' from threads....and it's mostly the righties blocking the lefties....what are you afraid of? That's just plain cowardice because no one seems to ban BM or Evince and they are 2 of the biggest offendes that drag threads into the toilet. Both do little besides cock-block and sidetrack. Evince uses alot of insults.

Maybe it's not 'more,' maybe I just havent noticed it before. It's still cowardly (And generally seems to be a list of people of the opposite side, lol. Of course a discussion goes smoother when you ban the people that disagree with you. lol)

Things are pretty quiet over in APP....I'm not sure many people on this forum can conduct a civil discussion.

I have already explained to you why I thread ban. Dantes and Yoda were not here to engage in any meaningful debate. they were here to troll on behalf of a banned member
No, facts that are not absorbed have no impact, no power.

And your delivery has the OPPOSITE affect. You have no credibilty also have no ability to absorb information that does not conform to your beliefs.

You may be the first liberal that I've seen online that behaves just like the fundie hyper-conservative religious nutters.

this post
I did notice a laundry list of banned people for many of his threads. If he's afraid of dissenting opinions and facts over there, he must have a schwang the size of a macaroni.

Mott threadbanned a bunch of folks on his thread in this forum.

Checked his schwang lately?