JPP standards thread via current events moved here

I find it extraordinary that you Trumpettes and Teabaggers have spent message board careers whining and wailing about Desh, but hardly any of you ever says a damn thing about the truly vile and degenerate Stormfront racist posters here.

This isn't about Desh being offensive or disruptive. It's about something else. Desh is at least here to discuss the issues and politics of the day. And on the major issues of our generation, like the Iraq War Disaster, the historically inept reign of George Dumyba Bush, and the Great Republican Recession of 2008, Desh has not only been on the right side of history, she has been in fact prescient. I suspect that is what bugs the shit out of Trumpettes, and may explain some of the hate fetish for Desh.

But no one on the right here goes around complimenting posters like TDAK and CFM like you and a couple others do for Desh. And for as vile as they are they are correct on some things but that's ultimately irrelevant. Those guys are trash as is Desh. When you wish death on large numbers of people like Desh has that's beyond the pale.

And fwiw posting current event articles about economic events isn't being prescient and that's all Desh did.
But no one on the right here goes around complimenting posters like TDAK and CFM like you and a couple others do for Desh. And for as vile as they are they are correct on some things but that's ultimately irrelevant. Those guys are trash as is Desh. When you wish death on large numbers of people like Desh has that's beyond the pale.

And fwiw posting current event articles about economic events isn't being prescient and that's all Desh did.

I actually cannot even believe you conflated Desh with vile, degenerate racists like TDAK and CFM.

Holy smoke, you really see a moral equivalency there? I don't!
I actually cannot even believe you conflated Desh with vile, degenerate racists like TDAK and CFM.

Holy smoke, you really see a moral equivalency there? I don't!

What do you consider wishing large number of people dead? Now Watermark does it but I guess that's a millennial trolling thing that's considered cool so we're not supposed to take it seriously. But Desh does it. That makes her no better than anyone else. And like I said, no one stands up for TDAK and CFM. In fact they get attack not supported.
LOL, you don't go to JPP if you don't want to see trolling and flaming. There are forums on the internet with much tighter standards you can visit. JPP is a shithole, but that's what it is, no point in trying to clean it up and make it respectable. You'll just drive everyone away to another offshoot.

Yes, but not even 4chan is as inclusive or forgiving as we are. And that's a high standard.
Go fuck a dog and sniff its shit then eat its shit then coat your mouth with the shit that you ate you cock weasel
i am right because i voted for the right people and you never did. who you vote for is all that matters in life.