JPP standards thread via current events moved here

Ah, so she's called your racist ass out too.

Hey I have an idea. Why don't you threaten her life? That seem to be more acceptable to you racist fucks than standing up for equal rights.
why don't you STFU since you are the most dumb assed here?
Keep your idiotic suggestions to yourself
Domer and Nomad are amongst the worst, along with that prick Micawber.
Nomad and Micawber are the same..(I think) . Nomad is intelligent when he wants to be-
although Micawber seems a bit more cerebral.

DCJ was a small board, it got trollish at times, but most were at least fluent and capable of debate.

The worse bunch was that Riccki-Tavvy group.
This is truth. It's why she, Desh and Watermark all wish for deaths of others.

STFU coward.

When are you going to man up and post where I threatened your life?

Why aren't you calling out alyoisus and anatta......both have wished Hilary, President Obama and John McCain dead.

You banned me from your threads and put me on ignore until I called your pussy ass out.

Back your shit up because I will not stop asking for the proof until you produce it.
But none on your side of this wish the same thing about others .. and/or entire groups and races of people.

Exactly where does your moral high ground exist?

I claim no moral high ground. There is very little of it in politics. There are people on the right here who are disgusting human beings.
You are being dishonest. To suggest that her comments are more useless and infantile than that of most right-wing Stormfront posters on this board is simply is moronic.

Grind is a racist and proud of it. How you judge what is fair, civil, or honest by what Grind does is beyond me.

I enjoy her posts, but then again I don't live in Trumpy world.

i'm actually not racist nor would i be proud of it.

see how truth is elusive?
There's also a bunch of phony cowards who claim they hate dump and his racist supporters, but defend every thing he does and would vote lock step with him.

Of course. The mods here are remarkably lenient/open-minded. I co-moderate another political discussion forum on Goodreads and would instantly ban anyone using the N word or stating some of the vile bullshit I've seen here.

Guess that's why I'm still here -- they're remarkably lenient. lol
Domer and Nomad are amongst the worst, along with that prick Micawber.

i've got a pretty good list going these days

evince - for obvious reasons

Always with the exception of some joke threads/offtopic stuff that i don't care about if it gets interupted

domer/nomad - they basically are the same poster, needlessly aggressive and always ree-festing, not capable of just a normal discussion and always have to take everything to 11

Sometimes Ban:

Bac - political retard, I don't care about his opinions, offers no value for me.
Amadeus - sometimes an idiot, but w/e so are most liberals
signalman - don't want him botting my threads with his spam and cartoons
zappas - is a crybaby retard, intellectually dishonest, but doesn't bother me generally. I will ban him if I want a serious discussion not derailed by his moronic personality and low iq

Rares/less often these days:

archives - dumb but harmless
buckly - dumb but harmless
Everyone ha the ability to use Ignore just as I do.

On certain pages, I may have half the page on Ignore .. which by the way makes what is readable more of all of the above.

You guys pick on Evince because you can, not because it has any intelligence to it.

BAC's complaint is so full of irony, that if you put it in water it would sink; because he's bitching and moaning about the thread ban feature, but he readily admits to using IA.

Again, that's your opinion, shared by most of those on the right. That alone should identify exactly what this is all about.

I don't know what CFM says because I IGNORE his ignorant racist posts, BUT I don't ban him from my threads. I don't give fuck about what he says or thinks, I just don't need to read his meaningless putrid thoughts myself.

In fact, ignore a lot of ignorant motherfuckers on this board. I probably have 30 or more assholes on Ignore.

It seems to me that if Evince bothers you big strong guys so much, that you would all follow suit and put here on ignore rather than attempts at punishing here because you don't like what she has to say .. which often by the way is absolutely correct and on point.

I fail to see the intelligence in any of this.
You fail to see many things, but that's par for the course.

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