Just a reminder that if you took away just 2.8 million votes in California


Hillary Clinton would have still won anyway. Pretty impressive right, that she could lose that much a margin in the state with the most Americans and still come out in top.

Also if you subtracted 2.8 million votes from Trump, he would have lost by 6 million instead of 3 million. Just to be fair, since we're apparently playing this weird game of subtracting Californian votes from politicians, I don't see why it should go just one way.
Just imagine a world where 2/3 of the west coast isn't mandated to be voiceless just because it was organized as an atypically large subnational unit. If only there were a way that people could vote as individuals, then they could organize themselves into whatever size subnational government units they feel best fits their needs in their part of the country and it wouldn't mean a loss of political power, because the two would no longer be idiotically tied together because of the stupidity of the drafters of some ancient feudal treaty and their inability to perceive of a day when they're just all be equal and free citizens of one nation.

Oh well at can dream can't we.
did you know that if you gave California 150 million more votes and they all voted for Hilliary, Trump would still be president?.......
Just imagine a world where 2/3 of the west coast isn't mandated to be voiceless just because it was organized as an atypically large subnational unit. If only there were a way that people could vote as individuals, then they could organize themselves into whatever size subnational government units they feel best fits their needs in their part of the country and it wouldn't mean a loss of political power, because the two would no longer be idiotically tied together because of the stupidity of the drafters of some ancient feudal treaty and their inability to perceive of a day when they're just all be equal and free citizens of one nation.

Oh well at can dream can't we.

Anything that takes the well deserved power held by the two parties is simply communism

Last thing they & corp America want is a bunch of MF's running around doing their own thing...
Hillary Clinton would have still won anyway. Pretty impressive right, that she could lose that much a margin in the state with the most Americans and still come out in top.

Also if you subtracted 2.8 million votes from Trump, he would have lost by 6 million instead of 3 million. Just to be fair, since we're apparently playing this weird game of subtracting Californian votes from politicians, I don't see why it should go just one way.

No matter what happens with Trump - wins reelection, loses, impeached and convicted (wait, convicted of what?), croaks - he did a great service to the country and the world by keeping hrc from being president. For that I'll be forever grateful to him. He deserves to be on Mt. Rushmore.
No matter what happens with Trump - wins reelection, loses, impeached and convicted (wait, convicted of what?), croaks - he did a great service to the country and the world by keeping hrc from being president. For that I'll be forever grateful to him. He deserves to be on Mt. Rushmore.

Damn straight! It's wonderful to see some intelligence on this site. I think the #1 thing he did for our country by defeating Killery is that he prevented her from continuing Barry's "legacy" and turning it into a socialist and globalist sh*thole. That's what would've happened if the Dems' and George Soros' darling had won. We're not completely out of the woods yet, but another victory by Mr. Trump next year would almost guarantee it.
Hillary Clinton would have still won anyway. Pretty impressive right, that she could lose that much a margin in the state with the most Americans and still come out in top.

Also if you subtracted 2.8 million votes from Trump, he would have lost by 6 million instead of 3 million. Just to be fair, since we're apparently playing this weird game of subtracting Californian votes from politicians, I don't see why it should go just one way.

You can't lose by 3 million when there are only 538 votes.
No matter what happens with Trump - wins reelection, loses, impeached and convicted (wait, convicted of what?), croaks - he did a great service to the country and the world by keeping hrc from being president. For that I'll be forever grateful to him. He deserves to be on Mt. Rushmore.

Yes...god forbid a competent woman gets elected.

I’ve never understood the visceral fear and hatred many men have for Hillary that can only be explained by deep seated feelings of inadequacy and insecurity that competent professional women elicit.

I’m no fan of HC but we’d be light years better off than this oaf who is systematically dismembering our civil institutions. Dumbya incompetence almost pails in comparison to the long term damage he’s done to the vital trust in civil institutions that is required for sound government.
I’ve never understood the visceral fear and hatred many men have for Hillary that can only be explained by deep seated feelings of inadequacy and insecurity that competent professional women elicit.

What a dishonest thing to say. You know that we hate the Hillbag because she's arguably the most corrupt politician in the contemporary era. You also conveniently forget what a big fan of Condo Rice most of us were.
Yes...god forbid a competent woman gets elected.

I’ve never understood the visceral fear and hatred many men have for Hillary that can only be explained by deep seated feelings of inadequacy and insecurity that competent professional women elicit.
One of the main reasons I left the republican party was because they didn't give Liz Dole the time of day and left us with Bush and McCain, so you can't say that about me.
The first time I seriously disliked hrc was in that 60 minutes interview where Steve Kraft or Kroft stated something like, "so you have an arrangement as a couple" and we all know the baking cookies like Tammy Wynnette response, lying her wide ass off.
And it built from there. The more we learned the we hated them. Neither did anything to decrease that hate over time.
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Yes...god forbid a competent woman gets elected.

I’ve never understood the visceral fear and hatred many men have for Hillary that can only be explained by deep seated feelings of inadequacy and insecurity that competent professional women elicit.

I’m no fan of HC but we’d be light years better off than this oaf who is systematically dismembering our civil institutions. Dumbya incompetence almost pails in comparison to the long term damage he’s done to the vital trust in civil institutions that is required for sound government.

If only a competent woman would run...
Hillary Clinton would have still won anyway. Pretty impressive right, that she could lose that much a margin in the state with the most Americans and still come out in top.

Also if you subtracted 2.8 million votes from Trump, he would have lost by 6 million instead of 3 million. Just to be fair, since we're apparently playing this weird game of subtracting Californian votes from politicians, I don't see why it should go just one way.

How many other states have a major city with a typhus outbreak?

Mine will likely be next, though. :sad:
Yes...god forbid a competent woman gets elected.

I’ve never understood the visceral fear and hatred many men have for Hillary that can only be explained by deep seated feelings of inadequacy and insecurity that competent professional women elicit.

I’m no fan of HC but we’d be light years better off than this oaf who is systematically dismembering our civil institutions. Dumbya incompetence almost pails in comparison to the long term damage he’s done to the vital trust in civil institutions that is required for sound government.

A lot of men would vote for Tulsi. Of course, many of them would fantasize about her, but, it's a start.
Yes...god forbid a competent woman gets elected.

I’ve never understood the visceral fear and hatred many men have for Hillary that can only be explained by deep seated feelings of inadequacy and insecurity that competent professional women elicit.

I’m no fan of HC but we’d be light years better off than this oaf who is systematically dismembering our civil institutions. Dumbya incompetence almost pails in comparison to the long term damage he’s done to the vital trust in civil institutions that is required for sound government.

There you go supporting a woman because she's female thinking that gender is a qualification. Why wouldn't you. You thought Obama being black meant he was qualified.
Yes...god forbid a competent woman gets elected.

I’ve never understood the visceral fear and hatred many men have for Hillary that can only be explained by deep seated feelings of inadequacy and insecurity that competent professional women elicit.

I’m no fan of HC but we’d be light years better off than this oaf who is systematically dismembering our civil institutions. Dumbya incompetence almost pails in comparison to the long term damage he’s done to the vital trust in civil institutions that is required for sound government.

Yeh welcome to a world of rampant feminazism controlled by Snarlabots, identity politics on steroids and climate alarmist bullshit.
Yes...god forbid a competent woman gets elected.

I’ve never understood the visceral fear and hatred many men have for Hillary that can only be explained by deep seated feelings of inadequacy and insecurity that competent professional women elicit.

I’m no fan of HC but we’d be light years better off than this oaf who is systematically dismembering our civil institutions. Dumbya incompetence almost pails in comparison to the long term damage he’s done to the vital trust in civil institutions that is required for sound government.

I bet your missus detests the Hillbillies.