Just a reminder that if you took away just 2.8 million votes in California

Show where the rigging took place. Trump won by the rules of the game and Democrats like you can't accept that you lost.

Trump got less votes, but still won. The electoral college rigs the election for the Republican.
And I'm not a Democrat. I oppose Capitalism and Globalism, which both parties advocate.
That was out of the electoral college, though. He got less votes from the American people. Basically, he lost the election, but was still given the presidency because the system is rigged by the elites.

Since the election is based on the electoral votes, that's all that matters.

You can't lose something when what YOU're claiming isn't what is used to determine the winner.

I don't see anything in the Constitution saying popular votes for President matter. Do you?
Hillary Clinton would have still won anyway. Pretty impressive right, that she could lose that much a margin in the state with the most Americans and still come out in top.

Also if you subtracted 2.8 million votes from Trump, he would have lost by 6 million instead of 3 million. Just to be fair, since we're apparently playing this weird game of subtracting Californian votes from politicians, I don't see why it should go just one way.


The Democrats will not even bother to legislate to end the ELECTORAL COLLEGE!

No, they won't have to, because the first time a Repubiclan loses an election because of it, they will shart their britches and legislate to end it!

Problem solved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLAHAHAHAHAHA!
Since the election is based on the electoral votes, that's all that matters.

Well it depends. If you're a Fascist, all that matters is who is in power. If you believe in democratic elections, what matters is one person = one vote.

I think you're kind of a pussy for not just admitting that you're a Fascist. I have no problem saying I'm an Ethnic Nationalist, even though it's controversial. I'm also a girl, which is probably extra embarrassing for you.
Well it depends. If you're a Fascist, all that matters is who is in power. If you believe in democratic elections, what matters is one person = one vote.

I think you're kind of a pussy for not just admitting that you're a Fascist. I have no problem saying I'm an Ethnic Nationalist, even though it's controversial. I'm also a girl, which is probably extra embarrassing for you.

It matters what the Constitution says. You're opposed to the rules set forth in it when you lose.

Embarrassed by an inferior? Why would you think so. You should be embarrassed to believe that supporting the Constitution means Fascism.

Why don't you get in the kitchen or pick up a dust rag and do what you were created to do.
Embarrassed by an inferior? Why would you think so. You should be embarrassed to believe that supporting the Constitution means Fascism.

But an inferior has the courage to be honest about what she's about. While you're too much of a pussy to do the same. That's so sad. :(
But an inferior has the courage to be honest about what she's about. While you're too much of a pussy to do the same. That's so sad. :(

You don't, though, which is why you're inferior.

I stated that I support the Constitution and what it says about the electoral college. You oppose it.
You don't, though, which is why you're inferior.

I stated that I support the Constitution and what it says about the electoral college. You oppose it.

You support that part because you don't believe in democracy.

And I am honest. I have no problem saying I'm an Ethnic Nationalist.
You support that part because you don't believe in democracy.

And I am honest. I have no problem saying I'm an Ethnic Nationalist.

I support the Constitution. You don't. It's that simple.

I support the Republic that the Constitution created. If you think it created a Democracy, you keep proving you're inferior.
Nice try, but I didn't say they did that. The current electoral college system highly benefits Republicans. How we ended up with it or who started it is besides the point.

What do you mean "current" electoral college system?? It has ALWAYS been the system, numb nuts...
Trump got less votes,
No, he didn't. He got over 300 votes. He only needed 270 to win.

but still won.
Yup. because he had more votes.

The electoral college rigs the election for the Republican.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

And I'm not a Democrat.
I don't believe you.

I oppose Capitalism
Damn near everything you own and damn near every perk you enjoy is a direct result of Capitalism...

and Globalism,
I don't believe you.

which both parties advocate.
Support/rejection of those two things are pretty well split between party lines...
Hillary Clinton would have still won anyway. Pretty impressive right, that she could lose that much a margin in the state with the most Americans and still come out in top.

Also if you subtracted 2.8 million votes from Trump, he would have lost by 6 million instead of 3 million. Just to be fair, since we're apparently playing this weird game of subtracting Californian votes from politicians, I don't see why it should go just one way.

This is all you need to know dumbass:

Just imagine a world where 2/3 of the west coast isn't mandated to be voiceless just because it was organized as an atypically large subnational unit. If only there were a way that people could vote as individuals, then they could organize themselves into whatever size subnational government units they feel best fits their needs in their part of the country and it wouldn't mean a loss of political power, because the two would no longer be idiotically tied together because of the stupidity of the drafters of some ancient feudal treaty and their inability to perceive of a day when they're just all be equal and free citizens of one nation.

Oh well at can dream can't we.

Just imagine you having a brain and education!

That was out of the electoral college, though.
Yes, and that is who elects Presidents.

He got less votes from the American people.
The American people did not vote for President. The Electoral College did. The American people voted for particular Electoral College members.

Basically, he lost the election,
No, he won over 300 votes. He only needed 270 votes.

but was still given the presidency
He won the Presidency.

because the system is rigged by the elites.
Nothing is "rigged"... Stop your bitching and whining. Learn that other States DO exist besides Kaliphornia, of which I don't even consider to be a State at this point. They are effectively their own Oligarchy.