Just a reminder that if you took away just 2.8 million votes in California

'An examination of the Supreme Court’s dilemmas and tensions as it stepped into the “political thicket” of voting and representational equality, establishing the practice of what has become a core American principle: “One person, one vote.” '

Did you flunk grade school? We are a Republic of States. States that have representation via Presidential elections. A one person, one vote election would basically give a few high population states the say on who gets elected over all the other states.

That would be asinine. Why even bother having an election if BLUE state New York and BLUE State California get to decide every election?

No shit-for-brains; we will NEVER kowtow to dishonest hacks who want to destroy state representation and by-pass the Constitution.

Carry on.
No, he didn't. He got over 300 votes. He only needed 270 to win.

You know what I mean. You can't defend Trump getting less votes, so you're pretending you don't know.

I don't believe you.

Democrats are Globalist and Capitalist. Why would I support that party?

Damn near everything you own and damn near every perk you enjoy is a direct result of Capitalism...

At one point damn near every perk people enjoyed was a direct result of Feudalism. Just because the system we have works alright, does not mean we can't improve it. And Europe has already proved that Social Democracy works better.

I don't believe you.

I'm an Ethnic Nationalist. I'm guessing that you, at best, are a Civic "Nationalist."

Support/rejection of those two things are pretty well split between party lines...

No, they differ only in degree. Both parties are Capitalist, but the Republicans slightly more so. Both parties are Globalist, but the Democrats slightly more so.

The is no mainstream political party in America that advocates Ethnic Nationalism or Social Democracy.
Hillary Clinton would have still won anyway. Pretty impressive right, that she could lose that much a margin in the state with the most Americans and still come out in top.

Also if you subtracted 2.8 million votes from Trump, he would have lost by 6 million instead of 3 million. Just to be fair, since we're apparently playing this weird game of subtracting Californian votes from politicians, I don't see why it should go just one way.

you should read all of this link
