Just a reminder that if you took away just 2.8 million votes in California

I bet your missus detests the Hillbillies.

I wouldn't say that but she does feel uncomfortable around them. They are not hostile towards her but are usually cordially polite to her and then ignore her but she listens when they talk and being smart she can read between the lines and they make her feel very uncomfortable.
did you know that if you gave California 150 million more votes and they all voted for Hilliary, Trump would still be president?.......

did you know that if just 77,000 morons in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin hadn't thrown a childish temper tantrum on election day, we'd have an actual President today rather than the embarrassing joke we've got now?......
Yes...god forbid a competent woman gets elected.

I’ve never understood the visceral fear and hatred many men have for Hillary that can only be explained by deep seated feelings of inadequacy and insecurity that competent professional women elicit.

I’m no fan of HC but we’d be light years better off than this oaf who is systematically dismembering our civil institutions. Dumbya incompetence almost pails in comparison to the long term damage he’s done to the vital trust in civil institutions that is required for sound government.

Except she lost because many Bernie Bro's didn't vote for her and black turnout was down. Are those progressive types anti woman or have a deep seated hatred of women?

I'll offer an example on a more local level. We have never had a woman Governor in California. Never. Meg Whitman ran against Jerry Brown. Meg Whitman was CEO of EBay and a very smart woman. She was a Republican but was no right winger or ideologue. (In fact I believe she has since left the Republican Party because of Trump.) Yet Brown beat her. How does this happen in what many believe to be a progressive state? People say we need more women in office then don't want to vote for them.
I wouldn't say that but she does feel uncomfortable around them. They are not hostile towards her but are usually cordially polite to her and then ignore her but she listens when they talk and being smart she can read between the lines and they make her feel very uncomfortable.

Someone like her should be ignored.
did you know that if just 77,000 morons in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin hadn't thrown a childish temper tantrum on election day, we'd have an actual President today rather than the embarrassing joke we've got now?......

We do have a President. He won 304 - 227 regardless of the excuses you make to make yourself feel better about getting your ass kicked.

We got rid of the joke that was elected due to skin color and kept another clown from getting in the office.
Except she lost because many Bernie Bro's didn't vote for her and black turnout was down. Are those progressive types anti woman or have a deep seated hatred of women?

I'll offer an example on a more local level. We have never had a woman Governor in California. Never. Meg Whitman ran against Jerry Brown. Meg Whitman was CEO of EBay and a very smart woman. She was a Republican but was no right winger or ideologue. (In fact I believe she has since left the Republican Party because of Trump.) Yet Brown beat her. How does this happen in what many believe to be a progressive state? People say we need more women in office then don't want to vote for them.

Yup...and I understand why. Julius Caesar once said that if you give a man the keys to power they will use it to conquer and that if you give a woman the keys to power she will use it to emasculate.

But I'd like to think this isn't 43 BC. I'd also argue that the main reason Clinton lost is that she pimpled off the Great Lakes region as her advisers told her it was to lacking in diversity. I don't think the Bernie bros had any impact on the election what so ever. Hell they couldn't even beat Clinton.
Just a reminder that if you took away just 2.8 million votes in California, Hillary Clinton would have still won anyway.
Hilary Clinton did not win. Donald Trump did. Trump won 304-227 (7 electors were faithless).

Pretty impressive right,
Not impressive, but rather, irrelevant.

that she could lose that much a margin in the state with the most Americans and still come out in top.
She didn't "come out on top". Trump won, 304-227.

Also if you subtracted 2.8 million votes from Trump, he would have lost by 6 million instead of 3 million.
Irrelevant. Presidents in this country are not chosen by popular vote.

Just to be fair, since we're apparently playing this weird game of subtracting Californian votes from politicians, I don't see why it should go just one way.
Completely irrelevant. We do not elect Presidents by popular vote.
did you know that if just 77,000 morons in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin hadn't thrown a childish temper tantrum on election day, we'd have an actual President today rather than the embarrassing joke we've got now?......

you're welcome......(though to be honest, you didn't deserve it).......
did you know that if just 77,000 morons in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin hadn't thrown a childish temper tantrum on election day, we'd have an actual President today rather than the embarrassing joke we've got now?......

Did Jesus tell you to elect a constantly lying, criminal pervert scumbag as President?

You fundie idiots are even stupider than we've been giving you credit for all these years.

Did some monkey tell you to elect another one in 2008 and 2012?

Just a reminder that if you're going to claim you can take someone's guns and challenge them to come where you are, going into hiding after you do proves cowardice.