Just a reminder that if you took away just 2.8 million votes in California

No matter what happens with Trump - wins reelection, loses, impeached and convicted (wait, convicted of what?), croaks - he did a great service to the country and the world by keeping hrc from being president. For that I'll be forever grateful to him. He deserves to be on Mt. Rushmore.

He deserves to be on the Most Wanted display at the Post Office!

No matter what happens with Trump - wins reelection, loses, impeached and convicted (wait, convicted of what?), croaks - he did a great service to the country and the world by keeping hrc from being president. For that I'll be forever grateful to him. He deserves to be on Mt. Rushmore.

He deserves to be on the Most Wanted display at the Post Office!

He deserves to be on the Most Wanted display at the Post Office!


No matter what happens with Trump - wins reelection, loses, impeached and convicted (wait, convicted of what?), croaks - he did a great service to the country and the world by keeping hrc from being president. For that I'll be forever grateful to him. He deserves to be on Mt. Rushmore.

hrc is still my not president! :party:
You're just another mindless right-wing goober and you're going back on ignore with the likes of CFM and the other droolers.

You are just another pissant looser !

Oh my !! I can’t take any criticizing ..... I will block you !!!!

Go sit in the corner , while the ADULTS take over !
True. Because the system is rigged in favor of the Republicans.

brilliant for the Republicans to do that 100 years before they became a political party.....nothing was "rigged".......one party was smart enough to notice how our electoral system was structured and learned how to engage in politics to be successful.........the other party is composed of simple minded fuckwits who think the way to win elections is to be the loudest whiners.......
The current electoral college system highly benefits Republicans.

only because the demmycrats aren't smart enough to figure out how it works......all you need to do is come up with issues that are popular with the majority of voters in enough states to get a majority of the electoral votes.........demmycrats think it should be enough just to win New York and California.......
only because the demmycrats aren't smart enough to figure out how it works......all you need to do is come up with issues that are popular with the majority of voters in enough states to get a majority of the electoral votes.........demmycrats think it should be enough just to win New York and California.......

Politicians shouldn't be picking issues based on winning elections. They should be picking issues based on improving the country. This is why I think voting should be a lot more restricted, but without the electoral college, that might not be necessary.
Politicians shouldn't be picking issues based on winning elections. They should be picking issues based on improving the country. This is why I think voting should be a lot more restricted, but without the electoral college, that might not be necessary.

?????......you're an idiot.......you need to attract voters who AGREE that your position on an issue IS good for the country......as far as I am concerned any person that agrees with what YOU think is good for the country should be shot, not elected......
Nice try, but I didn't say they did that. The current electoral college system highly benefits Republicans. How we ended up with it or who started it is besides the point.

The system is what it is. There is no rigging. You either win by the rules or you whine like Hillary supporters because you got your ass kicked.