JustPlainPolitics Stock Market Game

I haven't copied anybody, I've been slowly researching and purchasing what I think are good finds.
If I'd known it would go even lower I would have waited.

I've been cherrypicking stocks from different people's portfolios. Went with Apple and Chevron from Top, WaMu from you. Everyone seems to own Urban Outfitters too.

I saw that in Divings and took it just for a bit of diversification. I didn't do much research on it, or any of my stocks for that matter.
BTW, WaMu just broke another support level, which means its going to go down even more. I'm going to buy again at $2.40-$2.50 to average down my initial cost. Just a hint if your fearless :)

Gah. I'd have to sell something else to get up the cash. I'm thinking I might just hold. It really is dropping fast.

The $42k I was down is now $60k. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to get any deeper into WaMu. I know you need to do it to average down what you paid for it last time.

If it hits 2.40 or below I will give it a shot.
Gah. I'd have to sell something else to get up the cash. I'm thinking I might just hold. It really is dropping fast.

The $42k I was down is now $60k. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to get any deeper into WaMu. I know you need to do it to average down what you paid for it last time.

If it hits 2.40 or below I will give it a shot.

It really is a risky stock. You have to have balls of steel to hold it. Which also means the stock price jumps a lot out of fear.
It really is a risky stock. You have to have balls of steel to hold it. Which also means the stock price jumps a lot out of fear.
I've been waiting until I believe it is at rock-bottom. Nothing like good bottom feeding to make money in stock.
Well guys

As soon as you hear that McCain has said no to the bailout, drop everything and sell the stock like a hot potato.

I am making so much in solar and energy that it is offsetting my losses in WM. Of course, I have like a third what you guys have invested in it.
Gah. I'd have to sell something else to get up the cash. I'm thinking I might just hold. It really is dropping fast.

The $42k I was down is now $60k. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to get any deeper into WaMu. I know you need to do it to average down what you paid for it last time.

If it hits 2.40 or below I will give it a shot.

Not true.... You could always buy the stock on margin... you have over $950k of margin available. Do it. Put it into WM. You will make MILLIONS....

Dave and I have the notable distinction of being the only people in the game to lose money today.

So far I've lost 5% and I'm down from 1st to 5th.
I've been waiting until I believe it is at rock-bottom. Nothing like good bottom feeding to make money in stock.

It is a roller coaster, which is why I put my first order in on Friday at like 4.20. I wanted something in there for when/if they got a pop over the weekend. Didn't happen... so I made another order at 3.20 in case the bailout got approved today... still nothing today, but S&P downgraded it so the wusses bailed and it went down to $2.60-$2.80... so I put another 30000 share order in. I think it will go down again, but if it doesn't then I still bought a good bit at the bottom. If it hits $2.40, then I buy another block. Worst thing that can happen is the stock turns into a penny stock and I'm screwed in this game within a week.. lol. Then you can all effectively laugh at me for being dumb. Or you'll all bow down on your knees cause you'll never catch up.