Kamala claims right to walk into your home and inspect your gun safe

The more I read about this "Public Duty Doctrine" the more it seems related to torts and individuals right to sue the police for failure to protect an individual. It doesn't really feel like they mean that police are not here for our protection.

It arose apparently largely out of the elimination of sovereign immunity in many areas.
your comprehension needs a lot of work.
"We're going to require responsible behaviors among everybody in the community, and just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs," Harris told a group of reporters in May 2007.

That is disgusting's and disqualifying

now lineup shit stains and defend this bullshit - we know you will
Your desperation is embarrassing.
Your desperation is embarrassing.
Not as embarrassing as your continuing to speak without any intelligence to back it up.

An a happier note you are a good case study of the first amendment. Even morons can opine under it.
Not as embarrassing as your continuing to speak without any intelligence to back it up.

An a happier note you are a good case study of the first amendment. Even morons can opine under it.
Thank you for taking time out of your meaningless life to tell me that I am a moron with no intelligence. Fucking loser.
I live in Oregon which is in the top ten liberal shitholes and even here no one is walking into your home to inspect a goddamned thing without a warrant signed by a judge after showing probable cause.
The law is popular and is the law in some cities in every state.

So your city may not have this law in effect.

Only 27 states, SO FAR, have legislated to adopt this law as a STATE LAW!
I live in Oregon which is in the top ten liberal shitholes and even here no one is walking into your home to inspect a goddamned thing without a warrant signed by a judge after showing probable cause.

You know you can still live in Oregon and enjoy all the pro-Trump stuff you want. It's just about a 3 hour drive east but soon you'll find yourself in the land of Trump 2024 flags flying quite proudly in front of most farm houses. You won't find many trees or many other people, but you will be with your kind.

Then you can whine enough that you convince Idaho to take you in (LOL...Idaho doesn't even want eastern Oregon)
his values have changed

People are allowed to change. Trump is allowed to contribute $6000 to Kamala's campaign for atty general of California and STILL think she is the worst person to ever walk the earth. Trump is allowed to go from being pro-choice to pro-life. Trump is allowed to value ONE type of woman until he gets bored with her and the moves on to a different type of woman. Trump is SO capable of change that he is even fine with changing the path of a hurricane using only the power of his SHARPIE OF CHANGE.

- hers have not. she is clear on that

Ahhh, so anyone who isn't Trump clearly only changes for venal political reasons? Got it.

People are allowed to change.

people don't change overnight.

you people can only gas light and lie. She didn't change her views from 2020 to now. What changed is her prospects of winning

that you can't even be honest is why it is a waste of time debating you on anything. liars lie.