Keeping up with the truth

See if you agree:

Liberalism offers up a utopian vision of the world and then invites its practitioners to feel good about themselves for embracing it. Not only does this beautiful fantasy world never come to pass, liberalism fails to address the root causes of the problems it sets out to solve while creating whole new disasters in the process. In other words, it's a never ending circle. There's a problem, liberalism is offered up as the solution, it doesn't work and creates more problems, for which liberalism is offered up as the solution, etc., etc., etc. until you're starving, bankrupt, or your society is tearing itself apart at the seams.

Liberalism says that....

So, what kind of nonsense have you been reading? George Wasington wrote to Jewish interests and said that Freedon of Religion was a very liberal idea. So, according to you, even the father of our country was living in some sort of anti American fallacy.
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I really don't care to get into a prolonged debate about facts with someone who cites editorials as sources of fact....

Like a non-fiction "novel" is a piece of non-fiction written "in the style of a novel", an editorial is a piece of non-factual OPINION written in the style of an article of factual news. The former really isn't a novel in the conventional sense any more than the latter is factual news.

But enjoy your discussion in any case!
You mean you really don't care to be dragged through a glut of painful observations about your side of the fence. That's OK, I wouldn't either.

As for your little sideshow detraction about novels VS nonfiction.... that didn't work.

Now go hide. ;)
So, what kind of nonsense have you been reading? George Wasington wote to Jewish interests and that Freedon of Religion was a very liberal idea. So, according to you, even the father of our country was living in some sort of anti American fallacy.
That doesn't solve the points in this article, but thank you for trying to derail the thread. Now, shall we start from the top or do you want to go further down the list?
While Maineman's scrambling to come up with another stupid rejoinder, let's discuss the first point:

1)'s all about choice -- unless you want to choose which gun or lightbulb to use, which school your child will attend, or you’d prefer more freedom and smaller government.

No, you don't have any. You parrot other's thoughts, without realizing that the entire purpose of said thoughts is to confuse morons into continuing to vote against their own best interests. Don't you have a wonder bread, baloney and miracle whip sandwich to eat or something?
There are nonfiction novels, brightboy. or did you not bother to click on the first link? Here, let's make sure it isn't broken this time: novel

Don't forget to check back after you've finished.

Sorry, second linky no worky either. Let's try this one instead;

[COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • 1.
    a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"the novels of Jane Austen"[/COLOR]
    [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]synonyms:[/TD]
    [TD]book, paperback, hardcover; More



Sorry, second linky no worky either. Let's try this one instead;
Wrong again, psycho brain. Click the link again, only this time use the computer that spells D E L L, not F I S H E R P R I C E. You may have to get clearance from your psychiatric team. ;)
Wrong again, psycho brain. Click the link again, only this time use the computer that spells D E L L, not F I S H E R P R I C E. You may have to get clearance from your psychiatric team. ;)

Idiot; novels are fiction. Now go ask your mommy for some bleach and ammonia to play with. Have her pour them both into a jar for you.
No, you don't have any.
I have an article that you are avoiding. ;)

You parrot other's thoughts, without realizing that the entire purpose of said thoughts is to confuse morons into continuing to vote against their own best interests.
I've linked an article that liars like you are incapable of disputing.

Don't you have a wonder bread, baloney and miracle whip sandwich to eat or something?
did you read that off today's menu, wackjob? Are you a cutter as well?
That doesn't solve the points in this article, but thank you for trying to derail the thread. Now, shall we start from the top or do you want to go further down the list?

It addresses the article quite well by showing that it and your opinions on what liberalism really is is all nonsense. If that article had even a modicum of truth in it, then it would have admitted that at American labor's peak in this country, WE boasted the highest sytandanrd of living in the world. Now that the radical right, under the guise of conservativism and patriotism has slipped in and taken over, look at the state of our country! The liberal ideal is far more in line with the founding documents and the ideal that became the United States than you guys in the radical right will ever hope to be. Your OP is just silly.
It addresses the article quite well by showing that it and your opinions on what liberalism really is is all nonsense.
It shows that you have no interest in disputing the points. You don't want any part of it, and I don't blame you. Where you do get blamed, is for dodging this article. Your take on America is spelled out in the article. Now, do you want to address it, or do you want to keep changing the subject?
It shows that you have no interest in disputing the points. You don't want any part of it, and I don't blame you. Where you do get blamed, is for dodging this article. Your take on America is spelled out in the article. Now, do you want to address it, or do you want to keep changing the subject?

Listen idiot; no right wing propaganda expert knows what a liberal's "take" on anything is. That is why no one wants to discuss your retarded article. just make up shit that no one has ever said and say, "this is what liberalism says", and then expect anyone to take you as anything other than a complete moron? You must be joking! just make up shit that no one has ever said and say, "this is what liberalism says", and then expect anyone to take you as anything other than a complete moron? You must be joking!
What's moronic is a liar announcing his intentions. Why would that person do such a thing? I can't think of any reason why he would. Quit stalling. This should be a piece of cake for a scientific giant such as yourself. ;)
let me toss one back at you:

Here is what conservatives say:

"We'd be a much better country if those lazy NEEEgroes would stop reproducing like bunnies and start working for a living"


"If that damned illegitimate Kenyan socialist would ever get his stinky body out of the white house, we'd get back to being a respected country again"

but wait.... I know what you're saying.... you're saying that you'd NEVER say anything like that..... well, as someone I know once said:

"That's because actually saying it would also be admitting it, and we all know you people show zero interest in the truth."

see how that works?