Keeping up with the truth

Your stupid op-ed puts words in my mouth. The only "explaining" I intend to do regarding that op-ed piece is to disclaim it and to state that I will not deign to discuss it with you further. Start off insulting me and my political philosophy, don't expect a kumbaya moment anytime soon after that.
Your stupid op-ed puts words in my mouth. The only "explaining" I intend to do regarding that op-ed piece is to disclaim it and to state that I will not deign to discuss it with you further. Start off insulting me and my political philosophy, don't expect a kumbaya moment anytime soon after that.
Just admit that you think women are nothing more than third rate citizens, and I'll leave you alone.
again.... when you've got some real quotes from real liberals about the movement, we can discuss them... when you post a right wing made up editorial in a thread that purports to "keep up with the truth", you only serve to highlight what a stupid monkey you really are. go read a book.
again.... when you've got some real quotes from real liberals about the movement, we can discuss them... when you post a right wing made up editorial in a thread that purports to "keep up with the truth", you only serve to highlight what a stupid monkey you really are. go read a book.
Now you're lying to me about lying. Oh the tangled webs we weave when we... well, you know.

Let's circle back to the first point. Any thoughts?
Let's circle back to the starting premise:

This is a thread that you named, "Keeping up with the TRUTH."

and in your opening post, your link to an editorial whose primary content is a list of things that the author categorizes as "Liberalism says that....".

Right off the bat, Liberalism doesn't say those things.

Ergo, discussing things that liberalism doesn't say is hardly keeping up with the truth.

Do you see how your premise is fatally flawed here?

Grow the fuck up. If you want to have an intelligent conversation about the differences between political philosophies, figure out a way to begin that conversation that actually promotes rather than shuts down such a dialog.
Let's circle back to the starting premise:

This is a thread that you named, "Keeping up with the TRUTH."

and in your opening post, your link to an editorial whose primary content is a list of things that the author categorizes as "Liberalism says that....".

Right off the bat, Liberalism doesn't say those things.

Ergo, discussing things that liberalism doesn't say is hardly keeping up with the truth.

Do you see how your premise is fatally flawed here?

Grow the fuck up. If you want to have an intelligent conversation about the differences between political philosophies, figure out a way to begin that conversation that actually promotes rather than shuts down such a dialog.

Moron is moronic.

Let it go. He can yammar a lot longer and harder than someone with a brain rather than just a brain stem.
It shows that you have no interest in disputing the points. You don't want any part of it, and I don't blame you. Where you do get blamed, is for dodging this article. Your take on America is spelled out in the article. Now, do you want to address it, or do you want to keep changing the subject?

Liberalism offers up a utopian vision of the world and then invites its practitioners to feel good about themselves for embracing it.
And what utopia would that be? I have never once heard any liberal say that their ideology would be utopian for the United States, and rag writer Hawkins doesn’t solve that mystery does he? So that's bullshit.

1)'s all about choice: With all of the buyouts and takeovers American markets are closing up to choice. The choice for collective bargaining is being done away with and what you pay for goods and services in this country I being fixed; here’s jut one story on that issue:

2) The environment: The left has always championed the cause of environmental safety and preservation since progressive president Teddy Roosevelt. Some bullshit meme about where Al Gore lives has nothing to do with any that.

3) Government services: Again, where has any liberal come out and said that you can have lots of government services? Government services are there because of demand and were put in place as a safety net, like social security, so that right-wingers like you could have a place to go if you find yourself in need. So, the next time a hurricane hits Florida all the right-wingers can stand outside with umbrellas singing the star spangled banner to make it go away instead of hightailing it to government provided shelter where there’s food and blankets. Think of the savings!!

4) Birth Control: Like free needles to curb HIV and Hepatitis, giving out condoms in poverty stricken neighborhoods or even to teens at school is one the best ways to curb STDs and unwanted pregnancies, which will have a direct effect on welfare costs, so you should love it.

5) Crabgrass!?! What sort of bullshit is that?

There are six of your stupid right-wing lies ripped apart at their seams. Doing nine more would simply be a waste of my time. Now you have to disprove what I said to those five and prove what your OP rag said about all fifteen.

How’s that for on topic. Now you can also prove that George Washington didn't espouse the liberal ideology.
Let's circle back to the starting premise:
Let's stay on track, instead. Below is the first point. Explain how it is wrong.

1)'s all about choice -- unless you want to choose which gun or lightbulb to use, which school your child will attend, or you’d prefer more freedom and smaller government.
Let's stay on track, instead. Below is the first point. Explain how it is wrong.

1)'s all about choice -- unless you want to choose which gun or lightbulb to use, which school your child will attend, or you’d prefer more freedom and smaller government.

Yeah; let's stay ON track: what's a matter? Cat got your tounge?
It's really quite simple, liberals. Stop making mountains out of molehills, and pay attention:

1)'s all about choice -- unless you want to choose which gun or lightbulb to use, which school your child will attend, or you’d prefer more freedom and smaller government.

If you disagree with this observation, the last thing you want to do is cry bullshit and hurl insults at me. The correct response is to say that you do want us to choose which gun we want or which lightbulb to use, as well as which school our children will attend and that you would prefer more freedom and smaller government.

Do you understand?

Now, you try it. ;)
go fuck yourself. the opening premise of this thread was insulting and it hasn't climbed any since.
It's been in your face ever since your first attempt to derail this thread. #1 is a bullseye and you all know it. Your silence is all I need. ;)
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