Kent State Fun Quiz For Old Time Lefties.

1st, I don't give a shit where you went. You should have stayed.

Why don't you post 'humorous' photos of dead American servicemen or policemen or firemen and make fun of them? 19 firemen died here in AZ not long ago, you should be able to find a joke there somewhere. It's the same thing in my eyes as making fun of the innocent victims at Kent.

Firemen, policemen, Kent state students, and Americans in general, all the same really. When the slaughter of innocents with your guns gets to lose impact because of it's frequency and it's level of extreme violence it's gotten to the point where there's nothing left but to make light of it.

If Americans 'really' took it so seriously as you seem to suggest, maybe they would have done something about it years ago. But no, instead you can't even enact even the most legitimate and mild restrictions on your guns.
Don't cry to me when I point out the obvious sickness of your country's society.
Firemen, policemen, Kent state students, and Americans in general, all the same really. When the slaughter of innocents with your guns gets to lose impact because of it's frequency and it's level of extreme violence it's gotten to the point where there's nothing left but to make light of it.

If Americans 'really' took it so seriously as you seem to suggest, maybe they would have done something about it years ago. But no, instead you can't even enact even the most legitimate and mild restrictions on your guns.
Don't cry to me when I point out the obvious sickness of your country's society.

What does this have to do with the price of tea in China boot?
There is no excuse for rioting and taking faculty hostage. Those students deserved to be shot. They were not trying to help bring soldiers home; they were taking advantage of a situation to act out in public.
I wonder if it was our job to be there.

Oh here's another zinger, "our job" :lolup:

What's this "our" business?

Your job, if you were around back then which you weren't was to put me at room temperature and avoid the draft at all costs.

I wouldn't blame you for avoiding the draft but you would have gotten a little carried away with your "job."
Your question is so stupid I was going to ignore it but, let's see. I was armed with books, they had rifles and pistols. Enough of an answer? I was trying to find a way around them and get upwind of their tear gas so I could get to class when I heard a pistol shot. Being from a gun owning family I recognized the sound and hit the dirt. Then a volley of rifle shots. So no, I wasn't about to charge bayonetted guns with nothing but books for weapons. Also I realized that I had just witnessed the American military kill American citizens for political and monetary gain and realized that conservative governments will kill your children outright to get their way. Then laugh about it like the conservatives around here.

They (allegedly you) had plenty of weapons stashed on their person of the home made and purchased variety. Stop trying to pretend they were all innocent little peaceful college students who were gunned down by the guard. Police reports confirmed they had weapons and they fully intended to use them.

After Kent State, all the violent riots stopped like magic ... for some reason.

I would have to say that Kent State was the biggest morale boost for American troops in country who had already been demoralized by the relentless violent demonstrations by your innocent students and the propaganda onslaught against them by the American media.
Well now you hurt my feelings.

But please vote anyway after you compose yourself.

What the fuck is entertaining about gov't troops shooting unarmed civilian protestors? If you think this is funny, you must support a the type of gov't that is willing to murder any part of the population who disagrees with them.

What happened at Kent State was a tragedy. Making mockery of the murder of innocents is disgusting.
They (allegedly you) had plenty of weapons stashed on their person of the home made and purchased variety. Stop trying to pretend they were all innocent little peaceful college students who were gunned down by the guard. Police reports confirmed they had weapons and they fully intended to use them.

After Kent State, all the violent riots stopped like magic ... for some reason.

I would have to say that Kent State was the biggest morale boost for American troops in country who had already been demoralized by the relentless violent demonstrations by your innocent students and the propaganda onslaught against them by the American media.

I can well understand the level of anger that the soldiers in Vietnam felt at the way they were portrayed back home. However I didn't see any weapon on that guy who was lying on the ground, that was murder to my mind. In fact none of the 4 students were armed, they also wounded 9 others including one that was left permanently paralysed. Two of the dead students were actually walking between classes and had not even taken part in the demonstrations.
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Firemen, policemen, Kent state students, and Americans in general, all the same really. When the slaughter of innocents with your guns gets to lose impact because of it's frequency and it's level of extreme violence it's gotten to the point where there's nothing left but to make light of it.

If Americans 'really' took it so seriously as you seem to suggest, maybe they would have done something about it years ago. But no, instead you can't even enact even the most legitimate and mild restrictions on your guns.
Don't cry to me when I point out the obvious sickness of your country's society.

Talk about a ridiculous argument! Even the most rabid anti-gun nut has never talked about disarming the military. And THAT is who shot the student.
Oh here's another zinger, "our job" :lolup:

What's this "our" business?

Your job, if you were around back then which you weren't was to put me at room temperature and avoid the draft at all costs.

I wouldn't blame you for avoiding the draft but you would have gotten a little carried away with your "job."

Room temperature? avoid the draft? What in the hell are you talking about?'re getting as bad as 007.
What the fuck is entertaining about gov't troops shooting unarmed civilian protestors? If you think this is funny, you must support a the type of gov't that is willing to murder any part of the population who disagrees with them.

What happened at Kent State was a tragedy. Making mockery of the murder of innocents is disgusting.

Scalawag, they weren't innocents, they weren't pure as the driven snow students acting out their constitutional rights of free speech. They were an organized mob being led by communist front groups. Groups like the Students For a Democratic Society who were organized before there was a Vietnam.

They were paid back and after this they became extremely cautious of their demonstrations and for the most part kept them peaceful.

Of course President Nixon ending the draft not long after this greatly helped further their pacification.

Another thing scalawag is the fact that you can't explain why the guard was needed there in the first place without sidetracking the fact that violence was expected otherwise the guard wouldn't have been there.
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Scalawag, they weren't innocents, they weren't pure as the driven snow students acting out their constitutional rights of free speech. They were an organized mob being led by communist front groups. Groups like the Students For a Democratic Society who were organized before there was a Vietnam.

They were paid back and after this, they became extremely cautious of their demonstrations and for the most part, kept them peaceful.

Of course President Nixon ending the draft not long after this greatly helped their pacification.

Scalawag, they weren't innocents, they weren't pure as the driven snow students acting out their constitutional rights of free speech. They were an organized mob being led by communist front groups. Groups like the Students For a Democratic Society who were organized before there was a Vietnam.

They were paid back and after this they became extremely cautious of their demonstrations and for the most part kept them peaceful.

Of course President Nixon ending the draft not long after this greatly helped further their pacification.

Another thing scalawag is the fact that you can't explain why the guard was needed there in the first place without sidetracking the fact that violence was expected otherwise the guard wouldn't have been there.

I wouold love to know what signalmankenneth would think of you? He served in Vietnam as well.
I can well understand the level of anger that the soldiers in Vietnam felt at the way they were portrayed back home. However I didn't see any weapon on that guy who was lying on the ground, that was murder to my mind. In fact none of the 4 students were armed, they also wounded 9 others including one that was left permanently paralysed. Two of the dead students were actually walking between classes and had not even taken part in the demonstrations.

You don't know that and furthermore you don't know how involved the martyrs were in the riot downtown and the burning of the ROTC campus building.

Why is it that you don't have any problem with the number of innocent people who were killed by the Viet Cong and the number of innocent people who were injured by the martyrs?
Is the guy lying on the ground:

a. Studying the mating habits of ants.

b. Taking an afternoon power nap.

c. OD'd .. another dead doper.

Is the woman in the picture with the awful look on her face:

a. Doing a lousy Al Jolson impersonation.

b. Reacting after being bitten on the ass by a wasp.

c. Symbolically pleading to mom to send more party cash.

A dead person is your idea of fun?

This is supposed to be funny?

You validate what the left thinks.
Room temperature? avoid the draft? What in the hell are you talking about?'re getting as bad as 007.

One of the great martyred shrines of the left is Kent State. It's to them like the Statue of Liberty or Independence Hall in Philly.

Well it was time somebody made some fun out of these martyrs who were led by violent revolutionaries and used violence to promote what they were doing.