Kent State Fun Quiz For Old Time Lefties.

You don't know that and furthermore you don't know how involved the martyrs were in the riot downtown and the burning of the ROTC campus building.

Why is it that you don't have any problem with the number of innocent people who were killed by the Viet Cong and the number of innocent people who were injured by the martyrs?

You have a short memory, I've already told you that I've been to Saigon and my son has a Vietnamese girlfriend whose family suffered pretty badly during those years. I am also old enough to remember it from the late 60's and 70's.
You don't know that and furthermore you don't know how involved the martyrs were in the riot downtown and the burning of the ROTC campus building.

Why is it that you don't have any problem with the number of innocent people who were killed by the Viet Cong and the number of innocent people who were injured by the martyrs?

Who says we don't, you asshat? You know....down in DC there's this thing called "the Wall"'s a Memorial for those who died in Vietnam? They even have a traveling version of it that goes around....and, interestingly enough....the Vietnam Memorial was built before the WWII memorial.

My brother was Vietnam vet...and he's a progressive...your false patriotism only extends to people who think like you.

I'll remember this thread the next time you or one of your cronies start talking about armed rebellion again.
One of the great martyred shrines of the left is Kent State. It's to them like the Statue of Liberty or Independence Hall in Philly.

Well it was time somebody made some fun out of these martyrs who were led by violent revolutionaries and used violence to promote what they were doing.

You validate what the left thinks.

NO ONE holds Kent State up as some Statue of Liberty .. that's just what you've been programmed to believe .. something invented to allow you to dehumanize an innocent human being.

The left has never seen Kent State or Jackson State as anything other than sad tragedies.

Goddamn dude, you don't even have a soul.
Who says we don't, you asshat? You know....down in DC there's this thing called "the Wall"'s a Memorial for those who died in Vietnam? They even have a traveling version of it that goes around....and, interestingly enough....the Vietnam Memorial was built before the WWII memorial.

My brother was Vietnam vet...and he's a progressive...your false patriotism only extends to people who think like you.

I'll remember this thread the next time you or one of your cronies start talking about armed rebellion again.


Armed rebellion?

When did I ever talk about that?

I'd rate myself as one of the more pacifistic posters here in fact. But I do know the difference between a peaceful, constitutional demonstration and an armed mob being led by radical revolutionaries.

Armed rebellion?

When did I ever talk about that?

I'd rate myself as one of the more pacifistic posters here in fact. But I do know the difference between a peaceful, constitutional demonstration and an armed mob being led by radical revolutionaries.

There is no doubt that there were some radical elements there but you have just gone completely overboard.

Armed rebellion?

When did I ever talk about that?

I'd rate myself as one of the more pacifistic posters here in fact. But I do know the difference between a peaceful, constitutional demonstration and an armed mob being led by radical revolutionaries.

I've not known you to ever demonstrate this level of inhumanity before.

An apology would free your spirit .. just a bit .. but your spirit must pay for even posting this.
I was pretty sure I didn't want to open this thread based on who started it.

And having read just one page (page 3) - yeah, don't want to read any more. It's just Philly showing his a*holishness again.
Why was the national guard there in the first place?

Mostly because Nixon was a paranoid fuck, his opening up the war into Cambodia caused many to see the war escalating throughout S.E. Asia. I also went to Phnom Penh and the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum two years ago and saw how that policy resulted in the deaths of over 2 million Cambodians at the hands of the Kmer Rouge.
You may still be too early for jokes here. Especially when cops, etc. are still killing innocents.
By "etc" I presume you mean community watchmen?

I am unsure of the innocence of a certain person killed by a neighborhood watchman. That doesn't mean that I'm sure of Zimmerman's innocence, only that I am not sure of his guilt. I was very sure that there was not enough evidence to convict Zimmerman, but that doesn't mean I'm happy dancing or anything.

I watched while Americans were disarmed by military personnel who swore to uphold a constitution they were shredding during Katrina, I constantly see the newly militarized "cops" storming homes, sometimes without warrants or even warning, in one case they stormed a house they knew held innocents because they wanted to use it to stage an attack on the next door neighbor... IMO, that is clearly a violation of the fourth.

We'll never know what really happened that night with Zimmerman and Martin, but I knew that reality meant that there was never going to be enough evidence to convict Zimmerman. That case had reasonable doubt written on it from the start. That night held a tragedy.
I am unsure of the innocence of a certain person killed by a neighborhood watchman. That doesn't mean that I'm sure of Zimmerman's innocence, only that I am not sure of his guilt. I was very sure that there was not enough evidence to convict Zimmerman, but that doesn't mean I'm happy dancing or anything.

I watched while Americans were disarmed by military personnel who swore to uphold a constitution they were shredding during Katrina, I constantly see the newly militarized "cops" storming homes, sometimes without warrants or even warning, in one case they stormed a house they knew held innocents because they wanted to use it to stage an attack on the next door neighbor...

We'll never know what really happened that night with Zimmerman and Martin, but I knew that reality meant that there was never going to be enough evidence to convict Zimmerman. That case had reasonable doubt written on it from the start. That night held a tragedy.

There is a great irony here, which I suspect is lost on many, in that back in the bad old days the good old boys wouldn't wait around for a trial to string up a black man for a 'crime'. They knew he was guilty and a trial just got in the way of a good lynching.
There is a great irony here, which I suspect is lost on many, in that back in the bad old days the good old boys wouldn't wait around for a trial to string up a black man for a 'crime'. They knew he was guilty and a trial just got in the way of a good lynching.

Does anyone know how this is "ironic"???
I am unsure of the innocence of a certain person killed by a neighborhood watchman. That doesn't mean that I'm sure of Zimmerman's innocence, only that I am not sure of his guilt. I was very sure that there was not enough evidence to convict Zimmerman, but that doesn't mean I'm happy dancing or anything.

I watched while Americans were disarmed by military personnel who swore to uphold a constitution they were shredding during Katrina, I constantly see the newly militarized "cops" storming homes, sometimes without warrants or even warning, in one case they stormed a house they knew held innocents because they wanted to use it to stage an attack on the next door neighbor... IMO, that is clearly a violation of the fourth.

We'll never know what really happened that night with Zimmerman and Martin, but I knew that reality meant that there was never going to be enough evidence to convict Zimmerman. That case had reasonable doubt written on it from the start. That night held a tragedy.

I must have really touched a nerve.
I must have really touched a nerve.

Not really. I just like to be accurate. Jimmy Carter and I agree. But it isn't because, like some, I think Zimmerman is some sort of hero... it's because in a trial where reasonable doubt is the bar, that case was never going to get a conviction.
Mostly because Nixon was a paranoid fuck, his opening up the war into Cambodia caused many to see the war escalating throughout S.E. Asia. I also went to Phnom Penh and the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum two years ago and saw how that policy resulted in the deaths of over 2 million Cambodians at the hands of the Kmer Rouge.

The governor of the state called in the guard, Nixon didn't have anything to do with it.

Now why do you think the governor called in the guard? Are you going to claim it was to start killing the martyrs or was there another reason?

He called in the guard because everybody knew there was going to be violence just like there always was when these demonstrations were held, they immediately turned violent. So after Kent State, the violence subsided.
There is a great irony here, which I suspect is lost on many, in that back in the bad old days the good old boys wouldn't wait around for a trial to string up a black man for a 'crime'. They knew he was guilty and a trial just got in the way of a good lynching.

Back in the "good ole' days" a Hispanic dude, even one with a white father, would have been unlikely to get a fair trial. However I fail to see the relevance as to lynching and Zimmerman, as he wasn't black.