Kent State Fun Quiz For Old Time Lefties.

Not really. I just like to be accurate. Jimmy Carter and I agree. But it isn't because, like some, I think Zimmerman is some sort of hero... it's because in a trial where reasonable doubt is the bar, that case was never going to get a conviction.

So both you and Jimmy Carter are fos on this issue, what's it to me? Nothing. Jimmy Carter has quite a few positions i think are bs, btw. I love how you guys trot out some white dude who you all fantasize is some God to liberals, and lay that on me.

Anyway, I think you made a Freudian slip in your original post, and got defensive when I mentioned it. :)
Back in the "good ole' days" a Hispanic dude, even one with a white father, would have been unlikely to get a fair trial. However I fail to see the relevance as to lynching and Zimmerman, as he wasn't black.

That's because that's a Tomism...and what that means is that; IT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE.
Back in the "good ole' days" a Hispanic dude, even one with a white father, would have been unlikely to get a fair trial. However I fail to see the relevance as to lynching and Zimmerman, as he wasn't black.

The irony is that many black people made up their minds well before the trial and seemed to see it as a total inconvenience. As for Zimmerman, he was white enough for the purposes of Sharpton et al. Putting it even more simply they are guilty of exactly the same mindset as those good ol' boys of yore. I am damned sure that there were many that would have strung Zimmerman up outside that courthouse if they got the chance. Alles klar jetzt?
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So both you and Jimmy Carter are fos on this issue, what's it to me? Nothing. Jimmy Carter has quite a few positions i think are bs, btw. I love how you guys trot out some white dude who you all fantasize is some God to liberals, and lay that on me.

Anyway, I think you made a Freudian slip in your original post, and got defensive when I mentioned it. :)

58,000 to 4 .. hey lowlife, we still have along way to go.

Why don't you organize a violent riot over federally funded birth control pills or something at Kent State so we can stick you in the 4 category and bring it up to 5?

They can put up a statue of you with the inscription: The Long island Expressway Feminist - she popped her last pill.

Then they can hold a candle light vigil right here in your memory.

The irony is that many black people made up their minds well before the trial and seemed to see it as an inconvenience. As for Zimmerman, he was white enough for the purposes of Sharpton et al. Putting it even more simply they are guilty of exactly the same mindset as those good ol' boys of yore. Alles klar?

So why was the guard brought in?

Violence begets violence. Any violent action will receive a violent reaction.

So why the guard?
Why was there such a massive over reaction at the 1968 Democrat Convention? They called out the Illinois National Guard for that, if you recall.

For the same reason the national guard was called in at Kent State.

Do you know the difference between civil protest and mob violence? I do.

Darling Darla knows the difference. Darling Darla believes in violence if it reaches an ends - means conclusion no matter how many of my brothers it helps to kill and maim.
The irony is that many black people made up their minds well before the trial and seemed to see it as a total inconvenience. As for Zimmerman, he was white enough for the purposes of Sharpton et al. Putting it even more simply they are guilty of exactly the same mindset as those good ol' boys of yore. I am damned sure that there were many that would have strung Zimmerman up outside that courthouse if they got the chance. Alles klar jetzt?

You talking about Zimmerman or OJ Simpson .. as if whites hadn't already made up their minds .. as if whites were satisfied with the jury decision.

Of course that's all wrong when black people do it.
Scalawag, they weren't innocents, they weren't pure as the driven snow students acting out their constitutional rights of free speech. They were an organized mob being led by communist front groups. Groups like the Students For a Democratic Society who were organized before there was a Vietnam.

They were paid back and after this they became extremely cautious of their demonstrations and for the most part kept them peaceful.

Of course President Nixon ending the draft not long after this greatly helped further their pacification.

Another thing scalawag is the fact that you can't explain why the guard was needed there in the first place without sidetracking the fact that violence was expected otherwise the guard wouldn't have been there.

Please list one offense committed by the students that warranted a firing squad?
The governor of the state called in the guard, Nixon didn't have anything to do with it.

Now why do you think the governor called in the guard? Are you going to claim it was to start killing the martyrs or was there another reason?

He called in the guard because everybody knew there was going to be violence just like there always was when these demonstrations were held, they immediately turned violent. So after Kent State, the violence subsided.

Everyone knew? Did they have a crystal ball?

The fact is that an unarmed student was shot and killed by a member of the military. The fact is that he had committed no capital crime, but was still executed. And you choose to make light of this obvious overzealousness by armed members of our gov't?? You are sick. You are also supporting the removal of our freedoms by force.
58,000 to 4 .. hey lowlife, we still have along way to go.

Why don't you organize a violent riot over federally funded birth control pills or something at Kent State so we can stick you in the 4 category and bring it up to 5?

They can put up a statue of you with the inscription: The Long island Expressway Feminist - she popped her last pill.

Then they can hold a candle light vigil right here in your memory.


And why do you blame the Kent State students for the 58,000? They wanted you brought home. We had no business there. Even McNamara (may he burn in hell) later admitted it was a mistake. We went in half-heartedly. We let the politicians run the war. And 58,000 of our sons and daughters paid the ultimate price for no reason.
58,000 to 4 .. hey lowlife, we still have along way to go.

Why don't you organize a violent riot over federally funded birth control pills or something at Kent State so we can stick you in the 4 category and bring it up to 5?

They can put up a statue of you with the inscription: The Long island Expressway Feminist - she popped her last pill.

Then they can hold a candle light vigil right here in your memory.


Or maybe she can organize a nonviolent demonstration against neanderthals like you. I would be happy to provide some security for her. Maybe you can be as brave as the national guardsmen even if the target can fight back?
You talking about Zimmerman or OJ Simpson .. as if whites hadn't already made up their minds .. as if whites were satisfied with the jury decision.

Of course that's all wrong when black people do it.

It's wrong when anybody does it, that's the whole point. AS for OJ, why do you think that his defence pulled the race card because they knew the forensic evidence was damning.
Everyone knew? Did they have a crystal ball?

The fact is that an unarmed student was shot and killed by a member of the military. The fact is that he had committed no capital crime, but was still executed. And you choose to make light of this obvious overzealousness by armed members of our gov't?? You are sick. You are also supporting the removal of our freedoms by force.

Two of the four students killed were not even involved in the demonstrations and were just walking by.
Or maybe she can organize a nonviolent demonstration against neanderthals like you. I would be happy to provide some security for her. Maybe you can be as brave as the national guardsmen even if the target can fight back?

Thanks winter! That is so sweet. I bet I just need my water pistol though. He will probably run home with a pantload! Mommy will have the diaper rash ointment ready no doubt.
Yep, the boy ain't all there, that is for sure. I missed some of this, great stuff, LOL. I still love that Long Island Expressway Feminist thing.
Everyone knew? Did they have a crystal ball?

The fact is that an unarmed student was shot and killed by a member of the military. The fact is that he had committed no capital crime, but was still executed. And you choose to make light of this obvious overzealousness by armed members of our gov't?? You are sick. You are also supporting the removal of our freedoms by force.

No scalawag, it was a little payback.

There's nothing in the constitution that gives an armed mob the right to violence, nothing.

Would you have hung around looking for more trouble knowing the guard was present and over the last two days an ROTC building was burned and a staged riot occurred downtown with violence against unarmed private citizens? You would if you were part of the mob.
And why do you blame the Kent State students for the 58,000? They wanted you brought home. We had no business there. Even McNamara (may he burn in hell) later admitted it was a mistake. We went in half-heartedly. We let the politicians run the war. And 58,000 of our sons and daughters paid the ultimate price for no reason.

They wanted victory for the communists scalawag and to avoid Vietnam for themselves, they got both thanks to the worldwide media cameras.

They didn't care one iota about bringing anybody home whether alive or in a body bag.
Two of the four students killed were not even involved in the demonstrations and were just walking by.

Why were they still on campus with the place surrounded by guardsmen and after two violent riots occurred?

If you're in an area under siege, would you hang around or leave as soon as possible?