Kent State Fun Quiz For Old Time Lefties.

Oh....wait. They asked us to be there? Didn't Libya ask for help in getting rid of Ghaddafi? But, I bet Obama was a warhawk when we aided.the Libyan people, wasn't he?
actually the UN "asked for help" not the "Libyan people", but it's a small point in most minds.

Not for me though.It's another US cluster.
But, when he made the decision to have the US take a supporting role in Libya and let the coalition do much of the heavy lifting, he was a coward.
US did command and control/ flew the most sorties/ used the most missiles/ there was only Great Britian/France/ and the US left of the "coalition" by the end
I remember the propaganda from back then that you puke up as truth. There's a lot you don't know. Ever heard of Terry Norman? Read this...

Yes they are martyrs that deserve the same reverence as fallen soldiers. They are murdered victims of the same war.

The students were communists? Do you realize that most college students at that time had practiced 'duck and cover' when they were in grade school because the communists were going to bomb us? We had been conditioned to hate communism. Communism or communists had nothing to do with what happened at Kent. It was all about ending the war in Vietnam and Cambodia.

If you believe the murdered students got what they deserved, then I hope Karma gives you what you deserve.

They had it coming to them heartstrings and your fellow students were the ones who were responsible for what happened.

Your pathetic, whiny, Oprah like emotional fable doesn't change the fact that both you and them were in full support of the communist enemy in southeast Asia and your violent mob tactics that tried to forcibly change things through intimidation, fear and violence eventually blew up in all your faces at Kent State.

Go cry in your year book sonny. There's nothing you did back then that was noteworthy or honorable except if you want to call your violent mob mentality tactics honorable, you can do it 'till the cows come home because it doesn't change the fact that this martyred shrine of yours got a long overdue dumping on for what it really was from me. And I'll do it again at my disposal.

The left's long bloody march through history made a pit stop at Kent State and your leaders dangled you like puppets in front of the cameras for their own political, radical expediency and now you want sympathy years later for your own foolish foresight of violence.

I don't like anyone calling me a liar but I'll try to be civil.
I doubt that anything I say will convince you, but I was there. Lived in Wright Hall on the 9th floor, had a good view of the campus. I didn't graduate from Kent, I always ran out of money in the spring and had to work in a steel mill to save enough to go back the next year.(no my parents couldn't pay for my education). I finished at Youngstown St. a few yrs later because it was closer and cheaper. Again, I don't care if you believe me.

I wrote this a few yrs ago...
heres what I saw, i'll try to keep it short

I went home on friday afternoon to wash clothes at my folks house (about 40 miles) and to practice with the band on saturday. By the time i got back to Kent on Sunday morning, (Sunday was a study day for me) the N.G. was on every corner and tromping around campus and by sunday nite the shit had hit the fan. To protest Nixon's invasion of Cambodia, some absolutely brainless moron had burnt down the ROTC building either friday or sat nite. (old, empty, wooden structure that was an eyesore). So Rep.Gov Rhodes sent in the troops, some believe he was ordered to do so by Nixon. Sunday nite about 200 students sat down in the middle of the main intersection of the town and refused to move till troops were gone or they had a meeting with the prez of the school or something. I believe they were later dispersed by a massive dose of teargas and many arrested. How do I know? I was trying to get to Water St. and have some beers. and I couldnt get around the protest and the APCs and jeeps and phalanx of troops and spotlights, I was pissed. I grew up around guns, at that time I still killed little animals with shotguns so I had a huge respect for a lot of men together all carrying weapons. In other words I stayed on the perimeter, about 50-100yds from the action. could not get thru so I watched for about an hr. and decided to go back to the dorm. I passed a long line of nat. guardsmen and realized that most of them were about my age. Their uniforms didnt fit, they had spent a night or 2 sleeping on the gym floor and looked a bit haggard. Sometime before midnite helicoptors dropped teargas on campus that caused a lot of yelling and running. I lived on the 9th floor and slept pretty well that nite, but I heard the next morning that the lower floors had a tough time.

next morning i watched from an upper floor for about an hr. Clouds of teargas, squads marching in formation and a group of demonstrators, maybe 20 huddled together. I saw 1 or 2 goobers running up, throw a rock, run away. there might have been an organized demonstration there at the time but I didn't see it. most of the people were trying to get to/from class or had said screw class and were just watching the NG parade around....."

I got my books and tried to go to class, thats when the real shit hit the fan.

Wow, WAY too much about me. Believe it or not, I dont care.

At the time I believed in the protesters cause - but I didn't believe in their methods. I hung with Vets Against The War and realized the only way to stop the illegal wars and to save lives was to get 'joe sixpack' on our side and breaking windows and burning worthless buildings was not the way. Slowly joe came to our side, but many died during the struggle.

I believed this then and I believe it now, although I'm a bit more radical in my old age...

Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate;
only love can do that.
Hate multiplies hate,
violence multiplies violence,
and toughness multiplies toughness
in a descending spiral of destruction....
The chain reaction of evil --
hate begetting hate,
wars producing more wars --
must be broken,
or we shall be plunged
into the dark abyss of annihilation.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Strength To Love, 1963

Thank you for sharing this with us, great post.
I already said, many of them were armed and the police report confirmed it.

They got what they deserved at Kent State. Sorry football shirt for raining on your glorious image of dead martyrs of worship and a shrine of remembrance that gets you off. They got what they deserved.

The ones who were responsible for the dead martyrs of the left were the students themselves who were fully prepared and engaged in mob violence with fires, anarchy , and civil violence against innocent people and deliberate property damage. Kent State was a moral victory for U.S. forces in country in Nam and a reminder of what happens when violence continues as a strategy to change policy.

Your remembered heroes were supporting the communists and trying to keep their own necks safe and out of Vietnam. And it's about time they got trashed and ridiculed right here by yours truly for the unnecessary suffering they caused on an American army that was being bled daily by a communist enemy that relied heavily on the students propaganda campaign of violence in the states and in doing so prolonging that war at the expense of the servicemen you fraud idly claimed that they were trying to help. They were doing no such thing.

The war was NOT prolonged by the student protestors. It was prolonged by a gov't that wanted to be at war because it was good for the economy. It was prolonged because the politicians were running it instead of the generals.

Our soldiers were not being bled by students. They were being bled by idiots in DC who wouldn't fight to win, only to sustain the war.
The war was NOT prolonged by the student protestors. It was prolonged by a gov't that wanted to be at war because it was good for the economy. It was prolonged because the politicians were running it instead of the generals.

Our soldiers were not being bled by students. They were being bled by idiots in DC who wouldn't fight to win, only to sustain the war.

Victory was never an option to begin with. Well, after 1945 anyways.
A poem:

I Was There

I made up a story that I was there, to get the libs to say "I care".

I claimed I saw the stricken youth, trouble is, I have no proof.

I said I was there when the bullets flew, all the libs believe it's true.

My story will now come to an end, as I revel in the credulousness of my liberal friends.
A poem:

I Was There

I made up a story that I was there, to get the libs to say "I care".

I claimed I saw the stricken youth, trouble is, I have no proof.

I said I was there when the bullets flew, all the libs believe it's true.

My story will now come to an end, as I revel in the credulousness of my liberal friends.

Do you know Crash? Has he given you cause to doubt he was there? Or do you just routinely call people liars?

Crash has been around these forums for a long time. He has always been a stand-up sort of fellow. Unless his comments hold some special information, I see no reason to doubt him.
The war was NOT prolonged by the student protestors. It was prolonged by a gov't that wanted to be at war because it was good for the economy. It was prolonged because the politicians were running it instead of the generals.

Our soldiers were not being bled by students. They were being bled by idiots in DC who wouldn't fight to win, only to sustain the war.

What about the police officer the innocent book carrying student and his friends beat nearly to death after they all jumped him in Kent and put him in the hospital?

What about the Molotov cocktails they threw through store windows? The innocent people they terrorized? The campus building they burned down? The rocks they threw at innocent bystanders?

The innocent student in his Buster Brown school suit doesn't say anything about all this.

He who lives by the sword shall perish by the sword and that includes his peers who support him. Violence begets violence.
And I'm going to keep asking you this question until you finally make up your mind to answer it.

What was the national guard doing there in the first place?

They were sent there by Gov. Rhodes to kill students to put an end to war opposition on college campuses and to send a message to this country. Some believe Nixon requested it.
Do you know Crash? Has he given you cause to doubt he was there? Or do you just routinely call people liars?

Crash has been around these forums for a long time. He has always been a stand-up sort of fellow. Unless his comments hold some special information, I see no reason to doubt him.

I don't care what that blockhead believes.
They were sent there by Gov. Rhodes to kill students to put an end to war opposition on college campuses and to send a message to this country. Some believe Nixon requested it.

They were sent by the governor to put down a violent riot and restore order.

YOU mister, killed those students as much as the cowardly administrators who should have locked down the campus and sent everybody home as soon as the trouble started did, as much as your communist activist leaders did who fully expected innocent people getting hurt and killed, and your fellow students did.