Kent State Fun Quiz For Old Time Lefties.

What about the police officer the innocent book carrying student and his friends beat nearly to death after they all jumped him in Kent and put him in the hospital?

What about the Molotov cocktails they threw through store windows? The innocent people they terrorized? The campus building they burned down? The rocks they threw at innocent bystanders?

The innocent student in his Buster Brown school suit doesn't say anything about all this.

He who lives by the sword shall perish by the sword and that includes his peers who support him. Violence begets violence.

Were the students that were murdered the ones who committed the acts of violence?

And don't give me that "They shouldn't have been on campus if they weren't protesting" crap, because the campus was open during the entire fiasco.
Were the students that were murdered the ones who committed the acts of violence?

And don't give me that "They shouldn't have been on campus if they weren't protesting" crap, because the campus was open during the entire fiasco.

I told you, you southern traitor communist loving scalawag that the cowardly college administrators who were progressives like you are and who supported the rioters like you did should have locked the campus down and sent everybody home the minute the trouble started. But they didn't do it because they were afraid of retributions from the rioters while at the same time, they were supporting the rioters just like you did.

You, mister scalawag football shirt have the morals of a snake. YES the students were responsible for the riots just like those cowardly administrators were and just like their communist front leaders were.

And stop giving me your bs line about how the glorious students of Kent State martyrdom were trying to get the troops home. You are a liar with an ends justifies the means mentality agenda.
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That is hilarious coming from someone who supports a violent secession by the southern states.

No it isn't a bit funny knowing that you support a violent means to reach a political conclusion of your liking, scalawag.

You have 0 morals, you pathetic moral relativist nihilist vermin. You have gone on and on trying to defend violent revolution without a single concern for the property rights of others while you continue masturbating over the leftist dinosaurs from long ago that created your entire disgusting presence of moral relativism, ends, means violent hero worship and your glorification of a violent collectivist movement that sends you into erotic nirvana.

You are disgusting.
Paranoia on the part of your beloved political leaders.


And this republican soft shoe who is too cowardly to answer questions about why the guard was present in the first place and why individuals like you support violence to reach a political solution apparently has the same moral value system as you do and that being moral relativism where everything becomes equal and right and wrong no longer exist which allows people like you to justify just about any method available you want in order to achieve a political solution by whatever means including violence.

No wonder him and Cwako or whatever his name is were teary eyed reminiscing about Woodstock.
No it isn't a bit funny knowing that you support a violent means to reach a political conclusion of your liking, scalawag.

You have 0 morals, you pathetic moral relativist nihilist vermin. You have gone on and on trying to defend violent revolution without a single concern for the property rights of others while you continue masturbating over the leftist dinosaurs from long ago that created your entire disgusting presence of moral relativism, ends, means violent hero worship and your glorification of a violent collectivist movement that sends you into erotic nirvana.

You are disgusting.

Oh look, Mr. Hatred wants it to be everyone else's fault. Typical neocon. A paranoid administration requests the National Guard be sent in. Innocent students are murdered. And it is the fault of the college admin and the innocent students.

Oh, during the last couple of days I have talked with numerous Vietnam Vets. Not a single one agrees with you that the Kent State students (or the rioters) did them any harm.
And why do you blame the Kent State students for the 58,000? They wanted you brought home. We had no business there. Even McNamara (may he burn in hell) later admitted it was a mistake. We went in half-heartedly. We let the politicians run the war. And 58,000 of our sons and daughters paid the ultimate price for no reason.

Then there are the walking wounded, the physically wounded and the suicides and for what?
Oh look, Mr. Hatred wants it to be everyone else's fault. Typical neocon. A paranoid administration requests the National Guard be sent in. Innocent students are murdered. And it is the fault of the college admin and the innocent students.

Oh, during the last couple of days I have talked with numerous Vietnam Vets. Not a single one agrees with you that the Kent State students (or the rioters) did them any harm.

Include my husband. He appreciated the demonstrations/demonstrators, he was in Nam 67-68. Dak To in November 1968. He saw hell on Earth. He is part of the walking wounded.
Then there are the walking wounded, the physically wounded and the suicides and for what?

Exactly. We had no business going in there in the first place. And we didn't go in like we wanted to win.

The Chinese had been trying to conquer Vietnam for 1000 years. The French were in there for 40 years before we got there.
Include my husband. He appreciated the demonstrations/demonstrators, he was in Nam 67-68. Dak To in November 1968. He saw hell on Earth. He is part of the walking wounded.

Must be why he's such a racist that he refers to Asians as "gooks".
Dude, really? She tells us her husband served in Vietnam and still suffers from it, and this is your response?

Get over it.
Frog has earned every comment made to or about her.
Go tilt at a different windmill.

OH-BY THE WAY; she's the one who gave out the information about her racist husband and yet she sits here and rails on others and calls them racist(s) or thanks those who do.
Oh look, Mr. Hatred wants it to be everyone else's fault. Typical neocon. A paranoid administration requests the National Guard be sent in. Innocent students are murdered. And it is the fault of the college admin and the innocent students.

Oh, during the last couple of days I have talked with numerous Vietnam Vets. Not a single one agrees with you that the Kent State students (or the rioters) did them any harm.

The Kent State administration was chicken to do anything about it and supportive of the rioters at the same time.

If you're not going to respect the lives and property of other citizens and you deliberately incite a violent riot, innocent people are always going to get killed or injured but this was a case of not so innocent people getting killed.

The ends justifies the means mentality of you and your fellow leftists using violence as a solution to reach a political goal got them killed ... otherwise the guard would have never been called in in the first place. The guard was there to put down a violent riot that was ongoing for two days and put it down they did the hard way.

To the satisfaction of the in country military in Vietnam morale wise and also the huge segment of the American population that was fed up with your heroes of the past violent rioting in front of cameras that were greatly aiding a propaganda war against the United States in Southeast Asia giving great aid and comfort to the communist enemy and finally giving that enemy that was already defeated soundly on the battlefield a final victory.

And once again, the communist front leaders of this mob riot like they did everywhere they incited riots using students as their puppets and arming them with weapons fully anticipated deaths and injury at each so called "demonstration." for propaganda reasons.

They also anticipated that one day, leftist compulsory educated morons like you still unborn would one day glorify their violent ends-means methods and glorify them you do.
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