The hundreds of military bases located overseas, regime change, foreign aid, involvement in civil or tribal wars just to name a few.
How is this meddling? Do you even comprehend beyond the talking points you have been fed why those bases exist or why we were involved in regime change, foreign aid and civil wars?
I am amused by pacifists who think that US involvement in nation building or supporting allies against despotic regimes is somehow to be considered a bad thing. How is Democracy and representative Government a bad thing?
Pacifists also like to forget the efforts of the Former Soviet Union to implement Communism using force, murder and torture for their regime change.
What bases do we have overseas that were not the result of liberating and not at the request and invitation of the nations we have bases in? Answer; NONE.
Now how about you providing some examples of foreign military bases in the US. And also the names of countries supplying aid to us while you're at it. And I don't mean random people sending aid after Katrina or other disasters.
What a laughably inept argument; why do other nations need foreign military bases here?
We do have extensive training facilities here for our allies. They just house with our military on existing bases; no need for separate facilities.
Nobody's stopping other nations from doing what they want. And since when do we look to other countries to show us what to do? A lot of other nations and citizens believed we shouldn't invade Iraq but that didn't stop your Messiah.
Is there a point here? My messiah? You’re arguments are laughably inept and filled with the empty rhetoric of Liberal Democrat talking points.
It doesn’t matter if “other” nations didn’t think we should invade Iraq; the FACT is we had the legal right to form a coalition to go into Iraq and enforce the resolutions Saddam refused to abide by.
How do you pick and choose who to help and who to ignore?
Easy; those who are friendly and support democracy opposed to despots dictators and tyrants who wish to imprison their people and invade neighboring nations who are our allies.
I am not surprised that pacifists still cannot grasp the obvious; reality and the obvious are not their forte’.
The world is full of cruel and vicious rulers that we turn a blind eye to.
This is false; we do not turn a blind eye to them. Our nation and those of free republics clearly recognize them. That doesn’t mean we have to do anything about them unless they attack us or our allies.
Hell, we embrace some of them, the Saudi kings for example.
I am amused, you claim that the Saudi’s are cruel and vicious, yet their citizens are some of the most free and wealthy in the world. Yep, that is certainly cruel.
Maybe you think we have to be the world's moral police, but there's no morality involved, it all boils down to money or resources.
No one suggests we are the worlds “moral” police, which is a leftist talking point. Your claim that it boils down to money and resources is also false and cannot be supported by the historical facts. More proof you are more inclined to parrot leftist anti-American talking points than deal in truth or reality.
We spent billions repairing and assisting Europe after WWII. It was called the Martial Plan; the same can be said of Japan. We didn’t reap any economic or monetary gain from it. If anything, they became strong competitors to our own goods and services. That is just one example; there are thousands of others.
If the US does not stand up to brutal and repressive regimes bent on dominating their neighbors, then who?
Naive, take the blinders off.
This is an incredible example irony in the extreme sense of the word coming from someone with such an uninformed historic perspective and who parrots extreme leftist talking points.
reagan and Bush41 "permitted—and frequently encouraged—the flow of money, agricultural credits, dual-use technology, chemicals, and weapons to Iraq."
That is a complete lie. Please substantiate it with some factual links.
Good grief, Detroit made Saddam an honorary citizen in the '80s. As long as we could use him to our ends, we liked him.
This is a loony blogosphere myth that cannot be supported by credible facts; further proof that you selectively get your information from the loony leftist blogs and avoid reality and truth.
Cite any mention of Syria in Obama's campaign platform.
What does this have to do with anything?