Kerry reverts to his roots

This is a blog post you gullible fool. It's not news; you wont find a credible source for this lie.

Good lord; no wonder you voted for Obama. You prove the low information voter claim.

Blind in one eye and can't see out of the other, huh! Explain away the picture of Saddam getting a key to the city. And the article came from CBS news, not a blog.

Better that you let posts drop to the bottom than show your ignorance this way.
Yes free; you know, can come and go as you like. Or do you think the Saudi Kingdom has a fence around the country like a Marxist State?

By the way, if you get your information from HRW; you just may be a gullible fool.

If you're a woman you can't come and go as you please in a car, so you're not free. If you're a woman and can't go to your doctor for treatment without a male escort, you're not free. Apparently for you, human rights abuses mean nothing compared to the ability of men to come and go as they like.

If you don't like HRW by all means source something that shows what I posted was false. I'm patient.
Excuse me; are you trying to say that a Saudi citizen cannot come and go as he pleases? Hell, you don't just create your own set of facts, but your own whacko world bereft of reality or logical reasoning.

I'm amused that someone who wallows in lies claims I am somehow a truth defector. Hell, that isn't as creative as some others I have seen; you lack originality as well as honesty.

:rolleyes: A Saudi male citizen, maybe.

Shed some light on how women who can't drive themselves, wear what they choose, or visit a doctor alone are free.

Maybe you're just one of these clowns who consider women to be property, not persons.
Excuse me; are you trying to say that a Saudi citizen cannot come and go as he pleases? Hell, you don't just create your own set of facts, but your own whacko world bereft of reality or logical reasoning.

I'm amused that someone who wallows in lies claims I am somehow a truth defector. Hell, that isn't as creative as some others I have seen; you lack originality as well as honesty.

If you think people who live and work in Saudi Arabia are free, then I have to come to the conclusion you are trolling. It is a ridiculous statement not based on any facts.
If you think people who live and work in Saudi Arabia are free, then I have to come to the conclusion you are trolling. It is a ridiculous statement not based on any facts.

Nobody could seriously believe most of what he posts. I say troll also.

And Big Money, my guess is a teacher or social psych student writing a thesis on how Americans cling to their political beliefs no matter what.
:rolleyes: A Saudi male citizen, maybe.

Shed some light on how women who can't drive themselves, wear what they choose, or visit a doctor alone are free.

Maybe you're just one of these clowns who consider women to be property, not persons.

Notice how he specified "he" though. I say we slap his butt into a short skirt, smack a wig onto his peanut-brained head, and drop him off in Riyadh!
Notice how he specified "he" though. I say we slap his butt into a short skirt, smack a wig onto his peanut-brained head, and drop him off in Riyadh!

Still mad because nobody wants to see you shirtless?
Sorry, false dichotomy. Learn it here:

Hopefully a very small percentage of the total. But who knows? We didn't even know about Tiger Force until 30 years after it happened. Who can say how much is still being hidden?

And? He was telling the truth. I provided info from others beside him who said the same thing. I gave news articles about My Lai and Tiger Force. You and your pals certainly didn't prove he was lying.

I know it's uncomfortable for you that atrocities were proven and you can't crow about American high standards and exceptionalism during war. Maybe you have PTSD. Seek help from your nearest VA hospital.
[h=1]Will America Ever Grapple with the Atrocities It Committed in Vietnam?[/h]

So you agree with me that the Vietnam Memorial in Washington should be dismantled, you G damned communist loving liar fraud with an overused box, you.

You pathetic Marxist social justice little bitch, we both know that just a handful of American soldiers couldn't possibly be in all those places all over Vietnam at the same time commiting all these war crimes at least a couple three times every week and sometimes every day.
Yes free; you know, can come and go as you like. Or do you think the Saudi Kingdom has a fence around the country like a Marxist State?

By the way, if you get your information from HRW; you just may be a gullible fool.

Surely you're joking.

Saudi Arabia is a BRUTAL regime .. especially for women.


The Saudi Arabian authorities launched a new wave of repression in early 2011 in the context of protests sparked by long-standing grievances over detentions without charge or trial and following the mass protests in the region. A further threat to human rights in Saudi Arabia is a draft law on terrorism that promises to criminalize even the smallest act of dissent. This report calls on the Saudi Arabian authorities to ensure that human rights are respected in law and in practice at all times.

EXCLUSIVE: Saudi Prince Defects, Gives Explosive Interview on Smashing over peaceful Saudi dissent


“The Ministry’s officials investigate “crimes” – they call them “crimes – related to freedom of speech, so they fabricate evidence, don’t allow people to have attorneys – things like that happen all over the place: they even put people under arrest for an indefinite amount of time

“Even if a Court rules to release such a ‘criminal,’ the Ministry of Interior keeps him in prison, even though there’s a court order to release him. There have even been killings –killings! — and as for the external opposition, Saudi intelligence forces find these people abroad: there’s no safety inside or outside the country.”


Regime change in Saudi Arabia is a mortal blow to Al-Qaeda

The uprising in Bahrain sent shock waves across Saudi Arabia. Bahrain is at Saudi Arabia’s doorstep, it’s a Sunni dominated dictatorship, which discriminates heavily against the Shiite majority. The king of Bahrain has used massive disproportionate force against the peaceful protesters, but failed to quell the protesters. The Saudi King has warned that Saudi security forces would intervene to end the protest once and for all. The Saudi regime is deeply worried that any major concessions given to the Shiite in Bahrain would dramatically embolden its own Shiite population, who form the absolute majority in the, oil rich, eastern province.

Saudi Arabia has one of the most repressive, intransigent and brutal regimes on this planet. The powerful religious institution provides the House of Saud with the religious legitimacy to rule, while the royal family provides it with the necessary funding to propagate and export its extremist, hard-line and uncompromising version of Islam (Wahhabie or Salafi). The Saudi religious institution exported its ideology by creating and funding thousands of Madrassas across the world. These Madrassas in Pakistan and Afghanistan are the birthplace of Al-Qaeda and Taleban. They have supplied Al-Qaeda and Taleban with an endless flow of suicide bombers. The religious fatwa’s, which are absolutely vital to provide the religious justification and legitimacy to the suicide bombings and atrocities, emanates from high ranking religious leaders in Saudi Arabia. The overwhelming majority of those clerics are prominent government employees. The former chief of the Saudi Judiciary issued a fatwa calling on Saudis to go to Iraq or pay money to support the then Al-Qaeda leader Al-Zarqawi.

I could post about 100,000 articles that clearly demonstrate the brutality of the Saudis. These facts are well-known to the entire world.

Not sure how you missed this undeniable truth.
So you agree with me that the Vietnam Memorial in Washington should be dismantled, you G damned communist loving liar fraud with an overused box, you.

You pathetic Marxist social justice little bitch, we both know that just a handful of American soldiers couldn't possibly be in all those places all over Vietnam at the same time commiting all these war crimes at least a couple three times every week and sometimes every day.

What a nasty fucking thing you are .. as well as incredibly stupid.

Vietnam Horrors: Darker Yet
Declassified papers show U.S. atrocities went far beyond My Lai.

Did I mention that you are incredibly stupid?

Next time you feel like trying to beat up on a woman and talk about 'her box' .. how about you try taking out your repressive dementia on me. I would enjoy the attempt.
Saudis repressive?

Just a few days ago, Desh was squealing with joy at the news that the Saudis embrace O-BOMB-YA's plans for Syrian aggression.

No poutrage was expressed by JPP feminists in that thread, for some reason.

Outrage is acceptable .. trying to personally demean a woman simply because you disagree is not.

Don't tell me that you don't know how repressive the Saudi are .. and if you don't know, you are hardly in a position for outrage.
Let's see. After the fall of Saigon the country went communist. Now explain how US foreign policy was drastically changed because of it.

I think that Kerry should finish what he started years ago and out all these war criminals one by one.

Even though you had shit in your diapers or you weren't even conceived yet when they went down .. you lying piece of Marxist operative refuse you with your cute little kitty in your avatar.

As I explained, your heroes support for the communists back then during that war such as people like Kerry and Rana needed justification for that support and it came in the form of American Imperialists all over Vietnam committing war crimes daily or almost daily which was the banner passed to a slice of collectivist crap such as yourself and you continue to propagate the lie in order to justify the outcome.

You're nothing but vermin with a propaganda horn for a mouth and you disgust me with every knowledge of your molecular existence.

But you and Kerry and Rana are an unbeatable team of human rights and social justice and war criminals such as those in Vietnam must be outed and exposed.