How does anyone debate with clueless buffoons who utter vulgar diahrea like this?
Isn't it telling that the most vulgar posters on this forum are Liberals with skulls filled with mush and a comprehension of historic facts that could fill a thimble.
That's ridiculous and you know it .. and if you don't know it we can debate about it .. or I can shower you with an abundance of evidence of RW/conservative/republican ignorance that has left them on the brink of irrelevance. Either way you want it brother, but surely, surely you didn't think I was going to agree with that nonsense, even though I am not a liberal.
Frankly, labels don't mean much to me, and on a personal level, they mean almost nothing. It isn't your label that defines you, it is your character .. and character has no political persuasion, no gender, no race, no label at all.
There is a thing on this board whose only purpose for being is to post racist shit about me and black people. Is that motherfucker a 'liberal?'
Do I whine about a racist non-liberal motherfucker using the N word in his every post? ... NO, I do not.
Do I call women I disagree with nasty and fucked up names .. talk about things personal. ... NO, I do not.
This is not about nasty posters .. which are only to be EXPECTED. We're talking POLITICS here .. which is as volatile a subject as religion. Anyone who doesn't expect some degree of volatility on a site dedicated to political conversations from all sides should just grow the fuck up.
My comments are not about nasty postings or posters .. not about volatility on a message board. It's about how we as men treat women that we don't agree with.
I'm sure that some of you heroes have a tendency to want to slap a woman you don't agree with ..
not talking about you personally .. but women on a message board aren't their wives or girlfriends who've probably seen how they treat women up close and personal.
I say this with the recognition that men on this board can do whatever they want just like everybody else .. this is just me asking that we not get nasty with women, and a heads-up that those who do like being nasty with women shouldn't have a problem with my interjection into an over-the-top conversation.
I don't see how that breaks any board rules, so anyone who doesn't like that interjection can kiss my ass.