Kerry reverts to his roots

Equal has nothing to do with it brother. Preference has everything to do with it.
I PREFER to defend women against men .. and I step back if that woman doesn't want me to. Is that 'noble'? Frankly, yes, it is. I have always felt it noble and honorable. I am guided by the vision of noble and honorable men .. you can blame my father for that. Surely you have that capacity of being noble and honorable. I wouldn't respect you if I think you didn't. He won't talk to me, but he might talk to you. All of us have mothers, many of us have sisters and daughters. You should remind him of that .. and free the power of nobility and honor within you brother .. and teach it every chance you get. I say this respectfully.

And you said it well. Respect.
we can either admit that our country did bad things in Vietman like Naplam and my lai or we live in a made up world and are liars.

why do you people SEEK to be seen as idiots?

we either FACE that Bush dropped white phosphorous on Fallugia and torutred people in abu garib or we live in a fantasy land filled with lies.

we either face that Ronny rayguns sold the weapons to Sadam and laughed while he killed Iranians and Kurds with them or we live in la la land with our fingers shoved up our butts.

History will NOT be changed to suit the world of lies you decided to move into fool

Or, we can pretend to clueless morons and believe the lies Kerry uttered and continues to utter. These types of crimes were rare on our side, and when discovered, strongly prosecuted. As opposed to our enemies who had no problems or conscience carrying out there atrocities and whom Braun dead lunatic liberals celebrated as "freedom fighters.".

I cannot imagine what it is like to be a Liberal and wallow on such incredible ignorance and stupidity to utter the unadulterated nonsense that continually erupts from their angry keyboards, but suffice it to say Liberals and their anti-AmeriKa sentiments are the lowest form of scum on the planet.

Tolerant; it is a laughable premise from arrogant buffoons who erroneously think they are the smartest and most caring people on the planet as evidenced by idiots like Kerry, Pelosi, Obama, Biden and AlGore. The Liberal posters on this forum are a brilliant example of the incredible stupidity that defines a Progressive Liberal ideology that sees AmeriKa as the single greates threat to humanity; particularly when a Republican is in charge.

Liberals have the minds of a child; empty, bereft of common sense, naive and incredibly gullible.
It's the Middle East you brain dead leftist buffoon; all the Governments there practice the same religious beliefs. If you think this is unique to Saudi Arabia, you don't get out much. But then that is evidenced by your capacity for clueless rants. Whacko.

women drive all over Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. Most women in Lebanon walk around with the heads uncovered. Women have freedoms in those countries that those in Saudi Arabia can only dream of. I know. I lived and worked there for two years. Clearly, it is YOU who don't get out much.
I think that Kerry should finish what he started years ago and out all these war criminals one by one.

Even though you had shit in your diapers or you weren't even conceived yet when they went down .. you lying piece of Marxist operative refuse you with your cute little kitty in your avatar.

As I explained, your heroes support for the communists back then during that war such as people like Kerry and Rana needed justification for that support and it came in the form of American Imperialists all over Vietnam committing war crimes daily or almost daily which was the banner passed to a slice of collectivist crap such as yourself and you continue to propagate the lie in order to justify the outcome.

You're nothing but vermin with a propaganda horn for a mouth and you disgust me with every knowledge of your molecular existence.

But you and Kerry and Rana are an unbeatable team of human rights and social justice and war criminals such as those in Vietnam must be outed and exposed.

You are a disgusting piece of filth, have fun talking to yourself.
Everybody has a different set of morals, manners, and principles.

Not only do I not attack women, regardless of any disagreement, I also don't like seeing other men attacking women regardless of circumstances .. and I will intervene when I think it necessary.

I don't need to quibble about what is 'fair' .. If it goes too far and gets nasty, I'm going to intervene.

That's just me .. and I don't really care if some men don't agree with that.

It is why we love you!
So you agree with me that the Vietnam Memorial in Washington should be dismantled, you G damned communist loving liar fraud with an overused box, you.

You pathetic Marxist social justice little bitch, we both know that just a handful of American soldiers couldn't possibly be in all those places all over Vietnam at the same time commiting all these war crimes at least a couple three times every week and sometimes every day.

Time for you to take a break from this thread, philly. You're having a meltdown of epic proportions. It's clear the topic is a sore spot for you. Nobody said what you're claiming about a handful of soldiers being everywhere at all times, etc. But the truth of what some people did over there is too much for you to bear, so you're reduced to lying and vulgarity and ignoring real evidence.

The people I know who served in Vietnam all returned with trauma of varying degrees. Most of the soldiers weren't there of their own free will. I despise our government for fighting that war on the backs of the lower and middle classes while the wealthy and connected got deferments. I despise the members of both parties who bought into the domino theory and foisted it on the citizens as their reason for going to war. I despise our government for the way it treated and still treats those who returned with physical and emotional problems. I despise our use of chemicals like Agent Orange and the the lying about long-term effects on our soldiers and the Vietnamese. It was a totally useless, immoral war and a stain on the national character.

None of this seems to matter to you, though. You and your ilk would rather rant on about Kerry than honestly face up to what your government did to you, and continues to do up to this very day. You'd rather glorify the warmongers and chicken hawks who got us into that debacle, and excoriate the people who worked to end it. You need to lance the boil already and honestly acknowledge the real villains from that era.

And as I said before, if you have PTSD, and it sounds like you do, seek help.
It seems to me that your outrage lacks consistency, my good Brother. Perhaps you haven't read any of Desh's messages of love.

Or maybe you didn't see the snarky references to PTSD that some people like to hurl at combat vets who dare to express themselves in manner that makes certain people uncomfortable.

All is fair.

Why is it snarky to suspect someone has PTSD? Apparently you hold the old-school position that mental illness is a shame and embarrassment, not a treatable condition.
Why is it snarky to suspect someone has PTSD? Apparently you hold the old-school position that mental illness is a shame and embarrassment, not a treatable condition.

I notice you don't suspect any liberal vets have this condition.

And I have urged Desh to get help, so your second assertion is also invalid.
Or, we can pretend to clueless morons and believe the lies Kerry uttered and continues to utter. These types of crimes were rare on our side, and when discovered, strongly prosecuted. As opposed to our enemies who had no problems or conscience carrying out there atrocities and whom Braun dead lunatic liberals celebrated as "freedom fighters.".

I cannot imagine what it is like to be a Liberal and wallow on such incredible ignorance and stupidity to utter the unadulterated nonsense that continually erupts from their angry keyboards, but suffice it to say Liberals and their anti-AmeriKa sentiments are the lowest form of scum on the planet.

Tolerant; it is a laughable premise from arrogant buffoons who erroneously think they are the smartest and most caring people on the planet as evidenced by idiots like Kerry, Pelosi, Obama, Biden and AlGore. The Liberal posters on this forum are a brilliant example of the incredible stupidity that defines a Progressive Liberal ideology that sees AmeriKa as the single greates threat to humanity; particularly when a Republican is in charge.

Liberals have the minds of a child; empty, bereft of common sense, naive and incredibly gullible.

They weren't strongly prosecuted, moron. Take My Lai, 26 soldiers were initially charged with criminal offenses or war crimes yet only Calley was convicted. And he only served 3-1/2 years in house arrest.
Time for you to take a break from this thread, philly. You're having a meltdown of epic proportions. It's clear the topic is a sore spot for you. Nobody said what you're claiming about a handful of soldiers being everywhere at all times, etc. But the truth of what some people did over there is too much for you to bear, so you're reduced to lying and vulgarity and ignoring real evidence.

The people I know who served in Vietnam all returned with trauma of varying degrees. Most of the soldiers weren't there of their own free will. I despise our government for fighting that war on the backs of the lower and middle classes while the wealthy and connected got deferments. I despise the members of both parties who bought into the domino theory and foisted it on the citizens as their reason for going to war. I despise our government for the way it treated and still treats those who returned with physical and emotional problems. I despise our use of chemicals like Agent Orange and the the lying about long-term effects on our soldiers and the Vietnamese. It was a totally useless, immoral war and a stain on the national character.

None of this seems to matter to you, though. You and your ilk would rather rant on about Kerry than honestly face up to what your government did to you, and continues to do up to this very day. You'd rather glorify the warmongers and chicken hawks who got us into that debacle, and excoriate the people who worked to end it. You need to lance the boil already and honestly acknowledge the real villains from that era.

And as I said before, if you have PTSD, and it sounds like you do, seek help.

Here, here!
How does anyone debate with clueless buffoons who utter vulgar diahrea like this?

Isn't it telling that the most vulgar posters on this forum are Liberals with skulls filled with mush and a comprehension of historic facts that could fill a thimble.

That's ridiculous and you know it .. and if you don't know it we can debate about it .. or I can shower you with an abundance of evidence of RW/conservative/republican ignorance that has left them on the brink of irrelevance. Either way you want it brother, but surely, surely you didn't think I was going to agree with that nonsense, even though I am not a liberal.

Frankly, labels don't mean much to me, and on a personal level, they mean almost nothing. It isn't your label that defines you, it is your character .. and character has no political persuasion, no gender, no race, no label at all.

There is a thing on this board whose only purpose for being is to post racist shit about me and black people. Is that motherfucker a 'liberal?'

Do I whine about a racist non-liberal motherfucker using the N word in his every post? ... NO, I do not.

Do I call women I disagree with nasty and fucked up names .. talk about things personal. ... NO, I do not.

This is not about nasty posters .. which are only to be EXPECTED. We're talking POLITICS here .. which is as volatile a subject as religion. Anyone who doesn't expect some degree of volatility on a site dedicated to political conversations from all sides should just grow the fuck up.

My comments are not about nasty postings or posters .. not about volatility on a message board. It's about how we as men treat women that we don't agree with.

I'm sure that some of you heroes have a tendency to want to slap a woman you don't agree with .. not talking about you personally .. but women on a message board aren't their wives or girlfriends who've probably seen how they treat women up close and personal.

I say this with the recognition that men on this board can do whatever they want just like everybody else .. this is just me asking that we not get nasty with women, and a heads-up that those who do like being nasty with women shouldn't have a problem with my interjection into an over-the-top conversation.

I don't see how that breaks any board rules, so anyone who doesn't like that interjection can kiss my ass.
It's the Middle East you brain dead leftist buffoon; all the Governments there practice the same religious beliefs. If you think this is unique to Saudi Arabia, you don't get out much. But then that is evidenced by your capacity for clueless rants. Whacko.

Respectfully, that demonstrates NO knowledge of the religions and cultures of the ME.
What fucking communists .. and what fucking era are you in?

How many times do you hear the word 'communists' on this board or in the media from anybody?

Why in the fuck doesn't your creepy ass produce the evidence of how communists :0) are taking over the world.

It does not go without notice that you don't know shit about Vietnam .. surely you weren't there .. and if you doubt that you don't know shit about Vietnam .. debate me about it and I will trash your stupid ass .. that is of course unless you'd much rather pick on a woman you don't know shit about either .. in which case I'm still going to come after your stupid ass.

Well if I wasn't there and I'm only pretending I was there, I still know you weren't there you cock sucking black activist and you were out in the streets probably with Rana trying to get me killed or maimed for life waving your Vietcong flags and putting on a show for the world media cameras.

You're nothing but a black activist communist leaning admitted socialist and don't give me any of your bullshit about degrading women either. That little red bitch got a torch handed to her by you and your then era associates and she's nothing but lying, propagandizing, collectivist garbage.

Now tell everybody what you think about the republicans and conservative women.