Kerry reverts to his roots



Why not debate me and talk about my 'box' and how I get flung around the mall .. or does that leave you with nothing else to talk about?

I'm right here you communist black activist cocksucker.

You think I'm afraid of you?

The three damsels in distress .. ahh wait, let me count .. Darla, Rana, evince .. Christie .. that's four are all liberal feminists, Marxists, propagandists, and probably lesbians.

So what's it to you?
listen big chief little cock,

you don't fucking scare me one ounce.

I do scare the fuck out of you with facts every day though
Time for you to take a break from this thread, philly. You're having a meltdown of epic proportions. It's clear the topic is a sore spot for you. Nobody said what you're claiming about a handful of soldiers being everywhere at all times, etc. But the truth of what some people did over there is too much for you to bear, so you're reduced to lying and vulgarity and ignoring real evidence.

The people I know who served in Vietnam all returned with trauma of varying degrees. Most of the soldiers weren't there of their own free will. I despise our government for fighting that war on the backs of the lower and middle classes while the wealthy and connected got deferments. I despise the members of both parties who bought into the domino theory and foisted it on the citizens as their reason for going to war. I despise our government for the way it treated and still treats those who returned with physical and emotional problems. I despise our use of chemicals like Agent Orange and the the lying about long-term effects on our soldiers and the Vietnamese. It was a totally useless, immoral war and a stain on the national character.

None of this seems to matter to you, though. You and your ilk would rather rant on about Kerry than honestly face up to what your government did to you, and continues to do up to this very day. You'd rather glorify the warmongers and chicken hawks who got us into that debacle, and excoriate the people who worked to end it. You need to lance the boil already and honestly acknowledge the real villains from that era.

And as I said before, if you have PTSD, and it sounds like you do, seek help.

You claimed that Vietnam vets were war criminals or are you now reneging on that and admitting that Kerry was a liar?

You can't have it both ways, you little red bastard from communist training school. Now which is it?

Should the memorial in DC be dismantled?

Should Kerry reopen his winter soldier meeting and begin investigations on war crimes committed by U.S. servicemen in Vietnam?

And don't you dare call me mentally incompetent, you G damned little Red bitch, you either agree with Kerry or you don't agree with Kerry.

Which is it?
I'm right here you communist black activist cocksucker.

You think I'm afraid of you?

The three damsels in distress .. ahh wait, let me count .. Darla, Rana, evince .. Christie .. that's four are all liberal feminists, Marxists, propagandists, and probably lesbians.

So what's it to you?

:0) Then by all means do proceed to tell me about how few atrocities the US committed in Vietnam .. and you may notice nthat I'm ahead of your ignorant ass and posted the evidence of your ignorance already.

Afraid of me? :whoa: I'm a blip on your computer screen you cowardly little bitch. Why would 'afraid' enter into your head?

It's because you're a bitch. :0) Of course you are. Who the fuck else BUT a bitch would be afraid of a computer screen.

What's it to me .. nothing. I simply choose to do it.

Feeling powerless maybe? Mean ol' black guy using me like a whore. :0)

But I digress .. your bitch-like nature aside ..

Impress me with your vast knowledge of the events of Vietnam. Given that you have got to be the last motherfucker to be talking about 'communists' .. I'm sure you've got some real interesting shit to say .. and don't get dem' panties all twisted if I use bad language in my response. :0)
Why is it snarky to suspect someone has PTSD? Apparently you hold the old-school position that mental illness is a shame and embarrassment, not a treatable condition.

There's nothing mentally wrong with me, you G damned graduated from communist training school operative.

You're a lying through your teeth, Marxist operative.

Throughout this entire thread you've done nothing but lie and support Kerry's assertions and lies. You're a committed leftist who's been handed a torch of Marxist lies about the era and you propagate on it.
fuck you little cock.

take your balls out of your own mouth long enough to back your bluster.

attacking women on the internets is so fucking brave huh
And here's the "tough guy" of the foursome. What do they call them .. the butch or something?

Why are you talking to her you fucking whore?

Thought you weren't 'afraid' to debate ME.

.. and yes, bring bad language and reach for racist insult if you need to .. and you will.

Let's have an intellectual duel of war.
Why are you talking to her you fucking whore?

Thought you weren't 'afraid' to debate ME.

.. and yes, bring bad language and reach for racist insult if you need to .. and you will.

Let's have an intellectual duel of war.

Debate you about what?

Your side won the Vietnam war, I've already stated that several times already.

Now I'm trying to get here to either admit Kerry was lying or support removing the memorial in Washington.

Now you're for that and so is she.
Why is it snarky to suspect someone has PTSD? Apparently you hold the old-school position that mental illness is a shame and embarrassment, not a treatable condition.

For years and years my brothers and I have been carrying around this war criminal stigma pasted on us by Kerry and the anti Vietnam left and this charming by product of Marxist mania has simply picked up where they left off and has brazenly continued to do the exact same thing.

The country treated us like crap on account of it and recently the country has admitted that it has been ashamed of itself for doing so and is trying to make amends for such. The country is making extra efforts to make sure that what happened to us does not happen to the returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. And this alone has made it all worth while and the best apology we could have received with it being too late of an apology for us alone.
Debate you about what?

Your side won the Vietnam war, I've already stated that several times already.

Now I'm trying to get here to either admit Kerry was lying or support removing the memorial in Washington.

Now you're for that and so is she.

Thank you.

"My side" won the Vietnam war?

I was in the military .. which side was mine?

Who gives a rats ass about a stupid ass 'memorial?' Nearly 60,000 American men and women in uniform lost their lives over a goddamn lie .. or is that news to you?

Gulf of Tonkin? Ever heard of that?

Domino theory? Ring any bells?

Shell Oil? Every heard of them?

You can fool yourself into a patriotic orgasm about the memorial all you want, but in reality you're just an old fool still fighting a war we lost.

The saddest part about this conversation is that I'd rather not have it. You and I have been having conversations for a long time. Truth be told, I've always liked you .. even though some of your comments border on the creepy. I'd rather not that we engage in this way .. but if you persist in the nasty responses to women, you leave me no choice. Call me anything you want .. all I'm asking for is a modicum of civility.
For years and years my brothers and I have been carrying around this war criminal stigma pasted on us by Kerry and the anti Vietnam left and this charming by product of Marxist mania has simply picked up where they left off and has brazenly continued to do the exact same thing.

The country treated us like crap on account of it and recently the country has admitted that it has been ashamed of itself for doing so and is trying to make amends for such. The country is making extra efforts to make sure that what happened to us does not happen to the returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. And this alone has made it all worth while and the best apology we could have received with it being too late of an apology for us alone.

You can't take that out on everybody who did not support the war .. ESPECIALLY in the hindsight that they were RIGHT not to support it.

You were there .. you know the horror of it. THEY WERE RIGHT to stand against what we did in Vietnam.

Most of your brothers in arms have come to terms with that absolute truth.