Time for you to take a break from this thread, philly. You're having a meltdown of epic proportions. It's clear the topic is a sore spot for you. Nobody said what you're claiming about a handful of soldiers being everywhere at all times, etc. But the truth of what some people did over there is too much for you to bear, so you're reduced to lying and vulgarity and ignoring real evidence.
The people I know who served in Vietnam all returned with trauma of varying degrees. Most of the soldiers weren't there of their own free will. I despise our government for fighting that war on the backs of the lower and middle classes while the wealthy and connected got deferments. I despise the members of both parties who bought into the domino theory and foisted it on the citizens as their reason for going to war. I despise our government for the way it treated and still treats those who returned with physical and emotional problems. I despise our use of chemicals like Agent Orange and the the lying about long-term effects on our soldiers and the Vietnamese. It was a totally useless, immoral war and a stain on the national character.
None of this seems to matter to you, though. You and your ilk would rather rant on about Kerry than honestly face up to what your government did to you, and continues to do up to this very day. You'd rather glorify the warmongers and chicken hawks who got us into that debacle, and excoriate the people who worked to end it. You need to lance the boil already and honestly acknowledge the real villains from that era.
And as I said before, if you have PTSD, and it sounds like you do, seek help.